w P O N the land the Christmas snow is lying. Its drifts'of white all imperfections hide;* But.who fo/ man, so scarred by sin, and hopeless Will for his guilt a covering provide? f O R this Christ came -to earth on Christmas morning, ' The Word made flesh, \ »nd Heaven stooping low, That though our sins be scarlet-red, and many, His blood might' wash them whiter than the snow.
Send for your free copy o f this remarkable testi mony o f hatred turned to love. A JEW AN D THE NAME of JESUS m r r T t r e r y w nn« mrr Hear, O Israel; Jehovah Our Cod, Jehovah is One!
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You will want this new movable, realistic picture method o f telling Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline problems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be surprised at results. Children want to learn and they clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attend ance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method o f teaching, to—
Dept. K. P. O., Box. 145, Pasadena, Calif.
Daniel Rose, Director Trustee, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Elder, Church of the Open Door
AN A s s u r e d a n d R e g u l a r INCOME is SUCH A BLESSING
The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a Jewish Department ^whose ministry deals with the preaching of the Gospel to God’s ancient people. Israel. From this office go out thou sands of pieces of literature especially prepared to interest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jew ish people and inviting them to the meetings. Teams of students hold regu lar street meetings in places where an audience can be secured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p.m. in the lower auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meeting is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish Department, and to support this ministry by your prayers and gifts.
Thousands of persons are receiving their checks regularly at stated intervals because they are holders of Annuity Agreements of the American Bible Society. This REGULAR INCOME brings comfort and freedom from, worry about the future. The Annuity Agreement plan is simple and has a two-fold advantage. First:—It provides a steady income for protection in old age. For over 100 years, Annuity Agreement checks have never failed in spite of uncertain and disturbing world conditions. Second:—You enjoy the permanent satisfaction of knowing that you are helping in the ever more significant work of making the Bible available throughout the world. Mail This Coupon Today Without Fail
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American Bible Society, 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. □ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-87 *‘A Gift That Lives.” □ I enclose $......................... for the world-wide distribution of the Scriptures.
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Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated
Louis T. Talbot, D.D.
Betty Bruechert Managing Editor
William W. Orr, D.D-
Editor in Chief
Associate Editor
Copyright, 19U7, The K ing ’&Business No part o f this magazine may be reproduced without permission. A ll Rights Reserved.
Vol. 38
No. 12
Wfje Spirit of C h r i s t m a s By Annie Johnson Flint
CONTENTS Editorially Speaking ........................................................................................ 4 The Bible in the News, William W. O r r .. ........................................... 5 “ His Name Shall Be Called . . Louis T. Talbot ............................. .. 6 The Angels’ Chorus— The Trumpet Sound, R obert R. B row n ............ 8 A Prayer fo r Christmas E v e ........................................................................ 9 The Future o f the Bible Training Institute, Samuel H. Sutherland 19 Seventh-Day Adventism, E . B. J o n e s .. ..................................................... 11 Room fo r Jesus, Clarence M. Sheldon .......................................................... 11 Palestine, Russia and Ezekial 37, Louis T. Talbot .................................. 13 Junior K ing’s Business, Martha S. H o ok er ............................................. 15 Dr. Talbot’s Question B o x .............................................................................. 16 Biola Family C ircle............................. 17 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. W ilson .................................................. 19 It’s An Idea, Carlton C. B u ck ........................................................................ 19 Sunday School Lessons, Hom er A . K ent, Allison A rrow ood .............. 24 Wonderful, Martha Snell Nicholson ............................................................. 