Missions: Preparation, involvement, and harvest
Will the college you choose keep its promise?
Promises can be dangerous, especially in our fast-moving society. Political leaders make statements that sometimes are misleading. Business executives do not always carry through. Even church leaders get trapped in this dilemma. You're probably very skeptical about the whole idea of promises, especially when considering a college education. Magazine ads become very competitive in listing the qualities and plus factors of their institutions. But what promises can a college actually fulfill? Doesn't it really depend on you? What do you want in college? How much do you want to succeed? What is your determination? Biola College can make many promises. For example: large campus in Southern California; regional and professional accreditation; 21 academic majors; tremendous opportunities in music, athletics, Christian outreach; excellent percentage of faculty with earned doctorates, etc. But the real issue lies with you. Your involvement claims the promises. It will cost you something financially. Academic standards and Christian guidelines are key requirements. But isn't that what you want in college? Write for more details.
Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home r ------------
TH E K IN G ’S 1 { j j BUS INESS
THE KING'S BUSINESS Magazineis a Publication ofBIOLA SchoolsandColleges, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor, S. H. Sutherland. President.
THY YOUTH —Ecclesiastes 12.1
Chickens and Missions
Preparing Missionaries for the Task
God in the Wings Short-Term Missionaries
If Nobody Comes after the Last Verse . . . 22 PHILIP E. ARMSTRONG Facts and Figures in Today’s Missions 24
Education and Missions: A Divorce? Christmas in Greater Europe The Holy Birthday-Man in China
Christmas is for Giving
The “Macedonian Call” to India
The Prayer Chimes
Book Highlights and Reviews Message from the Editor
People in the News Over a Cup of Coffee Innovations in Learning
HOLY HiltI.ti
Christian Workers' Clinic
COVER Today’s missionary needs a practical education in order to be of utmost benefit on the mission field. Students completing a summer with Practical Missionary Training are ready for the task. See story beginning on page 10. Photos by Ken Bemis and mem bers in the PMT program.
There is no book of guidance, no textbook for the young, that can equal the Great Textbook of the Ages — the Book that gives us rules for living that will never be superseded, that will never pass away. There are no Bibles made with more care and skill than the Bibles made in Cambridge,wheretheprintingof Bibles has been a responsibility of fine craftsmen since the sixteenth century.
Editor Managing Editor Art and Production Copy Editor Treasurer Christian Education Editor
S. H. Sutherland Bill Ehmann John Ozmon Betty Bruechert Paul Schwepker H. Norman Wright
The King’s Business, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, Calif. 90638 r E V A N G E L IC A L PRESS A S SO C IA TIO N Subscription Rates: THE KING'S BUSINESS is published monthly with the exception of July/August issue which is combined. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Add 90 cents extra for Canadian and Foreign subscriptions. Allow one month for a change of address to become effective. Please' send both old and new address. Re mittances should be made by bankdraft, express, or post office money order payable to THE KING'S BUSINESS. Advertising: For information address the Advertising Manager, THE KING'S BUSINESS, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. Manuscripts: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. MEMBER
Sex Education inthe HomeandSchool
Beginning with this issue, THE KING’S BU S INE S S Magazine has expanded the emphasis on Christian reading. The books will be divided into three categories: Christian Edu cation, Family, Pastor. It is the hope and prayer o f the editors that many Christians will be challenged with the opportunity of purchasing and using the many fine volumes which are available. Specific questions may be di rected to Managing Editor, c /o THE KING’S BUSINESS, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, Cali fornia 90638. Christian Education This delightful little book on Christian Missions is extremely readable and challenging as it is a book of sermons given by one who has the ability to communi cate in an interesting maimer and the life experience to back-up his thesis. Those who are already in terested in m i s s i on s will be thrilled as they are caught up in the excitement o f being involved in the biggest business in the world. Those that have little in terest in missions will have to face honestly the Biblical priority given to the evangelization of the world. The personal examples and illustrations are tied in with an honest evaluation and look at mis sions today, and the reviewer rec ommends, very highly, this book to all Christians. — 126 pages; cloth binding; William B. Eerd- mans Pub. Co.; $2.95. Reviewed by Clyde Cook, Director o f Mis sions, Biola College. THE SUPREME TASK OF THE CHURCH by John T. Seamands
