King's Business - 1969-12

AFRICA INLAND MISSION Six hundred missionaries serving, i Fields occupied: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Congo, Central African Republic. Deputation speakers available. Literature and list of slide-tapes and films will be sent on request. Address P.O. Box 178 Pearl River, New York 10965 ! AIR MAIL FROM GOD MISSION, INC. i Founded 1949 by Nyles Huffman I Active in Mexico, Central America & Brazil • Dropping Scripture portions from air­ planes |• Free Bible Correspondence Courses ! • Gospel films shown by evangelists • Follow up Bible study groups AMERICAN MISSION TO GREEKS, Inc. Spiros Zodhiates, President In U.S.A.: Coast-to-Coast Broadcasts; In Greece: Publishing House, Printshop, Book­ stores, Missionaries, Bible Institute, Orphan­ ages, Camps; Clothing, Food, Medical Dis­ tributions; Paid Gospel Messages in Greek Newspapers and Magazines. INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS 801 Broad Ave., Ridgefield, N.J. 07657 A Brightening Beacon In Dark Times Teaching The Unchanging Word through rural Sunday School organization since 1817 — today with urban work added! Write for a copy of 'TH E SUNDAY SCHOOL- MISSION­ ARY" to: AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103 . . . Evangelism —■ Theological Educa- I tion . . . Youth Programs — Medical I Ministry — Literature . . . 508 Central Ave., Plainfield, N.J. 07060 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ARCTIC MISSIONS, INC. Pioneering person-to-person evangelism in I Alaska since 1951. Reaches Alaska for Christ 1 through 70 missionaries in 20 centers—Bible conferences, Gospel team evangelism, camps and vacation Bible schools, a Christian High School and a native Bible Institute. 16 mm. sound color film available on offering basis. For details and literature write: Rev. John M. Gillespie, General Director P.O. Box 512, Gresham, Oregon 97030 Biblical Research Monthly like no magazine you ever read! SEND FOR FREE COPY BIBLICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY 4005 Verdugo Rd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90065 Canadian Sunday School Mission i Directing Canadian youth heavenward since I 1927 through camps, •daily vacation Bible I schools, day school classes, home Bible clubs, I Sunday schools, services, Bible memory con- I tests and correspondence courses, etc. W. G. L. McAllister, General Superintendent I Head Office— Room A, 177 Lombard Ava. I Winnipeg 2, Manitoba, Can. TH E CENTRAL AMERICAN MISSION Founded by Dr. Scofield in 1890 Pray for the 700 CAM congregations and hundreds of national and missionary lead­ ers in "our Samaria." Help us present the best in radio, literature, and Spirit-led evangelism to educated youth and multitudes everywhere. P.O. Bojc 28005 Dallas, Texas 75228 TSÏT on p “ 35* 4205 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90029 ANDES EVANGELICAL MISSION (formerly Bolivian Indian Mission) —Opportunities Unlimited- Dynamic Evangelical Program

God's Word tells us, "And the Gospel must first be published among all nations." Mark 13:10. "What does it say to you? "The effectual, fervent prayer of a right­ eous man availeth much." LITERATURE FOR THE MILLIONS, INC. j P.O. Box 503, Mount Hermon, Calif. 95041 and P.O. Box 677, Wichita, Kansas 67201 I Establishing the Church among the Indians of rural Mexico by evangelism, Bible corres­ pondence courses, laymen’s institutes, child evangelism, medical evangelism. Now work­ ing in six tribes. Needed — more mission­ aries: prayer partners to form prayer bands. Write for information and magazine 6018 Droxol Road, Philadelphia, Pa. 19131 MEXICAN INDIAN MISSION, INC. Dr. John T. Dale, Director MISSIONARY AVIATION FELLOWSHIP' **A Servant of Missions” Providing highways in the sky and bush radio-telephone service for your missionaries in the rural and forward areas of the mis­ sion field. Write for: Informative literature Challenging sound-color films Gift annuity information Box 2828, Fullerton, Californio 92633 THE MISSIONARY DENTIST, INC. Box.7002> Seattle, Washington 98133 A unique worldwide, evangelistic ministry It meets the physical and spiritual needs of the nationals, and missionaries too, by providing modern dental care and a sound Bible teaching ministry from the heart of the jungles to populated cities through Dental Evangelism Team programs. Films and literature available. I The Missionary Literature Foundation pro- I I vides evangelical missionaries with devo- I I tional literature for their personal and t I family use. It also provides contacts useful I I in meeting the emergency needs of mission- I I aries returned from the fields. MISSIONARY LITERATURE FOUNDATION I Box 374 Burbank, Calif. 91503 | Reaching some of our First Americans, Navajo Pastors, Bible Training Classes, Grade School, Radio Ministry, Outstations, Medical Ministry, Hogan Visitation, Gamps and Con- . ferences, V.B.S. for all ages. Write for the publication: NAVAJO PRAYER CHALLENGE Oraibi, Arizona 86039 MM NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY I 5 East 48th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 A UNIQUE MISSIONARY MINISTRY I Rev. Youngve R. Kindberg, Executive Director IAn evangelical missionary organization, dis- Itributing the Scriptures in over 70 languages Iabout the harbor and Metropolitan New IYork Area. Divisions: Marine, Immigration, IForeign, Jewish, Negro, Hotels, Hospitals, IBlind, Scripture texts in subways. mmmmrn mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmm PRACTICAL ASSISTANCE TO EVANGELICAL MISSIONARIES NAVAJO GOSPEL MISSION “ Is it nothing to you , aU ye that pass by V* (Lam. 1:12) I THOUSANDS OF MUSLIM STUDENTS are seriously studying the Bible ■ NEEDED: (1) "apostles” who like Paul I will disciple these individually I (2) prayer warriors who will strengthen ■both missionary a-nd new Christian. I Write to : NORTH AFRICA MISSION 147 Long Lane, Upper Darby, Penna. 19082 J205 Yonge Street, Toronto 1, Ontario, Canada NORTH AMERICA INDIAN MISSION I Formerly Marine Medical Mission, Inc., this I interdenominational faith mission has evan- Igelized native Indians of Pacific Northwest I since 1949 through resident missionaries, IDVBS, summer camping, and itinerant ■coastal villages. Worked in 30 Indian com- I munities in 1968. Write for free publication. William W. Lottis, Director 12205 Fir Street, Dept. B., Vancouver 9, B.C. I