29 Picture Credits: Cover, Philip Gendreau, N. Y .; p. 13, K eyston e View, N .Y .; pp. 13, 16, 20, Eva Luoma, W .Va. Illustrations: p. 6, R ev, Ransom M arvin ; p. 28, John Bazart. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION— “The King’s Business” is published monthly; $2.00,. one year; $1.00, six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It requires- one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES— Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office- money order payable to “The K ing’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. ADVERTISING— For information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street,. Los Angeles 13, California. MANUSCRIPTS— “The King’s Business” cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1938, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 638, P. L. and R., authorized October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, California. Pjq^Three*
I QUESTION if Christmas can ever be "merry" ■ Except to the heart of an innocent child. For when time has taught us the meaning of sorrow And sobered the spirits that once were so wild, When all the green graves that lie scattered behind us Like milestones are marking the length of the way, And echoes of voices that no more shall greet us Have saddened the chimes of the bright Christmas Day, We may not be merry, the long years forbid it, The years that have brought us such mani fold smarts, But we may be happy, if only we carry The Spirit of Christmas deep down in our hearts. THREEFOLD is the Spirit, thus blending to- ■ gether The faith of the shepherds who came to the King; And, knowing naught else but the angel's glad message, Had only their faith to His cradle to bring; The hope of the Wise Men that rose like the Daystar, To lighten the centuries' midnight of wrong. And the love of the Child in the manger low- lying, So tender and patient, so sweet and so strong. Hence I shall hot wish you the old "Merry Christmas," Since that is of shadowless childhood a part, But one that is holy and happy and peaceful, The Spirit of Christmas deep down in your heart. Copyright Evangelical Publishers Used by permission
■ -fc* * Pest Utefyes tor 8 iHost Sopous Cfjrtetmas to 811 of <&ur BEUaber* {Eftrougbout tfje <8®orlt> *
The King's Business Editorial and Circulation Departments
D E C E MB E R . 1 9 4 7
the pages of the Bible. The person out side of Christ, while he sometimes re gards the Scriptures superstitiously, al most never seeks its advice for his life. Within the pages of this incomparable volume, God has placed every necessity for the spiritual life. There are encour agement and guidance; there are food and drink; wisdom is there in abundance, and comfort for the broken-hearted. It is a complete book, lacking nothing. How ever, all of its treasures are useless un less read and believed. Again this year, Christian p e o p l e should take the lead in following the suggestion of the American Bible Society and not only read for themselves, but urge others, friends and neighbors, to set apart some time during the closing month of the year to think on the things of Christ. •£ For Christmas Giving A RECENT survey among American families shows that they are strong readers of periodicals. Every family in the United States last year spent $11 for magazines; an average o f 85 copies, or 7 per month, went into every American home. It is a very fine thing to subscribe for a Christian periodical. Not only is there the initial copy, but there are 11 more coming. Christian magazines have a sanctifying effect upon the home. As they lie upon the table, they preach a silent Gospel message. Visitors to the home are impressed with Christian peri odicals. Who can measure the influence upon the home o f the true-to-the-Bible message? This year again The King’s Business is urging its family to give subscriptions as gifts. We know that they are deeply appreciated, fo r throughout the y e a r many expressions o f gratitude reach our desk. For those who are interested, we invite further inquiry from the Circula tion Department, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. ☆ Making a Christian Will F AR too many Christians die leaving selfish wills. Surely the responsibility that devolves upon the Christian in re gard to his earthly possessions includes the disposition o f wealth left after his death. This should be carefuly disposed of that it might continue to honor the name of the Lord whom the believer served while he was in the flesh. It is a well-known fact that far too many tragedies occur even in Christian fami lies when battles are fought over the property o f the one who has gone to be with the Lord. Every Christian should leave a will, and in every Christian’s will there should be adequate provision for his dollars and cents to go right on doing the will and work of God. The law o f our land provides that a certain percentage of everyone’s estate may be left to charitable or religious enterprises. Many Christian institutions throughout the land are supported ejther wholly or in part by such bequests. THE K I N G ' S B US I NE S S