PURPLE VIOLET SQUISH by David Wilker- son.152 pages;cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. The au thor of THE CROS AND THE SWITCHBLADE appraises the present-day teenscene as he sees it. SUGGESTIONS AND MATERIALS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE’S PROGRAMS by Flora E. Breck. 74 pages; paper; Baker Book House,Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. PROGRAMS FOR SPECIAL DAYS by LeilaT. Ammerman. 76 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde, Natick, Mass.;$2.00. Poems and skits for use on many holidaysthroughout the year. HYMN STORIES FOR PROGRAMS by Ernest K. Emurian. 148 pages; Baker BookHouse, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. Background on the writing of many well-known hymns in cluding “Rise Up, OhMenOf God," "Almost Persuaded,” “Hallelujah, What A Saviour!" “The Old Rugged Cross." INSTALLATION SERVICES FOR ALL GROUPS byAmy Bolding. 126pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashvile, Term.; $2.95. DEVOTIONAL TALKS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS byVirginia Whitman. 64 pages; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; $1.00. This is No. #2 in a series. FIFTY-NINE PROGRAMS FOR PRE-TEENS by Phyllis Woodruff Sapp. 144 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $3.50. An other volume of helpful programs by the author ofCREATIVE TEACHING IN THE SUN DAY SCHOOL. THIRTEEN NEW JUNIOR YOUTH PROGRAMS by Doris Louise Seger.80 pages; paper; Scripture Press Publications, Wheaton, II.; $1.50. Helpful ideasfor worship services, puzzles, devotions, publicity, and skits. ENJOY YOUR BIBLE by Irving L. Jensen.127 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, II.; $.50. Helps in Bible study centeredaround themes ofapreciating, approaching, absorb ing, analyzing, and applying the Bible. STORIES OF CHRISTMAS CAROLS by Ernest
YOURFREE COPYJUST OFF THEPRESS! A balanced, Christ-centered approach which every Christian should read. Presents: Issues behind the scenes, A blow to morals?, Psychological implications, What parents can do. Read it and give it to others. The author served 14 years as psychologist in the public schools. Gentlemen: Please send me the following: □ New Sex Education Book □ Brochure on the new Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (Christian). Name-__________________________ Street— _________________________ City--------------------------------;_____________ State-------------------------7ip NARRAMORE CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 The Narramore Christian Foundation is a Faith Organization, supported by those who care.
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K. Amurian. 149 pages; paper; Baker Bo k House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. Back ground on many familiar Christmas carols including “Angels FromThe RealmsOf Glo ry," “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear," and "Silent Night.” JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM by Robert and JeanaGram. 55 pages; paper; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $1.50. A Christmas contatafor children’s voices. Family This volume deals with more than just Teen-age-parent rela tionship. There is a definite focus upon the function of husband and wife as a team and their personal relationship as the basis for child- rearing. The book progresses from this foundation to a philoso phy of child-raising and ultimate ly to the world o f teen-agers. This work deals with specific discipline and developmental problems with ample illustrations and examples. Subjects considered are children’s potentials, authority, freedom , punishment, s i len t teen-agers, problem talkers and a score of other subjects. The book could be o f assistance to those who need direction in these given areas but for some who are informed in this subject it may be somewhat repe titious of other similar works. It would be helpful to have available for the specific insights developed by this author. — 144 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House; $3.50. Reviewed by Mr. H. Nor man Wright. ANOTHER HAND ON MINE by Wiliam J. Peterson.80 pages; paper; GoodNews Pub lishers, Westchester, III.; no price listed. Biography of Dr. CarlK. Becker ofthe Africa Inland Mision. NOT MADE FOR DEFEAT by Douglas Hall. 192 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. The au thorized biography of Oswald J. Smith. ESCAPE FROM EMPTINESS by John D. Jes. GUIDING TEEN-AGERS TO MATURITY by J. H. Waterink
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Cont. on P. 6
