King's Business - 1969-12

Cont. from p. 43 reach, and has very little effect upon people unless . . . a personal contact is made and followed through! Any Sunday school or church could double in any year of the 70’s if every one for 52 Sundays would work and pray, contact and be concerned until each one had brought one! This was the New Testament method, and is needed again in the 70’s ! Fifth, we must EMPHASIZE PRAYER, NOT PUBL IC I TY . How much prayer is being offered in behalf of your Sunday school or Christian Education program? In Bismarck, North Dakota, from an audience o f some 50, only 3 people on a given Sunday had prayed for the Sunday school be­ fore coming to church! “We have not because we ask not!” What if you owned a depart­ ment store and from one of the departments, say, the glove de­ partment, you received 80% of your profits? And what if, from that same department, you re­ ceived the majority o f your best- trained personnel for other de­ partments? Don’t you believe that you would give yourself, your at­ tention, and interest to that de­ partment, especially if it began to show some signs of decline? That would only be good business, wouldn’t it? From the Sunday school come 80% of all church members of America and up to 90% o f all our pastors, missionaries, and Chris­ tian workers. Up to 70% indi­ cate that it was before they left the junior high department in Sunday school that they had made a decision for Christ. I would conclude that it is logical that in the 70’s we EMPHASIZE: Teaching NOT Attendance Training NOT Recruitment Maturity OVER Decision Contact NOT Contest Prayer NOT Publicity . . . and watch your Sunday school grow. k b Rev. C. Chester Larson is Western Di­ rector of Christian Education Exten­ sion for Scripture Press, Fullerton, Ca.


by Jean Cerling Allen

THE PRAYER CHIMES Q uite unexpectedly , I stum­ bled onto a new prayer ex­ perience which I would like to share with you. Several months ago, we had a bell choir in our church on the same evening that we had a farewell service for a missionary family returning to Ecuador. At the reception I said to John, “We have a church near us that rings chimes intermittently, and I was think­ ing that perhaps I ought to pray for you when I hear the chimes.” He stared me down and pressed it home, “ Is that a prom­ ise?” he asked. I considered a mo­ ment, not wanting to make prom­ ises lightly, then replied, “ Yes, that’s a promise!” The next time I wrote to John, I assured him that I prayed for him when the chimes rang, but that I drew the line with the ice­ cream truck that came by the house playing “Lullaby and good­ night, those blue eyes close ti— ight!” I soon learned that we have three ice cream trucks—the one that plays “Lullaby,” one that plays a tune I don’t recognize, and one that plays “Old Zip Coon on a Yellow Flute.” And I found I was praying to the call o f all three. Not only ice cream trucks, but chimes, horns, whistles, sirens o f all sorts are a summons to prayer. The odd-moment prayers have a great diversity and spontaneity to them which has been refresh­ ing. While I was taking a test at the local college at 10:00 a.m., the chimes prompted me to pray for “whatever test John is facing.” The old hymn with the line, “ Be Thou our guide while life shall

with the Gospel for over 85 years. Rus­ sian Christian leaders are trained at the only Russian Bible Institute in the world; in Argentina. Your assistance is needed. Write for FREE Slavic news magazine reports.' SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Deyneks, General Director Dept. K 434 N. Kedzie Blvd., Chicago, HI. 60647,

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