King's Business - 1969-12

to the point where it is supporting 15 missionaries under 15 boards. We urge the local church to re­ sume the initiative for recruit­ ment and training of future mis­ sionaries. Corporate guidance by the church, rather than a highly individualistic decision, could save all kinds of frustration in later life. First and second term mis­ sionary casualties who should not have gone overseas in the first place m igh t be eliminated. A housewife who marries in the will o f God wouldn’t be tempted to look back with regret to an altar call at the age of eight when she volunteered to go to China. In Acts 13 it was the leaders who set aside Paul and Barnabas. No doubt God confirmed this call to these first missionaries but the Holy Spirit expected the initiative to come from the elders and not the individual. k b Mr. Philip E. Armstrong is Executive Secretary of Far Eastern Gospel Cru­ sade- BENEATH GOD’S BRIGHTEST STAR As Mary gazed down at her Babe That night so long ago — Perhaps she touched His hands and—crooned In tender voice, and low! His hands would one day heal the sick, Five thousand people feed; Would flex in pain upon the cross, And pierced with nails—would bleed. I think she might have kissed His feet, Adored His Baby ways, So soon her Child would walk for God; The Christian’s pathway blaze. Perhaps she touched with finger tips The brow ivhich thorns would mar; All this within a humble shed Beneath God’s brightest star. Although Christ died, praise God He rose! Such love no force could bar; Divinely planned, this holy birth Beneath God’s brightest star! —E sther B elle H eins

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G.P.O. Box 354, Dept. K New York, N.Y. 10001

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