Although different in scope and thrust, these two recent works from the pens o f Catholic laymen both provide interesting insights into the Roman Church o f Vati can II. Scharper’s work which, in terestingly, was published by the Southern Baptis t B roadman Press, takes the reader through the present house o f Rome from the unused parlor o f “ points of view the Church once held but which it has either changed or is in the process o f ch a n g in g ” through the dining room o f wor ship, the quarters of the bishops, religious orders and the Pope. In tended to expose the wary Prot estant to the modern Catholic, it does just that in a most enjoyable, readable manner. The mood changes somewhat in Duquesne’s A Church Without Priests? from the confident, basic ally happy guide who recognizes certain problems but sees the trends moving in a satisfactory direction to a problem becoming o f increasing c on c e rn to the Church — departures from the priesthood. The reasons for the crises, according to Duquesne, stem all the way from the authori tarian, monarchical aristocractic structure to celibacy and the loss o f self-identity in the ministry. The suggested road out of the present dilemma o f the Church lies basically in the de-clericaliza- tion o f the ministry. These books not only provide the reader with an up-to-date glimpse of the Catholic Church, but also they broach many areas o f concern among Protestants as well, particularly those tending toward denominational hierarchi cal structures. Meet the American Catholic by Philip J. Scharper, Broadman Press, 1969, 151 pp., $3.95 and A Church Without Priests? by Jacques Duquesne, The MacMil lan Co., 1969, 192 pp., $4.95. Reviewed by Robert L. Saucy, Prof, of Systematic Theology, Talbot Theological Seminary. EVANGELISTIC SERMON OUTLINES AND RE VIVAL SERMON OUTLINES both volumes com
Cont. from p. 5 TEN MUSLIMS MEET CHRIST by Wiliam McElwee Miler. 147pages; paper; Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. The story of ten Muslims who were converted to Christianity through missionary efforts. STAND ON YOUR OWN TWO FEET by Hugh M. Salisbury. 162 pages; paper; Tyndale House Publishers,Wheaton, III.; no price listed.Ideas in this bookare based upon the course contemporary youth problems taught bytheauthor forsix years at Seattle Pacific College. STUDIES IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST by Irving L. Jenson. 112 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; $.95. One of the Bible self- study series concerning eventsinthe lifeand ministry of Jesus Christ. SOURCEBOOK FOR MOTHERS by Eleanor Doan. 278 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish ing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $5.95. A compilation of readings, banquet ideas, toasts, poems, seed thoughts, devotional thoughts, plays, and dialogues. A MOVEMENT OF MYSTERY by PatBaldwin. 48 pages; paper; Victory Press; distributed by Christian LiteratureCrusade, Ft. Washing ton, Pa.; $.69. An introduction to Streatley family as they moveto the mil house in Littleford, where it is not long before two of its members are caught up in a bit of detectionwork. REFLECTIONS by RuthJohnsonJay. 64pages; paper; Back to theBible Broadcast, Lincoln, Neb.; $.50. Devotional thoughts on the life of the LordJesusChrist. PAUL MORE THAN CONQUEROR by Dr. F. B. Meyer.64 pages; paper; God NewsPub lishers, Westchester, III.; no price listed. This edition is condensed from the book PAUL A SERVANT OF JESUS CHRIST published by Marshall, Morgan, and Scot, London, Eng land. It is a one-evening book on practical Christianvictory based on the life of the Apostle Paul. PASSPORT TO CITY LIFE by Sherwood Elliot Wirt. 207 pages; cloth; Harper and Rowe Publishers, New York, N.Y.; $4.95. A modem pilgrim's progress writ en by the editor of Decision magazine. Pastor MEET THE AMERICAN CATHOLIC by Philip J. Scharper A CHURCH WITHOUT PRIESTS? by Jacques Duquesne
piledby Charles R. Wood. 64 pages; paper; KregelPublications, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50 each. MOUNTAIN PEAKS OF CHRIST by Tom Ma lone.229 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Murfeesboro, Tenn.; $3.00. Studies in the life of Christ concerning His virgin birth, baptism, resurection, ascension, andother pertinent topics. FAVORITE CHAPTERS OF THE BIBLE by John R. Rice. 462 pages; cloth; Sword ofthe Lord Publishers, Murfresboro, Tenn.; $3.95. Fifty heart-warming messages on 23 of the best lovedchapters in the Bible. CONQUEST AND CRISIS by John J. Davis. 176 pages; paper;Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. Studies in Joshua, Judges, andRuth. EZRA AND NEHEMIAH by G. Coleman Luck. 127 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, II.; $.95. A commentary on these two books of the Old Testament that tel of courage and dedication. THE SWORD SCRAPBOOK compiled by John R. Rice. 209pages; cloth; Sword ofthe Lord Publishers, Murfresboro, Tenn. More than 1000gems of devotion, wit, humor, and truth takenfrom 34 years ofTHE SWORDOF THE LORD Magazine. THE HOPE OF GLORY by Marcus Loane.160 pages; cloth; Word Books Publishers, Waco, Tex.; $3.95. Anexposition ofthe eight chap ter in thebook of Romans. BLUE DENIM AND LACE by Jack Hyles. 175 pages; cloth; Hyles Anderson Publishers, Hammond, Ind.; $3.00. Philosophies based on the personal life and ministry of Dr. Jack Hyles,pastor of First Baptist Church, Ham mond, Indiana. CHRIST IN THE OLD TESTAMENT byJohn R. Rice. 257 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Murfresboro, Tenn.; $3.00. A discussionof Old Testament pasages which reveal the Sonof God. THROUGH NIGHT TO MORNING by Ace B. Dickson.24 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. The volume in the minister's paperback library series with gospel messages for soul win ning and edificationfor the saints. WE WOULD SEE JESUS AND OTHER SER
MONS byGeorge W.Truett. 224 pages;paper; BakerBook House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. A volume in theminister’s paperback library series.