THE CHILDREN'S BIBLE MISSION, INC. P.O. Box 44, Lakeland, Florida 33802 CBM Workers in 9 states reach thousands of boys, girls and youth in schools. Bible Clubs and summer camps. Abundant oppor­ tunities for qualified workers. Write for informative literature, and inquire about our challenging sound-color film. "Win A Child and You Win A Life" C H R I S T ' S M I S S I O N , I N C . R ev . S tuart G arvek , Director & Editor 275 State St. Hackensack, N J. 07602 Publishing for 85 years the Christian Herit­ age magazine to awaken Christians to their I responsibilities to Roman Catholics and I keeping them.abreast of developments by the Ihierarchy. Rehabilitating former priests — I providing information and help to Roman I Catholics and pastors. Write for free copy Iof magazine. NON-PROFIT. th I^ conversion £f*iT¥IT A soul-winning mission to Roman Catholic priests, nuns and people. 500 million Roman Catholics lost without love, trapped by traditions, paralyzed by popery, deceived by the Devil. 47,000 priests, 138,000 nuns dedicated to “ MAllE AMER­ ICA CATHOLIC.” Will vou help keep America free to evangelize the world) Pray, f ive, write for foul-winning material. • W. Eagle IUL, Hevertown, Pennsylvania V To bring God’s Word to a little known I and neglected people. To plant indigenous I churches on Pauline principles and train I National workers. A complete program of I diversified evangelism:- radio, colportage, ( children, prison work, open air, etc. Write for ftee literature ■ P.O. Drawer 8776, Orlando, Florida 32806 I EVANGELICAL MISSION TO URUGUAY, INC. Rev. Frederick V. Dabold, D.D., Director Now serving in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia I and Argentina. Send for literature and in- I formation. 78 W. Hudson Ave., Englewood, N J. 07631 132 High Park Ave., Toronto 9, Ontario I Member of IFMA TH E FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Missionary and Relief Society, Inc. More than 25 missionaries—in India, Israel, Europe, and across America- are giving the Gospel and material relief to Jews. Read thrilling reports of this work in our maga­ zine, ISRAEL MY GLORY. Write for your free copy 1218-K Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19107 HOME OF ONESJPHORUS Over fifty years of evangelical faith mission work. Rescues and trains orphans and refu­ gee children in Hong Kong, Lebanon, Jor­ dan. Full time missionary staff in each home. Ask for FREE copies of the Harvester — includes stories of outstanding Chinese and Arab Christians. Personal representative available. George E. Hedberg, President Dept. 11, 3939 N. Hamlin, Chicago, III. 60618 Pray for our 45 Mission Societies* with 8800 missionaries serving in 100 countries. *Send for a copy of I.F.M.A. News which includes a complete list of member missions. INTERDENOMINATIONAL FOREIGN MISSION ASSOCIATION (IFMA) 54 Bergen Ave., Ridg< -Id Park, N.J. 07660 E. L. (Jack) Frizen J ,, Executive Secretary Atlanta, Georgia 30301 Combining evangelism and relief to Hebrew Christians and refugees in Europe, Israel, Asia, Africa, and South America, with a strong witness in America. 37 missionaries on all continents. Write for free copy of magazine. The Everlasting Nation. Jacob Gartenhaus, D.D., Pres., Robert G. Lee, D.D., Chairman Advisory Board. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, INC. P.O. Box 1256 EVANGELICAL UNION OF SOUTH AMERICA Since 1911

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