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HIGH CRIME The majority also thought that the increased tension from seeing the revealing styles tended to increase other problems as well, such as vandalism, reckless driving, drug use, drunkenness, and other sins of our sick society. These lawmen very clearly state that the short skirt fad is more than a fashion. In their professional opin ion, they agree that it is, instead, a menace! The conclusions brought out in the survey conducted by the Hollywood Social Studies, are stated by the organization, “Mini- skirted girls are more likely to be crime victims; short skirts may encourage some emotionally immature young men to commit sex crimes; these subjective effects of wearing daring clothing may involve a girl in immoral behavior; and the ever shorter dresses of young girls is a probable cause of increased molestation. Finally, many have agreed that the decline of teenage morals has been speeded by this fad in what one juvenile commander sadly called, ‘our foolishly permissive society’.” As far as this editor knows, this was the first comprehensive study o f the problems of the mini skirt that has been conducted on a nationwide basis. If this had been conducted by some funda mentalist group, it would have been condemned as a biased, rigged report put out by a group of killjoys. But such a charge cannot be laid at the door o f the Hollywood Social Studies Group. The con clusions certainly cannot be fairly refuted. The experiment in mini skirts has been carried on for a sufficient length o f time in order to see some of these disastrous results. Of course, the National Council of Churches and its member denominations would never think of carrying on any sort of cru sade to correct this trend. In all too many instances Bible-believing Christians know that this trend is morally wrong from the author ity of the Word of God but they are howled or hooted down by those who have an utterly perverted sense of what is morally right and what is morally wrong. It is extremely difficult for a good, morally-clean girl to face the ridicule of her student colleagues if she wears a modest length dress. Such pressures in high school are more than most girls can withstand. One of the saddest features o f the problem is that often many fine Christian mothers are per fectly willing to encourage their daughters to wear these mini skirt type of dress in the hope that they will make their daughters more popular. The tragedy is that when these girls wear these short dresses and are molested or tempted beyond their ability to withstand, they find themselves trapped in the meshes o f immoral ity. Then their indulgent parents are shocked, chagrined, and feel that they have been disgraced. Pastors report that this is one of the greatest problems that they have to deal with in their present- day activities. It is a most regrettable situation indeed but such parents have no one to blame but themsleves. Our young people need more earnest prayer offered in their behalf than at any time in any previous generation. God grant that we might be found faithful in this particular responsibility that we have! kb
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