Sex Education inthe HomeandSchool
Beginning with this issue, THE KING’S BU S INE S S Magazine has expanded the emphasis on Christian reading. The books will be divided into three categories: Christian Edu cation, Family, Pastor. It is the hope and prayer o f the editors that many Christians will be challenged with the opportunity of purchasing and using the many fine volumes which are available. Specific questions may be di rected to Managing Editor, c /o THE KING’S BUSINESS, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, Cali fornia 90638. Christian Education This delightful little book on Christian Missions is extremely readable and challenging as it is a book of sermons given by one who has the ability to communi cate in an interesting maimer and the life experience to back-up his thesis. Those who are already in terested in m i s s i on s will be thrilled as they are caught up in the excitement o f being involved in the biggest business in the world. Those that have little in terest in missions will have to face honestly the Biblical priority given to the evangelization of the world. The personal examples and illustrations are tied in with an honest evaluation and look at mis sions today, and the reviewer rec ommends, very highly, this book to all Christians. — 126 pages; cloth binding; William B. Eerd- mans Pub. Co.; $2.95. Reviewed by Clyde Cook, Director o f Mis sions, Biola College. THE SUPREME TASK OF THE CHURCH by John T. Seamands
PURPLE VIOLET SQUISH by David Wilker- son.152 pages;cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. The au thor of THE CROS AND THE SWITCHBLADE appraises the present-day teenscene as he sees it. SUGGESTIONS AND MATERIALS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE’S PROGRAMS by Flora E. Breck. 74 pages; paper; Baker Book House,Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50. PROGRAMS FOR SPECIAL DAYS by LeilaT. Ammerman. 76 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde, Natick, Mass.;$2.00. Poems and skits for use on many holidaysthroughout the year. HYMN STORIES FOR PROGRAMS by Ernest K. Emurian. 148 pages; Baker BookHouse, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. Background on the writing of many well-known hymns in cluding “Rise Up, OhMenOf God," "Almost Persuaded,” “Hallelujah, What A Saviour!" “The Old Rugged Cross." INSTALLATION SERVICES FOR ALL GROUPS byAmy Bolding. 126pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashvile, Term.; $2.95. DEVOTIONAL TALKS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS byVirginia Whitman. 64 pages; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; $1.00. This is No. #2 in a series. FIFTY-NINE PROGRAMS FOR PRE-TEENS by Phyllis Woodruff Sapp. 144 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $3.50. An other volume of helpful programs by the author ofCREATIVE TEACHING IN THE SUN DAY SCHOOL. THIRTEEN NEW JUNIOR YOUTH PROGRAMS by Doris Louise Seger.80 pages; paper; Scripture Press Publications, Wheaton, II.; $1.50. Helpful ideasfor worship services, puzzles, devotions, publicity, and skits. ENJOY YOUR BIBLE by Irving L. Jensen.127 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, II.; $.50. Helps in Bible study centeredaround themes ofapreciating, approaching, absorb ing, analyzing, and applying the Bible. STORIES OF CHRISTMAS CAROLS by Ernest
YOURFREE COPYJUST OFF THEPRESS! A balanced, Christ-centered approach which every Christian should read. Presents: Issues behind the scenes, A blow to morals?, Psychological implications, What parents can do. Read it and give it to others. The author served 14 years as psychologist in the public schools. Gentlemen: Please send me the following: □ New Sex Education Book □ Brochure on the new Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology (Christian). Name-__________________________ Street— _________________________ City--------------------------------;_____________ State-------------------------7ip NARRAMORE CHRISTIAN FOUNDATION ROSEMEAD, CALIFORNIA 91770 The Narramore Christian Foundation is a Faith Organization, supported by those who care.
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