King's Business - 1969-12

Cont. from P. 40 son. Active Missionaries: 72. Countries: Brazil, Cuba-Miami, F r a n c e , India, Ivory Coast, Japan, Panama, Uruguay. Specialized Ministries: literature, medi­ cine. Needs: 8 couples for church plant­ ing, 2 nurses, 2 doctors, 1 radio pro­ grammer. North Africa Mission 47 Long Lane Upper Darby, Pennsylvania 19082 International Secretary: Harold W. Stalley. Home Secretary for North America: Dr. Francis R. Steele. Active Missionaries: 130 (66 from North America). Countries: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, France. Specialized Ministries: Bible correspondence courses, radio broadcasts, literature, Tulloch Memori­ al Hospital in Tangier, Morocco, book­ store in Fes, Morocco. Needs: unlimit­ ed number of follow-up specialists, qualified as Bible teachers and personal workers, one program editor for the Arabic ministry, three magazine writ­ ers, two recording engineers, four sec­ retaries, two general office workers, one x-ray technician, one laboratory techni­ cian, several nurses, unlimited number of teachers qualified to teach English as a second language. The Orinoco River Mission P.O. Box 611 South Pasadena, California 91080 Acting General Director: Rev. Alvin T. Lewis. Active Missionaries: 49, ac­ cepted candidates 10, short term work­ er 1. Countries: Venezuela. Specialized Ministries: Bible institute, missionary children’s academy, linguistics, book­ store. Needs: 15 missionaries. Overseas Crusades, Inc. 265 Lytton Avenue Palo Alto, California 94301 General Director: Dr. Dick Hillis. Ac­ tive Missionaries: 124. Countries: Bra­ zil, Colombia, Formosa, Greece, Mexico, Philippines, Viet Nam. Specialized Min­ istries: Evangelism through athletics, city-wide crusades, layman evangelism, coordination of inter-mission ministries. Needs: 50 missionaries. Overseas Missionary Fellowship 287 West School House Lane Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144 General Director: Rev. Michael C. Grif­ fiths. Active Missionaries: 860. Coun­ tries: Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Laos, Viet Nam, Philippines, Korea, Japan. Specialized Ministries: medicine, teaching, litera­ ture, church planting, evangelism, ra­ dio, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship ministry, l i n gu i s t i c s , translation. Needs: 80 recruits a year over the next five year period, either long term or short term. Summer service over­ seas for students. Pocket Testament League 49 Honeck Street Englewood, New Jersey 07681 International D i re c t o r : J. Edward Smith. Active Missionaries: 29 foreign

missionaries, 12 associate missionaries, 13 national evangelists. Countries: 27 countries around the world. Specialized Ministries: free Scripture distribution, mass evangelism with sound trucks and visual aids, inner city Bible ministry. Needs: unlimited. Regions Beyond Missionary Union 8102 Eberon Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111 Executive Secretary: Mr. Ernest W. Oliver. Active Missionaries: 150. Coun­ tries: Congo, India, Nepal, Kaliman­ tan, West Irian, Peru. Specialized Min­ istries: medicine, e duc at i on , Bible schools. Needs: Congo: doctors, nurses, 1 auto mechanic, 1 builder (mainten­ ance of buildings), secondary school teachers, Bible institute teachers, 1 couple for mobile literature evangelism. India: doctors, nurses, 1 business ad­ ministrator for hospital, Bible colpor­ teurs, evangelists. Nepal: doctors, nurses, teachers for grade school, high school, college, office secretaries (long or short term), 1 general builder (su­ pervisor), auto mechanics (instructor), wood shop supervisor (qualified cabi­ net maker). Slavic Gospel Association 2484 North Kedzie Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60647 General Director: Peter Deyneka. Ac­ tive Missionaries: 110. Countries: Alas­ ka, Canada, U.S.A., Europe, Korea, Australia. Specialized Ministries: ra­ dio, literature, Russian Bible Institute. Needs: 20 missionaries. South America Indian Mission, Inc. P.O. Box 769 Lake Worth, Florida 88460 General Director: G. Hunter Norwood. Active Missionaries: 117 and 12 ac­ cepted candidates. Countries: Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia. Needs: 53 missionaries — 9 Brazil, 18 Colombia, 10 Peru, 16 Bolivia. General Director: Dr. Raymond J. Davis. Active Missionaries: 1214 Coun­ tries: Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Upper Volta, Niger Republic, Dahomey, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Somali Re­ public, Lebanon. Specialized Ministries: Radio Station ELWA, medicine, educa­ tion, evangelism, Church Growth De­ partment. Needs: 103 missionaries. Unevangelized Fields Mission, Inc. Box 806 Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004 General Director: Rev. Alfred Larson. Active Missionaries: 469 (5 sending countries). Countries: Brazil, Guyana, Haiti, Dominican Re pub l i c , Congo, Ivory Coast, Egypt, Indonesia, Pupua, France, Southwest United States, Que­ bec, Canada. Specialized Ministries: linguistics, translation, medicine, liter­ ature, radio programming. Needs: 200 missionaries. Cont. on p. 46 Sudan Interior Mission 164 West 74th Street New York, New York 10023

last,” played on the chimes, prompted a prayer for John’s safe return from his trip along jungle trails and rivers. He mentioned while he was home that so much of his missionary life was doing the mundane — carpentry, medi­ cal work, dealing with govern­ ment officials to protect the In­ dians’ rights — and so when I heard, “ Breathe on me, breath of God...and do what Thou wouldst do,” I prayed that he might have the wisdom to choose the most necessary tasks, and the patience to do the things that he doesn’t consider a spiritual ministry. They aren’t lengthy prayers, but they are vital and pointed. And by their varied promptings, I like to think that the Lord is speaking to me about the very things concerning which John needs prayer. Try it! Answer the bells when they call you to prayer! k b Dr. Tim F. LaHaye What lovelier atmosphere than Hawaii is there to have a Bible Conference! Such will be the setting when Dr. and Mrs. Tim LaHaye lead the marriage relationship conference in January, 1970. In addition to being the pastor of the Scott Memori­ al Baptist Church of San Diego, Califor­ nia, Dr. LaHaye has authored two out­ standing books published by Tyndale House Publications: Spirit Controlled Temperament and How to be Happy Though Married. Mrs. LaHaye, a popular women’s club and banquet speaker, will discuss “The Woman’s Role in the Home” and “ Neglected Beauty" with the ladies. Your afternoons will be spent sunbathing and sightseeing on the beau­ tiful islands of Kauai and Oahu. Cost for eight days: $189.00, plus air. The conference may be supplemented with a full week of sightseeing on the islands of Maui and Hawaii for $110.99 addi­ tional. Clip Here Please send me a free brochure of the marriage relationship conference in Hawaii. Name____________________________________ _______ Please PRINT Address______________________________ ________ City.___________________________State ____________ Zip Code________ _________Phone_______________ KBM EVANGELICAL TOURS UNUSUAL

642 East Colorado Boulevard Pasadena, California 91101 (213) 793-3103



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