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R ecent reports from Mexico sent to us by Jerry Larson, s u m m e r m i s s i o n a r y o f FARMS, reveal that the average per-capita income o f the nationals surveyed is $45.00 a year. This and other similar surveys point up some of the problems we are facing in underdeveloped coun tries. For one thing, the people are extremely poor and usually malnourished. Then too, all the families interviewed are follow ing agricultural pursuits, which is true of seventy-five percent of inhab i tan t s of underdeveloped countries. Obviously these people are trying to feed themselves, yet it is very difficult for them to do so because they lack the means of food production, such as hybrid seeds, fertilizers, improved live stock (especially well-bred poul try), practical bu i ld in g s and equipment. FARMS is an interdenomina tional, non-profit service in agri culture which works with Chris tian missions on the international field to provide the means o f food production and on-the-job train ing for family projects. It ad dresses itself to the needs o f all hungry people and expresses the compassion o f Christ by starting its ministry with needy believers. The best way to help everybody in general is to help somebody in particular. If we are going to con vince hungry mankind that God, as revealed in Christ, is the an swer to all their needs then it must be evident to them that He is the answer to the needs o f those who trust Him. Because of an almost universal interest in chickens and the need for eggs, the core project of FARMS is laying hens. The egg is nature’s most perfect protein food. It is the ideal solution to the Cont. on p. 41 THE KING'S BUSINESS
G O D M A D E H is
Christmas 1969 God did a wonderful thing that first / Christmas day. . . the day He made good His promise to man I He had long ago vowed to send a Saviour to redeem lost men. But how? When? Under what circumstances? r^, Questions. Many questions. So many doubts. The promise grew vague. Distant. Obscure. But God always keeps His word! Bethlehem's manger entertained the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God I incarnate, that first Christmas day. And
God proved His love for the world through the gift of the Saviour. But what of God's promise today? Modern man pierces the Universe with pinpoint precision . . . streaks a path through planet-strewn space . . . probes the mysteries of creation. Yet, his de pendence on God is as essential today as yesterday. And God's promise to men isasvalid now as then. For today, as on that first Christmas day, God fulfills the promise of eternal life to all who will receive by faith His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
President Hudson T. Armerding and the Wheaton College faculty thank each one who shares in helping us to offer liberal arts education in the context of Biblical truth and the Christian commitment. WHEATON C O L L E G E W H E A T O N , I L L I N O I S "For Christ and His Kingdom" Since 1860
WHERE CAN A JEW FIND CHRIST? On street corners, in homes, in shops, and in our witnessing cen ters, our workers faith fully proclaim the story of redemption accord ing to Moses and the prophets, and the gos pel message from the New Testament, and Jews are finding the Saviour. For help in witnessing, or for your own spiritual need, write to: Rev. A. A. MacKinney General Director American Messianic Fellowship 7448 N. Damen Avenue, Chicago, III. 60645 to determine with certainty the disposal after their death of that which the Lord entrusted to their stewardship without delays, deductions, inheritance taxes, and probate court costs. generous income, and
*a message from the editor "
HIGH HEMLINEÍ R ecently , a report has been released which was conducted by an organization known as Hollywood Social Studies. Officials of 128 representative cities in the United States were sent a ques tionnaire. One reply per city was sought from the police chief, vice squad commander, or juvenile division commander—men and wom en in a position to know what they were talking about. All 56 of the nation’s largest cities, a quarter o f a million and up, were sur veyed; 72 others, ranging down to 10,000 population, were also included in this survey. Officials in over half of the largest cities and almost half of those in the smaller cities replied. On the central question, the largest cities voted in a ratio of 31:1 that there is a probable connection between mini skirts and the rise o f sex crimes. A girl is more likely to be a victim o f a sex crime, including statutory rape, if she wears a mini skirt. Replies also were 56:2 (56 yes, 2 no) that the combination of pornography and revealing clothing is more dangerous than either alone. It was unanimously believed that provocative clothing, such as mini skirts, could and probably did encourage some emotionally immature men toward sex crime. It was reported 43:8 that the general decline of morals among youth had as a contributing cause the short skirt fad. The report o f police officials was 32:1 to the effect that the ever shorter dresses on young girls should be considered a possible cause of increased cases o f molestation. Some of the cities reporting said that they were not in a position to report because they did not have statistics available on this particular point. All reported that the sex crime rise began in 1964. Prior to 1964, skirts invariably cov ered the knees when girls were either standing or seated, but at that time the skirts began to slide above the knees when a girl sat down. Later that year designers of Paris and London displayed fashions inches above the knee and the “mini skirt” was born. One juvenile bureau commander of an Eastern city of over 350,000 reported that “the unavoidable sight of short skirts causes an inner problem to all normal boys.” The police chief o f another large city thought most boys had such a problem from the very nature of human beings. Mini skirts were brought into fashion by a designer named Mary Quant of London, England, who is recognized as “ the mother of the mini skirt” . She was quoted in a 1967 news article, in which she stated, “Mini clothes are symbolic of those girls (like herself) who didn’t want to wait until dark to ‘seduce a man into bed’.” The mini clothes fad was invented and created by one who delib erately set about seducing young men and older men as well. From a city of approximately % of a million people, the com mander of the juvenile department wrote: “ I personally feel we are in great trouble; immorality has taken over and if you attempt to do anything about it, they say you are old-fashioned.” Many others expressed the same concern over the growing problem. The majority o f those replying thought that the provocative styles even added to race tensions. One police chief wrote, “ very definitely” .
A Jewish boy accepted a tract, "Isaiah's Por trait of Messiah" and immediately asked, "Can you tell . me more about this?" There on a street corner in Chicogo a 12 year old boy listened intently to the skillful presentation of the Scriptures and ac cepted Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Sav iour. A middle-aged Jew ess, after hearing the gospel for several years at Miami Beach called and said, "I am terribly distressed. Please come over. I must find the Lord today."
