King's Business - 1969-12

Formosa, Korea, Viet Nam, France, Sardinia, Spain. Specialized Ministries: production of programs in various lan­ guages, literature, translation, medi­ cine. Needs 200 missionaries. The World Radio Missionary Fellowship, Inc. Casilla 691 Quito, Ecuador, South America Home office: Box 691 Miami, Florida 33054 President: Dr. Abe Van Der Puy. Ac­ tive Missionaries: 151. Co un t r i e s : Ecuador, Panama (international broad­ casts reaching over 130 countries). Specialized Ministries: Radio: pioneer broadcasters since 1931, now broadcast­ ing in 15 languages on 7 transmitters with 350,000 watts of power, 51 hours a day. Television: since 1961, 4 hours each evening in the Spanish language. Needs: 5 to 10 missionaries qualified in communications and mass media. KB

Cont. from P. 45 West Indies Mission, Inc. Box 39 Coral Gables, Florida 33134 General Director: J. Allen Thompson. Active Missionaries: 260. Countries: Bahamas, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Re­ public, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Suri­ nam, Tobago, Trinidad. Specialized Ministries: church planting, Bible schools, literature, youth work, radio, medicine. Needs: 18 couples for church planting, 6 teachers for Bible schools and seminaries (seminary graduates), 2 doctors, 3 nurses, 1 pharmacist, 2 lab technologists, 1 physical therapist, 2 ra­ dio technicians, 1 Bible correspondence secretary. 1 radio secretary-reception­ ist, 1 radio program secretary, 1 couple for house-parents, 1 couple for orphan­ age, 1 maintenance man, 1 mechanic, 1 youth specialist, 6 teachers for mis­ sionary children. General Director: Dr. Hollis F. Abbott. Active Missionaries: 240. Countries: Africa (Burundi and Kenya), Bolivia, Brazil, Egypt, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Middle East, Taiwan, United States (American In­ dian field, Fairhaven Home and Hos­ pital for Unwed Mothers, Sacramento, California, Peniel Missions, West Coast Cities). Specialized Ministries: agri­ culture, aviation, education, evangelism, literature, medicine, radio, T.V. Needs: more than 100 missionaries. Worldwide European Fellowship, Inc. 643 Corrdy Road Langhorne, Pennsylvania 19047 General Director: Henry J. Heijer- mans. Active Missionaries: 69. Coun­ tries: Austria, France, Germany, Hol­ land, Iceland, Italy, Spain, Uruguay. Specialized Ministries: church planting, radio (Italy), bookstores, publishing house (Spain). Needs: 4 missionaries (France), general missionaries with­ out limit (Germany, Austria, France, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Spai n , Uruguay, 12 literature workers, mis­ sionary artist. Worldwide Evangelization Crusade Box A Fort Washington, Penna. 19034 General Director: Elwin D. Palmer. Active Missionaries: 200 engaged in homebase ministries, 600 on fields. Countries: (homebases) North Ameri­ ca, Great Britain, Europe, South Afri­ ca, Australia, New Zealand, (fields) Congo, Spanish Guinea, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Upper Volta, Liberia, Portu­ guese Guinea, Chad, Canary Islands, Gambia, Somalia, Mozambique, Colom­ bia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Brazil, Do­ minica, U.P., India Kashmir, Nepal Border, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Tru- cial States, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, World Gospel Mission P.O. Box 948 123 West Fifth Street Marion, Indiana 4.6952

E V A N G E L I C A L A D O P T I O N S E R V I C E S (offered by Evangelical Welfare Agency—EWA)

6354 South Painter Avenue Whittier, California 90601 (Tel: 213-698-9631)

Children Served: Children (mainly in­ fants) for whom an Evangelical Christian home is desired. Adoptive Applicants Served: Must reside in Los Angeles or Orange Counties and be active church members of Evangeli­ cal persuasion. (An ongoing need for such parents exists.) Natural Parents Served: Professional Christian counselling is offered to writ­ ten appeals for help from any area. Re­ ferrals made for adequate maternal, medical, and financial care. (Licensed by California State Department of Social Welfare.) DO YOU FIND IT HARD to speak to others about their SALVATIONS their FEARS? their TROUBLES? their SOR­ ROWS? Many Christians do. And yet they sincerely want their lives to be an influence for the Lord. There is a way of approach that is courteous and effective. Use our leaflels and booklets specially prepared for spiritual needs. Only Bible verses used with appropri­ ate headings. Sample titles: GOD'S MESSAGE TO YOU, FEAR NOT, FOUR THINGS GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW, WORDS OF COM­ FORT, WHY READ THE BIBLE? etc. Send for FREE samples. Make use of the WORD., AMERICAN SCRIPTURE GIFT MISSION 1211 Arch Street, Room K, Phil«., Pa. 19107


Bibles and Books RELIGIOUS BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD! Any book reviewed or advertised in KING'S BUSI­ NESS available from Kreael's Book Store, Dept. KB, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. Bibles Rebound Write for illustrated price list from Nation's larg­ est Bible rebinding specialists. Work Guaranteed. Norris Bookbinding Company, Box 305 -K, Green­ wood, Mississippi 38930. Help Wanted Mature Christian staff workers needed for large rescue mission. Board, room and compensation. Single or married. Write, P.O. Box 202, Seattle, Washington 98111.

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Miscellaneous Witness With Scripture Tracts. 100 assorted— 25 cents; 500 assorted— $1.00. Scripture Wit­ ness, 102 Sussex St., Newton, New Jersey 07860.

SELL WORLD TRAVEL New course shows how! Ideal part time work for teachers, retirees, home work­ ers, handicapped. FREE TRAVEL FOLD­ ERS AND MAILING PIECES . . . you provide the postage and earn big com­ missions. Sell package tours and cruises. Prepare for job with an agency or oper­ ate your own. Home or office, part or full time. FREE FACTS or send $5.00 for big first lesson (credit on final payment of course at $175.00). E-Z terms. Lack money? Need work . . . write. Help is available. TRAVEL Box 625, Michigan City, Indiana 46360 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 107-K N. Hale St., Wheaton, Illinois 60187 NOW WORKING IN IRAN Also Working in North and South India East and West Pakistan and in Nepal Write for FREE Literature £ 3 1 6 6 6 ---------------

A DYNAMIC NEW DIMENSION IN CHRISTIAN LITERATURE: Introducing Powerful Pamphlets with a Punch! Bold, Unique, Unforgettable, Ef­ fective! FREE SAMPLES — Dynamic Living Pub­ lications, (K.B.), P.O. Box 88, Oakhurst, New Jersey 07755. "OPPORTUNITIES TO SPEAK": Here is an oppor­ tunity for you to place your name on our lists to speak to Christian groups—men and women." For further information write: Christian Speak­ ers' Source, 2612 Helm Road, Carpentersville, Illinois 60110. Tract Users Know the results of your witness with our tracts. Don't b£ just a tract passer; join other dedicated Tract Evangelists who are following up tract converts with personal work. How? Write, Tract Evangelists, Box 1106, Glendale, Calif. 91209.

Gospel Tracts for Jews (By a converted JEW)

100 assorted tracts for one dollar only. Write to Pastor Angel, 13 Lidderdale Road, Liverpool, 15, Lancs, England.


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