The message the minister sought te bring was this: Away back in the beau tiful garden o f Eden, God gave man a pair o f ears so that He, as man’s Lord, might communicate and fellowship with His creature. But the man, and the wom an, too, used the ears God had provided to listen to the tempter’s lies. So, being poisoned by untruth, they chose their own way instead of God’s, and sinned against Him. Ever since that day, men’s ears have been “ dull o f hearing,” but the Heavenly Father was full of compassion. One day, He sent a Saviour to open men’s ears so that once more they might enjoy fellow ship with their Maker. This blessed Son o f God lived a most wonderful life; yes, and died a sacrificial death. What, then, is the remedy for ears that are “ dull o f hearing” ? It is the faith that comes by hearing the Word of God. The new and glorious story o f the Gospel will penetrate heavy ears and awaken sleeping hearts. Just as,the ears were the vehicle for the entrance of death and sin, so they become the avenue for newness o f life. If men and women, and boys and girls, will listen to the peerless story of Jesus and His love, they will find themselves changed into new creatures. All this was explained to the little boy with the big ears. He was then asked di- . rectly whether he understood the Gospel. The chubby lad nodded his affirmation. The preacher went on to say that all those who had opened their ears and their hearts to God’s story should re member other darkened hearts in the world, and should act as heralds o f the Gospel, going up and down the land cry ing, “ Jesus Saves!” V One World— One Book A GAIN this year, between Thanksgiv in g and Christmas, the American Bible Society is sponsoring a series of Scripture Lessons from the Bible. The theme of the effort this year is “ One World—One Book,” and a timely theme it is. The American Bible Society should be warmly commended for their efforts in encouraging this splendid spiritual exercise. It is a deplorable fact that God’s chil dren fail woefully in reading the Word of God. To be sure, there are some out standing e x c e p tio n s , but the average Christian spends little or no time within
Time for Another Star ® HEEE is no doubt but that the world has been a vastly different lehem star appeared. It brought hope and promise for the future. To those who have made room in their hearts for God’s Gift, life has become new and abundant. Where the story of Christ has gone, light and civilization and humanitarianism have followed. But there is no doubt that today the world is sorely in need of the appearance o f another star. Men’s hearts are failing them because of fear. Races are not con cealing their hate fo r one another. Na tions are distrustful, greedy, selfish, and fa r too ready to resort to the brutality of arms to settle disputes. Domestic condi tions are growing worse with each suc cessive year. Ecclesiastical groups fu- tilely battle over non-essentials. Yes, it is time for another star! And that is exactly what the Word of God promises! Before the Old Testa ment closed, the writer dipped his in spired pen in the ink o f prophecy and wrote concerning the Sun of Righteous ness who was to arise with healing in His wings. Everyone knows that our sun is a star. It appears to us as a sun with blazing brilliance because it is part of our solar system. So it will be when God’s Son returns. He will come with a blaze of glory, and the brilliance o f His appearing will transcend all things, for He will not come in weakness and humili ty. Rather, He will come as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and all men from the least to the greatest will bow before Him. The darkest hour of the night is just before the dawn. So as we look about us and at the pitiable world conditions, we should lift up our heads and encourage our hearts, and look for the dawn. Very soon another star will appear—the Star of stars, even God’s own well - beloved Son. # ' He That Hath Ears I T was a ch u r ch s e r v ic e and the preacher, after his usual custom, was giving an object lesson to the boys and girls. He asked one little fellow to help him with his story sermon. As the young ster came to the platform, the pastor fastened over his head a huge pair of false ears which stood out like the ears o f an elephant.