ANNUITY PLAN Payments as high as eight percent for those in the higher age brackets. Annuitants are enabled to receive throughout life a
AMF - 7448 N. DAMEN STREET C H ICA G O , ILLINOIS 60645 □ PLEASE SEND COPY OF AMF M ONTHLY & LITERATURE □ I AM INTERESTED IN INFORMATION O N AN N UITY PLAN. NAME ADDRESS___________________________________________________ CITY - STATE__________Z O N E ___________ HAWAIIAN PROPHETIC CONGRESS BEGINNING MAY 25, 1970 SPEAKERS Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Los Angeles l\, V&J Dr. Bruce Dunn 10 THE KING'S BUSINESS " D a _—S . ( J .S utítehJícuuL PRESIDENT, OIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, INC. HIGH CRIME The majority also thought that the increased tension from seeing the revealing styles tended to increase other problems as well, such as vandalism, reckless driving, drug use, drunkenness, and other sins of our sick society. These lawmen very clearly state that the short skirt fad is more than a fashion. In their professional opin ion, they agree that it is, instead, a menace! The conclusions brought out in the survey conducted by the Hollywood Social Studies, are stated by the organization, “Mini- skirted girls are more likely to be crime victims; short skirts may encourage some emotionally immature young men to commit sex crimes; these subjective effects of wearing daring clothing may involve a girl in immoral behavior; and the ever shorter dresses of young girls is a probable cause of increased molestation. Finally, many have agreed that the decline of teenage morals has been speeded by this fad in what one juvenile commander sadly called, ‘our foolishly permissive society’.” As far as this editor knows, this was the first comprehensive study o f the problems of the mini skirt that has been conducted on a nationwide basis. If this had been conducted by some funda mentalist group, it would have been condemned as a biased, rigged report put out by a group of killjoys. But such a charge cannot be laid at the door o f the Hollywood Social Studies Group. The con clusions certainly cannot be fairly refuted. The experiment in mini skirts has been carried on for a sufficient length o f time in order to see some of these disastrous results. Of course, the National Council of Churches and its member denominations would never think of carrying on any sort of cru sade to correct this trend. In all too many instances Bible-believing Christians know that this trend is morally wrong from the author ity of the Word of God but they are howled or hooted down by those who have an utterly perverted sense of what is morally right and what is morally wrong. It is extremely difficult for a good, morally-clean girl to face the ridicule of her student colleagues if she wears a modest length dress. Such pressures in high school are more than most girls can withstand. One of the saddest features o f the problem is that often many fine Christian mothers are per fectly willing to encourage their daughters to wear these mini skirt type of dress in the hope that they will make their daughters more popular. The tragedy is that when these girls wear these short dresses and are molested or tempted beyond their ability to withstand, they find themselves trapped in the meshes o f immoral ity. Then their indulgent parents are shocked, chagrined, and feel that they have been disgraced. Pastors report that this is one of the greatest problems that they have to deal with in their present- day activities. It is a most regrettable situation indeed but such parents have no one to blame but themsleves. Our young people need more earnest prayer offered in their behalf than at any time in any previous generation. God grant that we might be found faithful in this particular responsibility that we have! kb A father's desperate struggle through months o f red tape to obtain his son's release from Castro's prison a dramatic, contemporary account of our TIME at your bookstore M O O D Y P R E S S / C H I C A G O Reach Children! 6 pages — 3 colors 50 for $1.00 100 for $2.00 postpaid 1000 for $17.50 postpaid C H U R C H PRESS Box 551 Glendale, Calif. 91209 H e lp S a v e a C h i ld from Starvation and for Service! 50 years ago, Leslie Anglin began rescuing homeless boys and girls in China, winning Samuel C. Hsiao w as r e s c u e d in them to Christ, training them c n m a as a boy. f0r service. Many, including Samuel Hsiao, became widely used Christians. Sponsor a child—only SI 5.00 a month. Today the Home works in Hong Kong, Qeirut, Leb anon, and Ramallah, Jordan with the help of hundreds of supporters like you. You can help support a child for only $15.00 a month. ! H O M E O F O N E S I P H O R U S Dept. It ; 3519 N. Hamlin kit., Chicago, III. U t il , ( ) Send information ( ) Enclosing my gift >i Hast__________________________ 0 > Address______________________________ . 1 11 DECEMBER, 1969 those who soon returned home un able to cope with “ the frustration and discouragement, disappoint ment in evangelism, failure to hurdle the language and cultural barriers, incompatibility with fel low missionaries and nationals and a general, underlying lack of spiritual depth and maturity.” Dr. Smith believed that through a practical, firsthand experience in the foreign mission field, young people who wanted to serve their Lord would be far better equipped to fight, not only the physical hardships, but also “ the more subtle and far more dangerous at tacks of the enemy.” With this purpose, P r a c t i c a l Missionary Training was founded and has offered this effective summer pro gram each year. Today PMT offers this experi ence to c o l l e g e sophomore-age young people who are spiritually mature and who are sincerely seeking the Lord’s guidance both daily and concerning their life’s work. PMT states that trainees must be “missionary volunteers, i.e., willing to serve the Lord wherever He might lead, at home or abroad, ready to trust God for every