K. Amurian. 149 pages; paper; Baker Bo k House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. Back ground on many familiar Christmas carols including “Angels FromThe RealmsOf Glo ry," “It Came Upon A Midnight Clear," and "Silent Night.” JOURNEY TO BETHLEHEM by Robert and JeanaGram. 55 pages; paper; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $1.50. A Christmas contatafor children’s voices. Family This volume deals with more than just Teen-age-parent rela tionship. There is a definite focus upon the function of husband and wife as a team and their personal relationship as the basis for child- rearing. The book progresses from this foundation to a philoso phy of child-raising and ultimate ly to the world o f teen-agers. This work deals with specific discipline and developmental problems with ample illustrations and examples. Subjects considered are children’s potentials, authority, freedom , punishment, s i len t teen-agers, problem talkers and a score of other subjects. The book could be o f assistance to those who need direction in these given areas but for some who are informed in this subject it may be somewhat repe titious of other similar works. It would be helpful to have available for the specific insights developed by this author. — 144 pages; cloth; Zondervan Pub. House; $3.50. Reviewed by Mr. H. Nor man Wright. ANOTHER HAND ON MINE by Wiliam J. Peterson.80 pages; paper; GoodNews Pub lishers, Westchester, III.; no price listed. Biography of Dr. CarlK. Becker ofthe Africa Inland Mision. NOT MADE FOR DEFEAT by Douglas Hall. 192 pages; paper; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. The au thorized biography of Oswald J. Smith. ESCAPE FROM EMPTINESS by John D. Jes. GUIDING TEEN-AGERS TO MATURITY by J. H. Waterink
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