place since that morning when the Beth
Dead •2* A recent news item is responsible for the statement that the 1947 Encyclopedia Brittanica contains the information that Darwinism, the popular brand of evo lutionary hypocrisy, is absolutely dead, and that today no scientist o f any re pute holds the doctrine of the “ survival of the fittest.” What a contrast to the loud proclamations o f scientists two-score years ago that Darwin’s theory was the answer to the question o f man’s origin! The world needs to learn the lesson that no theory should be accepted until proven scientifically accurate. Upswing Our FBI confirms the disgraceful fig ures recently published with regard to California’s crime rate. For the first half o f 1947, the increase in murder was 35% over any previous record; in robbery, 9% ; and in larceny and theft, 10%. These increases, it is to be remembered, are over the swollen rate o f the war years. Thus California, along with Dark est Africa, and needy Asia, is fast be coming a mission field. Millions Pray «9* Dr. L. H. Lehmann, the courageous editor o f the factual Converted Catholic, is endeavoring to enlist a million believ ing Christians in a unique prayer cru sade, the purpose o f which is to inter cede with God for the conversion of Monsignor Fulton J. Sheen, f a m o u s Catholic leader and spokesman in the United States. Dr. Lehmann is confident that the prayers o f Christians from Maine to California for one month will prevail with God to bring about a change in this man’s heart. Monsignor Sheen has attracted the attention o f the Amer ican people by i n d u c i n g prominent Protestants to join the Roman Catholic Church. This particular burden for prayer fo r him resulted from a strange dream which Dr. Lehmann describes in the October issue o f his periodical. Criminal Waste A temporary cessation o f distilling and brewing intoxicating liquors in this country and abroad would offer the solu tion to the present world food crisis, ac cording to George W. Crabbe o f the Anti- Saloon League. During 1946, an almost unbelievable amount o f precious grain was used to produce liquor, with its re sultant crime, disruption o f homes, and misery. If the present world situation is as acute as reported, certainly this ac tion should meet with the most hearty approval o f honest and intelligent men and women everywhere. Religious Gains Dr. Roy G. Ross, General Secretary o f the International Council of Religious Education, declares that religious educa tion in the United States has entered a period of progress and growth. More than 2,000,000 pupils are released every week from public schools fo r an hour of religious instruction, and approximately 34,000,000 attend Sunday , school each D E C E MB E R . 1 9 4 7
Lord’s Day. In addition, vacation church schools this past summer enrolled 5,- 000,000, and nearly one - half million young people attended religious camps. There is encouragement in these figures because o f the important fact that in al most all o f these endeavors the Bible is the central textbook. New Glory for Old Glory <£ By unanimous consent, a s e r m o n preached in the New York Avenue Pres byterian Church o f Washington, D. C., by Dr. Peter Marshall, Chaplain o f the Senate, was inserted in the Congression al Record o f July 10, 1947. Among many other fine statements, Dr. Marshall de clared: “ It is strange, and I believe tragic, that the Constitution makes no reference to God. Forty-three o f our states have already written into their constitutions vague religious acknowl edgments. All make some reference to a higher power, but not one state honors Jesus Christ. Christ said: -He that hon- oureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him’ . . . God can be honored only through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. All pious, vague affirmations about God as a Supreme Be ing, etc., are vain unless supreme honor is specifically given to Jesus Christ.” Thank God for such a witness for Christ in high places! A 5,000,000,000 Years' Loss Recently the men who gaze at the stars had 5,000,000,000 years lopped off their calendars. This drastic step was taken during the seventy-seventh meet ing o f the American Astronomical So ciety. Dr. Bauer o f Harvard University informed his colleagues that cosmic rays now indicate that meteors, or shooting stars, are not as old as it was formerly believed. The method of determination of age is by the amount o f helium they contain. These meteors are now supposed to be only 2,000,000,000 years old instead of 7,000,000,000. Of course this makes us breathe easier! Seriously, what amazes us is the way in which the naive scientists can so nonchalantly toss around billions of years, as if they were minutes! We have always belieyed that it was only with the Lord that “ one day is . . . as a
thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” Who Is Christ? In a recent issue o f News Week, the religious editor reviewed a book by Rabbi Milton Steinberg, entitled Basic Judaism. This volume confirmed Israel’s historic beliefs, hopes, and aspirations. What is of particular interest to Christians is his restatement of the Jewish estimate of Jesus Christ. Rabbi Steinberg believes Him to be “ neither God, nor uniquely His Son, nor the Messiah, nor a moral prophet, nor even an impeccable human being,” but, rather, “ a great man, a gift ed and exalted teacher.” We are remind ed of Jesus’ own words regarding His Messiahship and Deity, to the Jewish rabbis of His day: “ I f ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins.” 5% to 1 ■£ The press of our land has given dis proportionate emphasis to a number of prominent Protestants who have recent ly joined the Catholic church, partly be cause this is a newsworthy item and partly because of the subtle influence the Catholic church holds over our news papers. One beneficial effect has been that many o f our Protestant statisticians have begun to dig into the records te ascertain how large the movement in the other direction is. In a recent sur vey conducted by the Omaha Council of Churches, it was learned that in Omaha the ratio is 5% to 1. The figures during the last year were that 22 Protestants became Catholics and 121 Roman Catholics were accepted into Protestant congregations. This sur vey, however, is extremely conservative. In other sections o f the land, the ratio has run from 10 to 1, to as high as 50 to 1. This missionary work among Cath olics has not been the result of careful Protestant planning or co-operation. The reason in most cases has been simply that the Roman Catholic heard the good news of salvation by grace and the Spirit of God revealed the folly o f Cath olic practices and doctrines to him.