need.” During the course of the summer, the trainees write a prayer letter to those at home who have financially or prayer fully supported them and to those interested in the work o f PMT. Many times they have the oppor tunity to share their experiences in their home church also. This is just one phase of the practical training in missionary work. Each summer a group of train ees travel to a foreign country. In recent years they have gone to Mexico and Central America, where they visited missionaries and were involved at least par tially in the routine of daily mis sionary life and work. Led by Rev. Ken Bemis, PMT Director, and Rev. Ken Royer, the group first travels to Mexico City where they study during a two-week orientation program at Wycliffe headquarters. Here they are giv en training and background in various areas ranging from Mexi can history and Spanish to good manners and homiletics; from the work before language trans lation can begin to medical work and personality tes ts . These weeks beg in the concentrated summer study of God’s Word and what He has to say to each in dividual concerning this experi ence. Many trainees feel that one of the greatest values o f the summer is the personality test given dur ing the first week. The young peo ple have an opportunity during this time to examine themselves objectively. Throughout the sum mer, as each individual reacts to various typical missionary situa tions, he is able to see his response from this perspective. Before ever reaching the field as a full-fledged missionary, trainees can under stand and develop their personali ties, allowing the Holy Spirit to develop their characters. After Mexico City, the group travels on throughout Cen tra l American countries : Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nica ragua. Trainees visit nearly every type of missionary work — Bible institutes f o r the na t iona l s , schools for missionary children, Christian camps, b o a r d in g schools, and village churches. The group has many opportunities to perform various duties o f mis sionary life from preaching, sing ing, giving testimonies and object lessons to cooking meals, working on church and home construction, picking fruit and typing. During a two-week visit to Wycliffe’s Jungle Camp, the trainees live in huts and are put to work with the routine duties o f the camp — attending linguistic classes, pre paring three meals a day for 70 people (which included butcher ing the cow and canning it for later consumption), swimming, canoeing, heating and sterilizing water, and hiking 24 miles over night in the rain. While attend ing Clinic Classes, the group gave shots to each other and learned about diseases o f the jungle. According to Rev. Ken Bemis, preparing missionaries for the TASK by Peggy Sanders O n J une 20, 1969 thirty-five anxious, earnest young people converged on El Paso, Texas, and prepared for a two-month journey through Mexico and Cen tral America. They wou ld be trained in methods for future work, analyze and develop their personalities, train themselves to combat their opposition, and sub merge themselves in the beliefs which dominate and guide their lives. The future profession o f these youths, however, is missionary work at home or in a foreign country, and the personality study during the summer is to help them r e a l i z e each individual’s own strong and weak points as they work closely with others daily. The enemy they are pre paring to fight is Satan who works through emotional exhaus tion and discouragement to de feat Christ’s missionaries. These young people immerse themselves in Scripture in order to know better the reasons for what they believe and to overcome those things which would hinder their Holy Spirit-directed lives. The story o f this group actual ly began in 1949 when Dr. Oran H. Smith, then serving as assis tant pastor of Chicago’s Moody Church, became concerned about the rate of missionary failures— 12 THE KING'S BUSINESS highly respected and trusted the missionaries as they completely co-operated with each other. Peo ple were constantly coming into the missionaries’ homes and it was evident that the nationals and missionaries had totally ac cepted one another and that there was real love between them all.” Karen felt that “ This experience has strengthened my own Chris tian life and I feel closer to know ing the Lord’s will day by day.” Not only has she learned about life in a foreign country, but also about living a closer, more Christ- like life at home. PMT recently merged with the Central American Mission which will facilitate internal operations — CAM handling the mailing and financial records for PMT; PMT interviewing CAM candidates and representing that organization on the west coast. However, PMT will continue to offer Youth Mis sionary Camps for spiritually ma ture teenagers during Easter and Christmas va ca t ion s , monthly conferences and free counseling and information service for mis sionary-inclined youth. The sum mer program, above all, will con tinue to be its main thrust, as PMT works to provide a practi cal, Spirit-filled missionary expe rience for young people dedicated to serving Christ at home or abroad. k b Miss Peggy Sanders is a sopho more at Biola College, La Mirada, California. in order to see missionary work from a closer vantage point, “ the trainees are then scattered in dividually and in small groups among various missionaries for a closer, more concentrated view of missionary home life and specific institutionally and rural tribal ministries. In spite of careful planning, much of what is en countered comes naturally and unexpectedly, p re sen t ing many t y p i c a l missionary situations.” This can mean anything from changing a flat tire or spending a night outside in the mud to much more significant unexpect ed circumstances. Part o f this summer’s group arrived in Hon duras and found th em se lves caught in that country’s war with El