King's Business - 1969-12

of the church’s missionaries for the summer, every person would feel and sense the involvement. The lives o f those going to the field would be changed and their effect upon those that they would minister to upon their return home would be apparent! Missionaries step out on faith and completely trust in the Lord when they depart for their field of service. This same dedication and faith must be inherent in the mission program of the lo ca l church if it is to be effective. Ask yourself these questions as you consider what you know about missions: What are the names of your missionaries? How many children do they have and how old are they? Where do your missionaries serve? What country and city or area? How much support does your Sunday school or church give to their work? What is their job on the field? Can you describe a typical day in their life? What are their personal prayer needs? What are their physical needs on the field? How often have YOU written a personal letter to your mission­ aries? When did you r missionaries leave for the field and when will they return? What is the greatest difficulty facing your missionaries today? How many in your church or Sunday school could answer these questions ? What will your Sunday school do with missions? (For a detailed presentation of missionary education for youth see Chapter 16 of Youth and the Church published by M oody Press. Dr. Bill Bynum o f Biola College has given many practical suggestions as well as a philoso­ phy of missions education in this chapter.) KB Mr. H. Norman Wright is area repre­ sentative for Gospel Light Publications and Assistant Prof, of Religious Edu­ cation at Talbot Theological Seminary.

Cont. from p. 31 NORTHERN CANADA EVANGELICAL MISSION An interdenominational faith mission seeking to reach our Canadian Indians with the Gos­ pel . . . a mission field of 250,000 Indians. * Establishing Indian Indigenous Churches e Indian Bible Schools • Translating Scriptures in Indian Languages • 8 - 1 5 minute radio programs each week in Cree, Ojibwa and Chippewan. Head Office: 58 - 18th St. East, Prince Albert, Sask. PACIFIC GARDEN MISSION 646 So. State St., Chicago, Illinois, 60605 The rescue mission wnere Billy Sunday and Mel Trotter and a host of others got their start with Christ. Open around the clock, PGM not only reaches Skid Row but operates a Women's and Children's Division, Servicemen's Center, and conducts a world­ wide .radio ministry through "UNSHACKLED!" Proclaiming the Good News since 1877

PARTNERSHIP MISSION, INC. Rochunga Pudaite, Executive Director P.O. Box 805 Wheaton, Illinois 60137 Proclaiming the Gospel o f Jesus Christ through National Missionaries in India and Burma. Formerly Indo-Burma Pioneer Mission POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE International Headquarters 49 Honeck St., Englewood, New Jqcsey 07631 An aggressive missionary movement which combines mass evangelism usixjg modern techniques and large scale Scripture distri­ bution. Currently conducting intensive cam­ paigns in Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and the United States. Cont. on p. 44


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