King's Business - 1969-12

Will the college you choose keep its promise?

Promises can be dangerous, especially in our fast-moving society. Political leaders make statements that sometimes are misleading. Business executives do not always carry through. Even church leaders get trapped in this dilemma. You're probably very skeptical about the whole idea of promises, especially when considering a college education. Magazine ads become very competitive in listing the qualities and plus factors of their institutions. But what promises can a college actually fulfill? Doesn't it really depend on you? What do you want in college? How much do you want to succeed? What is your determination? Biola College can make many promises. For example: large campus in Southern California; regional and professional accreditation; 21 academic majors; tremendous opportunities in music, athletics, Christian outreach; excellent percentage of faculty with earned doctorates, etc. But the real issue lies with you. Your involvement claims the promises. It will cost you something financially. Academic standards and Christian guidelines are key requirements. But isn't that what you want in college? Write for more details.


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