Salvador, a neighboring coun try. The war provided many expe riences for these young people, including living under black-out conditions and evacuating fami lies in strategic areas. As far as these young people were concerned, the Lord had many personal problems for each one through the summer. Joe Witt of Orange, Calif., felt real fear for the first time in Honduras yet he says, “ I was able to see the missionaries’ reaction to all this — something I never would have seen except in this situation.” Joe came back from PMT eager to return to a foreign country. He found that “ Christian work in a foreign country isn’t that differ ent from Christian work here. It involves church planting, evan gelism, leading people to Christ and then helping than to grow. Yet the different language, cul ture and environment, the lack of abundant Christian w i tn e s s e s such as we have in the U.S., and the sacrifices — socially and fi nancially — made by national Christians, make work in the for eign country the most exciting work in the world.” Impressed by the relationship between the missionaries and the government during the Honduran war, Karen McBride from Ari zona saw that “the government DECEMBER, 1969 i to a DiFFeRence Nearly 1000 pastors, directors of Christian education, and parents are ex pected to attend the Parents Seminar and Pastor-DCE Conference at Arrow head Springs Hotel, headquarters for Campus Crusade for Christ, at San Bernardino, Calif., January 17 and Jan. 19-21. The events are co-sponsored by Scripture Press Foundation and Scrip ture Press Publications. Featured speakers include DR. HOW ARD HENDRICKS, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, DR. J. GRANT HOWARD, pastor from Paradise Valley, Arizona, DR. EARL RADMACHER of Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland, Oregon, REV. ALBERT WOL- LEN, pastor from Portland, Oregon, DR. HOWARD BALL, national director lay ministry, Campus Crusade for Christ and REV. C. CHESTER LARSON, Western director, Christian Education, Scripture Press Publications, Inc. For complete details call (714) 870- 0880 or write to Rev. C. Chester Larson, Box 2217, Fullerton, California 92633. The Back to the Bible Broadcast of Lincoln, Nebraska, is preparing an inter national Spanish-language radio program for release early in the February entitled La Biblia Dice (The Bible Says) which will be aired on commercial as well as Christian radio s t a t i o n s throughout South America. The speaker will be Latin- born REV. JOSE ANDRADE. The program will feature Bible exposition, testimonies, and questions answered from the Bible. Why not become one of the students on the growing campus of LOS ANGELES BAPTIST COLLEGE, and discover the difference that a Christ- centered education will make in your life? You will enjoy personal attention from an outstanding faculty which is thoroughly Christian and academically qualified. You will receive a broad educational base for life (which is imperative in today’s society), and discover that the curriculum is Bible-centered. LABC is a four year college of the arts and sciences, offering the B.A. and B.S. degrees in 7 major fields of study. Clip and mail the coupon below for your FREE student packet. Attending LABC could mean all the difference in your life! Please send me the STUDENT PACKET. DR. IRWIN A. MOON, founder and manager of the Moody Institute of Sci ence, Whittier, California, has been made honorary member of the Civil Air Patrol. Major General WALTER B. PUTNAM, Na tional Commander of CAP, made a pres entation in honor of Dr. Moon’s contri bution to the United States Air Force and other military services through the production and distribution of Moody Science Films. Name__________________________________________ ! newHaLL, cauF 91321 Address___________________________________________ j City_______________________ State_________ Zip_____ | High School Grade_____________________Age________ i College Year_______________________________________ ■ ■ I 14 THE KING'S BUSINESS The General stated, “We are looking for assistance from you and your or ganization in an even tougher job which faces us today in the advancement of moral and ethical values.” The Moody Institute of Science has been producing films for 24 years. Some of them have been translated into 18 languages and are being shown in 108 countries. Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, reported a record enrollment of 445 men for the fall semester. One hundred thirty make up the entering class and represent homes in 33 states and three provinces of Canada, Sweden, and West Pakistan. Five new faculty members have been added. DR. WESLEY L. DUEWEL was inaugu rated President of the Oriental Mission ary Society at the International Conven tion in Winona Lake, Indiana. The ap pointment was made after the retire ment of DR. EUGENE A. ERNY, who served in this office for the past 20 years. Ten thousand bookstores throughout Japan will begin distribution next March of a new Japanese Bible. Translation of the volume was completed in September. The project was underwritten in cost by the Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Cali fornia. Los Angeles Bap tion of a campus master plan, income procurement, estate planning, and the escalation of the school’s accreditation program. The Association of Baptists for World Evangelism appointed 23 candidates to missionary service at the semi-annual convention in September. Four of these are directed to Brazil, two to Chile, 12 to East Pakistan, two to New Guinea, and three to Peru. The organization now has 314 active missionaries in foreign countries. MR. WILLIAM WIN- CHELL has been ap pointed Director of Radio Station HLKX in Seoul, Korea. The facility is operated by the Evangelical Alli ance Mission. The station operates on 50,000 watts a n d beams Gospel mes sages into China and Russia. It Is one of three radio stations operated by the mission. tist College, Newhall, Calif., has