ened limbs, relaxed rigid muscles, restored decaying bones to healthy conditions” ; “ I have brought back the lost substance of lungs and caused them to resume th e ir proper functions__ If you sprain the muscles or wound the flesh, your remedy is at hand. Mind de cides whether or not the flesh shall be discolored, painful, swol len or inflamed” (Unity of Good, p. 7; Science and Health, p. 16, 28th Ed.; p. 385). Mrs. Eddy denied the truth of Mark 8:22-25: “ Jesus expressed contempt for the belief of mate rial eyes as having the power to see.. . . To suppose that Jesus did actually anoint the blind man’s eyes with his spittle, is absurd” (Misc. Writings, p. 170). When asked by a New York reporter if she rejected the bacteria theory of disease, Mrs. Eddy replied: “ Entirely. If I harbored that idea about a disease, I should think myself in danger o f catching it” (N.Y. Herald, 5-1-1901). She also declared: “ If the Science of Life were understood, it would be found tha t. . . matter has no sen sation. Then the human limb would be replaced as readily as the lobster’s claw, not with an artificial limb, but with a genuine one” ; “Your body would no more suffer from wounds than the trunk o f a tree you gash . . . if it were not for mortal mind” (Science and Health, pp. 489, 392, 74th Ed.). In Miscellaneous Writings she wrote: “ People believe in infec tious and contagious disease; this mental state prepares them to have any disease. If he believed as sincerely that health is catch ing when exposed to contact with healthy people, he would catch their state of feeling” (p. 229) ; “ But m orta l belief, misnamed man says, ‘Matter has intelligence and sensation; nerves feel; brains think and sin; the stomach can make a man cross; limbs can crip ple and matter kills him’ ” (Sci- ience and Health, p. 26, 28th Ed.). She answered a question often asked her: “Why do Christian
er of her conceptions of the Lord was that: “ Father-Mother-God is the name for Deity” (Science and Health, p. 332). The God o f Christian Science has no resemblance at all to our Holy God revealed through His Son Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit in the Word of God. In company with other false systems, Christian Science strikes its heaviest blows at the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Unquestionably the blas phemous statement o f Mrs. Eddy, best known to Bible-believing Christians, has to do with the blood o f the Saviour. It appears in all versions of Science and Health: “The material blood of Jesus was no more efficacious to cleanse from sin, when it was shed on ‘the accursed tree’ than when it was flowing in his veins, as he went daily about His Fa ther’s business” (p. 25; 330 in 74th Ed.). Thus she denied the atoning blood of the Lamb o f God. Mrs. Eddy did not believe that Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient: “One sacrifice, however great, is insufficient to pay the debt of sin. The atonement requires constant self-immolation on the sinner’s part. That God’s wrath should be vented upon His beloved Son is di vinely unnatural. Such a theory is man-made” (Science and Health, p. 328, 74th Ed.). Mrs. Eddy re jected the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ: “ The virgin mother conceived this ideal of God, and gave to her ideal the name of Jesus” ; “ Jesus was the offspring of Mary’s self-communion with God” (Science and Health, pp. 334-335). He too is regarded as a non-person: “ Christ is the im personal Saviour” (Miscellanies, p. 180). Nothing is more evident in the Word of God than that Jesus is a personal Saviour: “ As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons o f God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12).
Christian Science and Sin Consistent with Mrs. Eddy’s denial o f matter are further de nials which constantly recur as her basic theme: “Man is incap able of sin, sickness and death” (p. 459, 74th Ed. and all ver sions). She denied the fall of man: “Because soul is immortal, soul cannot sin. . . . Is man lost spirit ually? No, he can only be lost ma terially” ; “Never born and never dying, it were impossible for man, under the government of God in eternal Science, to fall from his high estate” ; “ The cardinal point in Christian Science, that matter and evil (including all inharmony, sin, disease and death) are un real” (Science and Health, pp. 468, 371, 28th Ed., 258; Misc. Writings, p. 27). Mrs. Eddy gave instructions for destroying sin which she said did not exist: “To get rid of sin, through Science, is to divest sin of any supposed mind or reality” (Science and Health, p. 234, 74th Ed.). She states that you are simply not to believe your five senses which she describes as “ lying witnesses.” These who ac cept this Satanic delusion that there is no sin, that man is not a sinner, naturally conclude that there is no need of a Saviour from sin. How Mrs. Eddy could observe the hospitals and other institu tions for care o f the ill which existed even in her day and con tinue to claim that man “was in capable of sickness” is unbeliev able. All Christian Science so- called healings are based upon a denial of sickness and pain. Mrs. Eddy claimed spectacular cures o f every kind: “ It is due both to Christian Science and myself . . . to enable me instantaneously to heal a cancer which had eaten its way to the jugular vein . . . to replace dislocated joints and raise the dying to in s tan tan eou s health” ; - “ By mind alone . . . I have healed chronic as well as acute ailments in their severest forms” ; “ I have elongated short
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