Berean Mission, Inc. 3586 Russell Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 62104
President: Dr. C. Reuben Lindquist. Active Missionaries: 85. Countries: Rep. Dem. du Congo, Morocco, Philip pines, Ecuador, Brazil, Grenada and Barbados in the West Indies, Cuban refugees in Miami, Florida, Navajo In dians in New Mexico. Specialized Min istries: medical, Bible school, Pioneer Girls’ Program, and Bible correspond ence schools. Needs: 110 missionaries. Bethany Fellowship Missions 5820 Auto Club Road Minneapolis, Minnesota 55481 General Director: Rev. T. A. Hegre. Active Missionaries: 60. Countries: Brazil, Nepal, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, St. Croix, V.I., St. Thomas, V.I., Grenada, Viet Nam. Specialized Min istries: printing, publishing, bookstores, maternity clinic and hospital Bible schools, seminary. Needs: 20 mission aries. Bethel Mission of China, Inc. 249 South Sierra Bonita Avenue Pasadena, California 91106 General Director: Miss Betty M. Hu. Active Missionaries: 99. Countries: Hong Kong, Indonesia, U.S. Needs: Use only Chinese National workers. Bible Christian Union, Inc. 1101 East 35th Street Brooklyn, New York 11210 General Director: Arthur H. Salter. Active Missionaries: 220. Countries: Western Europe, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Hol land, France, Sweden, Greece. North America in Canada (Quebec, Alberta, Ontario), United States. Specialized Ministries: Children’s evangelism un der Bible Adventure Campaigns, Jew ish work comprising a radio ministry entitled “ Message to Israel’’ over al most sixty stations weekly, forms of Jewish evangelism, church planting in Quebec. Needs: 20-30 workers. Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship 88 Garrett Road Upper Darby, Pennsylvania 19082 General Director: Dr. Mariano Di Gangi. Active Missionaries: 12. Coun tries : India, Afghanstan. Specialized Ministries: medicine, education. Needs: men urgently needed. California Yearly Meeting of Friends Church 6726 South Washington Avenue P.O. Box 889 Whittier, California 90608 Superintendent of Missions: Keith Sarver. Active Missionaries: 27. Coun tries: Alaska, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico. Specialized Ministries: agricul ture, linguistics, medicine, education. Needs: two couples. The Central American Mission P.O. Box 28005
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Africa Evangelical Fellowship Arcade Building Box 109 Glen Ridge, New Jersey 07028 General Director: Mr. H. Gordon Legg (in Johannesburg, S.A.). Active Mis sionaries: 195 from U.S.A. and Canada. 91 from other places (England, South Africa, etc.). Countries: Republic of South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, Swazi land, Rhodesia, Angola, Island of Mau ritius. Specialized Ministries: hospitals, leper work, school for the blind, clinics, Bible institutes, high schools, literature, printing, bookstores, radio, T.V. Needs: 17 accepted in June. 150 more are ur gently needed. Africa Inland Mission P.O. Box 178 Pearl River, New York 10965 Home Director for U.S.: Rev. Sidney Langford. Home Director for Canada: Rev. Peter Stam III. Active Mission aries: 650. Countries: Central African Republic, Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, national church in Sudan from which missionaries have been expelled. Specialized Ministries: Bible schools and seminaries, hospitals, dispensaries, high schools and teacher training col leges, literature, translation, radio and television. Needs: 315 missionaries. Executive Secretary: Mr. W. Hammond Major. Active Missionaries: 15. Coun tries: India. Specialized Ministries: care for orphans, widows, aged, Rescue Home for unwed mothers, education in cluding industrial training and a school for the blind. Needs: Mission aries trained in medicine, education, for work among the blind, and to give Christian moral guidance in our home for unwed mothers. The American Council of the Ramabai Mukti Mission, Inc. GPO Box 854 New York, New York 10001
American Leprosy Missions, Inc. 297 Park Avenue South New York, New York 10010 President: Oliver W. Hasselblad, M.D. Active Missionaries: Though American Leprosy Missions recruits and trains leprosy workers, both national and mis sion, they are for the most part ap pointed by agencies which own and administer the institutions financially supported by ALM. Countries: Angola, Burundi, Cameroun, Congo, Ethiopia, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, Arabia, Burma, In dia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Portugal, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Trinidad and Tobago, Gu yana, U.S.A. Specialized Ministries: leper work. Andes Evangelical Mission 508 Central Avenue Plainfield, New Jersey 07060 General Director: Rev. Joseph McCul lough. Active Missionaries: 55. Coun tries: Bolivia, Peru. Needs: 25 mis sionaries. President: Dr. Allan Lewis. Active Missionaries: 768, (54 candidates ac cepted). Countries: Africa, Australia, Central America, North America, Unit ed States, Brazil, Guyana, Peru, Vene zuela, Dominican Republic, Grand Ba hamas, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, St. Vincent. Specialized Min istries : church development, church construction, Missionary Acres (homes for retired missionaries), station sup ply evangelists, homes for missionary children, airplane ministries, language study on every field, printing and lit erature programs, Bible institutes and seminaries, hospitals and medical cen ters. Baptist Mid-Missions 4205 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103
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