appointed DR. IRVING E. PEN- BERTHY as Director of Development. Hav ing served in church- related ministries for the past 25 years, Mr. Penberthy’s re sponsibilities at LA BC will be the direc S t/üh a k f f i f «Me d % ooéj You can! It's as easy as finding middle C ononeofMoody's 70 pianos (20 grands)... Or, (for the challenge-oriented student)qualifying onthe Institute's Moller organ offour manuals, chimes and65 ranks of pipes... And Moody's excellent music faculty make the experience hapier.They're dedicated professionals. Share your goals. Talkyour language. Teach youthe finest inchurch music: vocally, instrumentally, theoretically, practically. But it’s nota snap. It's classics tomoderngospel songs. Practice, theory.Theory, practice. You really must work . . . But that's what youcame for. Tostudy. Tolearn.Tobe able tostrike a happy note inservice forthe Lord Jesus Christ. And that's what we enable youtodo at Moody through your Music major. These musical activities will strikea responsive presto all the way. Lots of studying. Everything fromBach chord... andgive youyears of practical experience before leaving school: MOODY CHORALE • WOMEN'S GLEE CLUB AND HANDBELL CHOIR • ORCHESTRA • GOSPEL TEAMS GUEST ARTIST CONCERTS • FACULTY RECITALS • ORATORIO CHORUS • MEN'S GLEE CLUB CHAMBER ENSEMBLES • STUDENT RECITALS • ORGAN GUILD • AREA CHOIR FESTIVALS CANDLELIGHT CAROLS • CHURCH MUSIC CONFERENCE • CHURCH MUSIC WORKSHOP "...Making music in your hearts to the Lord." — Ephesians 5:9 Public Information Department Dept. 12K9 M O O D Y B IB LE IN S TITU TE 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago. Illinois 60610 YES! I want to "strike a happy note at Moody." Send me more information about your presto Music major. Year in -high school- Name- I The "West Point" of Street____________ __ __ ______________________________ I ChristianService City ________________________ _ State ------------------------------ Zip. 15 DECEMBER, 1969 C j t C M C I by Don W. Hillis D oes G od ever attend beauty contests ? He did! And as a result, Hadassah was chosen to be the queen of a great empire that stretched from India to Ethiopia. Does God ever become involved in assassination plots ? He was, and the king of that same great em pire was saved from a premature death. A whis pered conversation between Bigthan and Teresh was “ accidentally” overheard. The king’s life was spared and the two would-be assassins were strung up. Does God ever get mixed up in politics ? He did, at a banquet table with a king, a queen, and a prime minister. Dramatic results followed. You who are knowledgable about the Book know that I have taken these three incidents from Esther. Although the name of God is not mentioned in Esther, His hand is clearly seen, reaching deep into the machinery o f human affairs and directing the course of history. Though God is neither a capitalist nor a Com munist, a Democrat nor a Republican, He is deliber ately involved in the movements o f nations. Those who look at the stage of history and fail to see God standing in the wings, miss the most meaningful aspect o f it all. The Bible clearly presents God as the Sovereign of sovereigns. He rules in the kingdom o f men. The nations of the world are as the small dust in the bal ance. In His sight, the heart o f the king is in His hands and He tumeth it whithersoever He wills. He raises up one and sets down another. The Caesars and the Napoleons, the Hitlers and the Stalins, rise and fall like the great waves o f the ocean unto whom God has said, “ So far and no farther.” The Old Testament scene is one in which Israel is at the center of the stage. She is, at times, “ di vinely” victorious over the nations that surround her. At other times she is “ divinely” defeated, and scattered abroad. In all of this the sovereign arm of the Lord o f Hosts is plainly evident. The repeated warnings of God’s prophets are finally fulfilled in the bloody destruction of Jerusalenrand the temple o f the Lord. In spite o f all God’s promises and the pleading o f His prophets; in spite of His interven tions and revelations, Israel failed to accomplish the commission the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had given her. The New Testament pictures for us a “ holy nation” being gathered out from among the Gen tiles. That nation is referred to as “ the church.” As with Israel, so with the church, God has given a task to be performed and directives to be obeyed. This is commonly referred to as “ The Great Com mission.” And, indeed, it is great—great in its pur pose, great in its power, and great in its propor tions. As God did everything possible to enable His people in the Old Testament to fulfill their respon sibility, we have every right to expect Him to do the same for the church. In fact, He has promised to empower the church to accomplish the task He has assigned her. It appears to me that there have been increas ing evidences in the last 25 years of the sovereign hand of God opening and closing doors for His church. On some occasions, that Almighty Hand i has seemed gently to grasp the knob and open the door silently and slowly. On other occasions, the door has been violently torn from its hinges. And in a few cases, the door has been closed. Let me illustrate: It was not until the close of World War II that the church in America began to look seriously at Europe as a mission field. In the past two decades, a number of fine mission organizations have begun and are carrying on fruitful ministries on the European continent. Child evangelism and youth ministries are prospering in several of the coun- tries. Bible training schools have been opened and churches are being planted. Door-to-door book- sales and correspondence courses are having an in creasing outreach. Even the doors of those Euro pean countries for which missions held little hope * y * THE KING'S BUSINESS 16
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