“J 4 is flam e sut & (Sin.., n Houtô %. Œalbot, j®. B . For unto us a child is bom, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Isa. 9 :6 ). "Wonderful" O UR Lord Jesus has always been “ Wonderful.” Before the heavens and the earth were created, He was wonderful in His Being—in His glory and beauty. In Old Testament times, He was wonderful in His presence and love with His sin ning creatures. How faithfully He led them and taught them and chastened them throughout all the centuries! He was wonderful in His birth; for He was born as no other human being was ever born. God was His Father; He was “ con ceived by the Holy Ghost.” He was the “ only begotten Son of God.” A beautiful star led wise men to His crib; angels filled the sky on the night when He was born. Humble shepherds and learned scholars worshipped Him in His lowly manger. He was wonderful in His birth! Our Lord Jesus Christ was wonderful in His Life. He lived a holy, sinless life on earth. His Heavenly Father spoke more than once from heaven, saying,. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased (Matt. 3 :17; 17:5). Jesus Himself could say, I do always those things that please him (John 8:29). And His apostles ever spoke with authority in such terms as this: He was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin [i.e., He was not tempted to sin ] (See Heb. 4:15, R.V .). Who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens (Heb. 7:26). Our Lord Jesus Christ was wonderful in His life! He was wonderful in His work. Only because He was God, could He perform His mighty deeds. Moreover, because He always was, is now, and ever, shall be the God o f love, He had compassion on the multitudes. He healed the sick, opened the eyes o f the blind, raised the dead, cast out demons, comforted the broken hearted, forgave sins. Only God can do those things! As the Creator, He manifested His power over nature, turning the water into wine, stilling the tempest, walking upon the sea, multiplying the loaves and fishes. Thus He showed His power over nature, sickness, demons, death, and sin. He Was wonderful in His works in order to prove that He had every right and all power to be come our Sin-Bearer and Lord and King. Christ Jesus was wonderful in His words. Even the oificers who were sent by the Pharisees to take Him prisoner could only reply, Never man spake like this man (John 7:46). He always spoke the truth—the truth about the Triune God and His plan of salvation; the truth about things to come; the truth about man’s moral and ethical obligation to God and to his fellow-man. The Lord Jesus was wonderful in His death. No
one else ever died as He did—a propitia tory sacrifice for sin. He died that we might live. He died willingly, gladly, for lost, never-dying souls! Our Lord was wonderful in His resur rection. In His glorified yet very real body, Christ bore the keys o f hades and the grave (Rev. 1 :8 ). He broke the bands o f death, robbing Satan o f his mightiest weapon. Because He lives, we too shall live! He was wonderful in His ascension THE K I N G ' S B U S I NE S S
jnto heaven. Angels attended His return to His eternal, uncreated glory, reassur ing His loved ones that He would come again. The Father in heaven greeted Him with those marvelous words of “ Wel come Home,” foretold by David a thou sand years before David’s Son was born in Bethlehem: The Lord said unto my Lord [God the Father said to God the Son; for David’s Son was David’s Lord], Sit thou on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool (Psa. 110:1). Our great High Priest, even Jesus, is wonderful in His present ministry at the right hand o f the Father, fo r there He “ ever liveth to make intercession” fo r His blood-bought c h i l d r e n (Heb. 7 :25 ). He is our “ advocate with the Father” (I John 2 :1 ). When we sin, He prays fo r us, chastens us, and restores us to fellowship with Himself. He guards and cares fo r us— and how patiently He deals with His own! He is wonderful in His authority, power, and love! “ And his name shall be called Won derful” when He c o m