King's Business - 1969-12

Although different in scope and thrust, these two recent works from the pens o f Catholic laymen both provide interesting insights into the Roman Church o f Vati­ can II. Scharper’s work which, in­ terestingly, was published by the Southern Baptis t B roadman Press, takes the reader through the present house o f Rome from the unused parlor o f “ points of view the Church once held but which it has either changed or is in the process o f ch a n g in g ” through the dining room o f wor­ ship, the quarters of the bishops, religious orders and the Pope. In­ tended to expose the wary Prot­ estant to the modern Catholic, it does just that in a most enjoyable, readable manner. The mood changes somewhat in Duquesne’s A Church Without Priests? from the confident, basic­ ally happy guide who recognizes certain problems but sees the trends moving in a satisfactory direction to a problem becoming o f increasing c on c e rn to the Church — departures from the priesthood. The reasons for the crises, according to Duquesne, stem all the way from the authori­ tarian, monarchical aristocractic structure to celibacy and the loss o f self-identity in the ministry. The suggested road out of the present dilemma o f the Church lies basically in the de-clericaliza- tion o f the ministry. These books not only provide the reader with an up-to-date glimpse of the Catholic Church, but also they broach many areas o f concern among Protestants as well, particularly those tending toward denominational hierarchi­ cal structures. Meet the American Catholic by Philip J. Scharper, Broadman Press, 1969, 151 pp., $3.95 and A Church Without Priests? by Jacques Duquesne, The MacMil­ lan Co., 1969, 192 pp., $4.95. Reviewed by Robert L. Saucy, Prof, of Systematic Theology, Talbot Theological Seminary. EVANGELISTIC SERMON OUTLINES AND RE­ VIVAL SERMON OUTLINES both volumes com­

Cont. from p. 5 TEN MUSLIMS MEET CHRIST by Wiliam McElwee Miler. 147pages; paper; Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.95. The story of ten Muslims who were converted to Christianity through missionary efforts. STAND ON YOUR OWN TWO FEET by Hugh M. Salisbury. 162 pages; paper; Tyndale House Publishers,Wheaton, III.; no price listed.Ideas in this bookare based upon the course contemporary youth problems taught bytheauthor forsix years at Seattle Pacific College. STUDIES IN THE LIFE OF CHRIST by Irving L. Jenson. 112 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, III.; $.95. One of the Bible self- study series concerning eventsinthe lifeand ministry of Jesus Christ. SOURCEBOOK FOR MOTHERS by Eleanor Doan. 278 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $5.95. A compilation of readings, banquet ideas, toasts, poems, seed thoughts, devotional thoughts, plays, and dialogues. A MOVEMENT OF MYSTERY by PatBaldwin. 48 pages; paper; Victory Press; distributed by Christian LiteratureCrusade, Ft. Washing­ ton, Pa.; $.69. An introduction to Streatley family as they moveto the mil house in Littleford, where it is not long before two of its members are caught up in a bit of detectionwork. REFLECTIONS by RuthJohnsonJay. 64pages; paper; Back to theBible Broadcast, Lincoln, Neb.; $.50. Devotional thoughts on the life of the LordJesusChrist. PAUL MORE THAN CONQUEROR by Dr. F. B. Meyer.64 pages; paper; God NewsPub­ lishers, Westchester, III.; no price listed. This edition is condensed from the book PAUL A SERVANT OF JESUS CHRIST published by Marshall, Morgan, and Scot, London, Eng­ land. It is a one-evening book on practical Christianvictory based on the life of the Apostle Paul. PASSPORT TO CITY LIFE by Sherwood Elliot Wirt. 207 pages; cloth; Harper and Rowe Publishers, New York, N.Y.; $4.95. A modem pilgrim's progress writ en by the editor of Decision magazine. Pastor MEET THE AMERICAN CATHOLIC by Philip J. Scharper A CHURCH WITHOUT PRIESTS? by Jacques Duquesne

piledby Charles R. Wood. 64 pages; paper; KregelPublications, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $1.50 each. MOUNTAIN PEAKS OF CHRIST by Tom Ma­ lone.229 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Murfeesboro, Tenn.; $3.00. Studies in the life of Christ concerning His virgin birth, baptism, resurection, ascension, andother pertinent topics. FAVORITE CHAPTERS OF THE BIBLE by John R. Rice. 462 pages; cloth; Sword ofthe Lord Publishers, Murfresboro, Tenn.; $3.95. Fifty heart-warming messages on 23 of the best­ lovedchapters in the Bible. CONQUEST AND CRISIS by John J. Davis. 176 pages; paper;Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. Studies in Joshua, Judges, andRuth. EZRA AND NEHEMIAH by G. Coleman Luck. 127 pages; paper; Moody Press, Chicago, II.; $.95. A commentary on these two books of the Old Testament that tel of courage and dedication. THE SWORD SCRAPBOOK compiled by John R. Rice. 209pages; cloth; Sword ofthe Lord Publishers, Murfresboro, Tenn. More than 1000gems of devotion, wit, humor, and truth takenfrom 34 years ofTHE SWORDOF THE LORD Magazine. THE HOPE OF GLORY by Marcus Loane.160 pages; cloth; Word Books Publishers, Waco, Tex.; $3.95. Anexposition ofthe eight chap­ ter in thebook of Romans. BLUE DENIM AND LACE by Jack Hyles. 175 pages; cloth; Hyles Anderson Publishers, Hammond, Ind.; $3.00. Philosophies based on the personal life and ministry of Dr. Jack Hyles,pastor of First Baptist Church, Ham­ mond, Indiana. CHRIST IN THE OLD TESTAMENT byJohn R. Rice. 257 pages; cloth; Sword of the Lord Publishers, Murfresboro, Tenn.; $3.00. A discussionof Old Testament pasages which reveal the Sonof God. THROUGH NIGHT TO MORNING by Ace B. Dickson.24 pages; paper; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. The volume in the minister's paperback library series with gospel messages for soul win­ ning and edificationfor the saints. WE WOULD SEE JESUS AND OTHER SER­

MONS byGeorge W.Truett. 224 pages;paper; BakerBook House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.95. A volume in theminister’s paperback library series.



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