King's Business - 1969-12

to a DiFFeRence

Nearly 1000 pastors, directors of Christian education, and parents are ex­ pected to attend the Parents Seminar and Pastor-DCE Conference at Arrow­ head Springs Hotel, headquarters for Campus Crusade for Christ, at San Bernardino, Calif., January 17 and Jan. 19-21. The events are co-sponsored by Scripture Press Foundation and Scrip­ ture Press Publications. Featured speakers include DR. HOW­ ARD HENDRICKS, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas, DR. J. GRANT HOWARD, pastor from Paradise Valley, Arizona, DR. EARL RADMACHER of Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, Portland, Oregon, REV. ALBERT WOL- LEN, pastor from Portland, Oregon, DR. HOWARD BALL, national director lay ministry, Campus Crusade for Christ and REV. C. CHESTER LARSON, Western director, Christian Education, Scripture Press Publications, Inc. For complete details call (714) 870- 0880 or write to Rev. C. Chester Larson, Box 2217, Fullerton, California 92633. The Back to the Bible Broadcast of Lincoln, Nebraska, is preparing an inter­ national Spanish-language radio program for release early in the February entitled La Biblia Dice (The Bible Says) which will be aired on commercial as well as Christian radio s t a t i o n s throughout South America. The speaker will be Latin- born REV. JOSE ANDRADE. The program will feature Bible exposition, testimonies, and questions answered from the Bible.

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DR. IRWIN A. MOON, founder and manager of the Moody Institute of Sci­ ence, Whittier, California, has been made honorary member of the Civil Air Patrol. Major General WALTER B. PUTNAM, Na­ tional Commander of CAP, made a pres­ entation in honor of Dr. Moon’s contri­ bution to the United States Air Force and other military services through the production and distribution of Moody Science Films.

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