King's Business - 1969-12

K. Amurian. 149 pages; paper; Baker Bo k House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. Back­ ground on many familiar Christmas carols including “Angels FromThe RealmsOf Glo­ ry," “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear," and "Silent Night.” JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM by Robert and JeanaGram. 55 pages; paper; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $1.50. A Christmas contatafor children’s voices. Family This volume deals with more than just Teen-age-parent rela­ tionship. There is a definite focus upon the function of husband and wife as a team and their personal relationship as the basis for child- rearing. The book progresses from this foundation to a philoso­ phy of child-raising and ultimate­ ly to the world o f teen-agers. This work deals with specific discipline and developmental problems with ample illustrations and examples. Subjects considered are children’s potentials, authority, freedom , punishment, s i len t teen-agers, problem talkers and a score of other subjects. The book could be o f assistance to those who need direction in these given areas but for some who are informed in this subject it may be somewhat repe­ titious of other similar works. It would be helpful to have available for the specific insights developed by this author. — 144 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House; $3.50. Reviewed by Mr. H. Nor­ man Wright. ANOTHER HAND ON MINE by Wiliam J. Peterson.80 pages; paper; GoodNews Pub­ lishers, Westchester, III.; no price listed. Biography of Dr. CarlK. Becker ofthe Africa Inland Mision. NOT MADE FOR DEFEAT by Douglas Hall. 192 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. The au­ thorized biography of Oswald J. Smith. ESCAPE FROM EMPTINESS by John D. Jes. GUIDING TEEN-AGERS TO MATURITY by J. H. Waterink


Is your love that important? Indeed it is! So im­ portant it influences the lives of helpless, heart­ broken children in COMPASSION Homes in far­ away India, Korea, Indonesia and Haiti. For only a loving heart hears the cry of hungry, destitute children. Boys and girls pleading for help. Praying for a "mommy or daddy." Bravely pre­ tending they're not hungry, lonely frightened. And, like nearly 20,000 other American

sponsors, you can help one or more of these little ones today. Just $12 a month supplies food, clothing, shelter, schooling, medical attention, and tender loving

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Choose a child like one of these today.


Rev. Henry Harvey, President 7774 Irving Park Road, Chicago, Illinois 60634, Dept. K129 YES! I want to answer the prayer of one of these needy little ones in Q Korea 0 India 0 Indonesia 0 Haiti. I want to support a_____________ (boy or girl) about_________years old. Enclosed is Q $12 for the first month 0 $144 for first year. Q Unable to sponsor now, but here is $___________________________ for emergency child care.

0 Please send additional information without obligation.


87 pages; paper; Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, II.; No price listed. Practical dis­ cusionsof isues relating to day-to-day living.


City_________________________________________ State Zip Make checks payable to Compassion, Inc. an interdenominational, Gov. approved, non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible.

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