Steve Foldes

was particularly moved by my experience at Yad Vashem, given my family’s history. Holocaust education is extremely important to me, especially educating Jewish and non-Jewish students. I am an avid tennis player and proudly represented the United States in the Maccabia Games in Israel and the Pan American Maccabia Games in both Argentina and Chile, winning gold and silver medals. This passion for tennis is also one of the reasons why I support Israel Tennis Centers. Through the Federation’s Create a Jewish Legacy program, Nadine and I ensured that our support of the Jewish community will continue beyond our lifetime. In celebration of her 60th birthday, Nadine endowed her Lion of Judah and in 2014, we established the Foldes Family Philanthropic Foundation as a meaningful way to involve our children, Tracy, Adam and Craig, and one day our grandchildren, Ty and Max Cohen, in philanthropy.

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