King's Business - 1969-12

R ecent reports from Mexico sent to us by Jerry Larson, s u m m e r m i s s i o n a r y o f FARMS, reveal that the average per-capita income o f the nationals surveyed is $45.00 a year. This and other similar surveys point up some of the problems we are facing in underdeveloped coun­ tries. For one thing, the people are extremely poor and usually malnourished. Then too, all the families interviewed are follow­ ing agricultural pursuits, which is true of seventy-five percent of inhab i tan t s of underdeveloped countries. Obviously these people are trying to feed themselves, yet it is very difficult for them to do so because they lack the means of food production, such as hybrid seeds, fertilizers, improved live­ stock (especially well-bred poul­ try), practical bu i ld in g s and equipment. FARMS is an interdenomina­ tional, non-profit service in agri­ culture which works with Chris­ tian missions on the international field to provide the means o f food production and on-the-job train­ ing for family projects. It ad­ dresses itself to the needs o f all hungry people and expresses the compassion o f Christ by starting its ministry with needy believers. The best way to help everybody in general is to help somebody in particular. If we are going to con­ vince hungry mankind that God, as revealed in Christ, is the an­ swer to all their needs then it must be evident to them that He is the answer to the needs o f those who trust Him. Because of an almost universal interest in chickens and the need for eggs, the core project of FARMS is laying hens. The egg is nature’s most perfect protein food. It is the ideal solution to the Cont. on p. 41 THE KING'S BUSINESS

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