e s in glory to Teign. The whole world will be filled with His glory. From all eternity He has been wonderful in the eyes of the Father and the Spirit, in the eyes o f angels, and in the eyes o f His saints — separated ones. But when He rules over the earth, all men will call Him “ Wonderful.” And His glory shall cover the earth “ as the waters cover the sea.” All that mankind has ever desired that is worthy and true, all that is good and righteous and just, all that godly men have dreamed about and more— these will all be realized when Jesus comes again. Longevity will be restored to men. Even the animal kingdom will live at peace, for birds and beasts and cattle will be subject unto Him. The wolf shall dwell with the lamb; the leopard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the young lion shall feed together; and a little child shall lead them. There will be no more thorns; “ the desert shall blossom as the rose.” Every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree; the poor and needy shall be en riched; and the lame man shall leap as the hart. Our Lord will be wonderful in His reign o f glory upon earth! "Counsellor" W E do not say that, in ages past, the world of men has accepted Christ as Couhsellor. Today the unbelieving world still rejects His counsel. Instead, The kings o f the earth set them selves and the rulers take counsel together a g a i n s t the Lord, and against his anointed (Psa. 2 :2 ). The godless world crucified the “ only wise God our Saviour” (Jude 25). Even those o f us who love Him and truly want His counsel all too often fail to go to Him for wisdom arid guidance! We are self-willed, impatient,. forgetful of our utter dependence upon Him who "doeth all things well.” But in the ages to come it will not be so. All men shall
call Him “ Counsellor.” In His inherent worthiness, He has always been the only safe and true Counsellor. Six thousand years o f human history are but the rec ord of failure and sin on the part of frail humanity; and the nations are rush ing headlong to eternal doom—all the nations that forget God. But when Christ sits upon the throne of David, then all men everywhere will ask, “ Who hath been his counsellor?” He Shall judge in righteousness and equity; and The spirit o f the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit o f wisdom and understanding, the spirit o f counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord (Isa. 11 : 2 ).
This name of our Lord takes us back to the days of Abraham, when the pa triarch first told that the God in whom he had put his trust was E l Shaddai, “ The God who is enough.” It was when Abram was ninety years old and nine that El Shaddai appeared unto him to say, I am the Almighty God [E l Shaddai]; walk before me, and be thou perfect (Gen. 17:1). At this meeting of the Lord with Abram, the latter’s name was changed to Abraham, the token of the Abrahamic covenant was established, and the birth o f the son o f praise was foretold fo r the ensuing year. Almighty! What a word that is. It symbolizes the source o f all power, all majesty, all might. Christ’s almighty power shaped a world into being. His voice brought order out o f chaos, light out o f darkness, life eternal out o f ever lasting condemnation and death. By the power o f the risen Christ all nature fulfills its mission. Every flower, every tree, every mountain, every valley, every bird song, every flash of lightning—all o f God’s universe speaks to us o f His omnipotence. As a school boy I learned to sing, and still love to repeat the words, I sing the almighty power of God Which made the mountains rise, That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies. But how does this manifestation of power help me? Simply because I know that the Almighty God is able to keep my soul which He has redeemed by His own precious blood. Since He has “ all power in heaven and in earth,” I may trust Him with all that concerns me, knowing that Satan and all his hosts can not pluck me out of His all-powerful hands! In my pilgrimage to heaven I often stumble and fa ll; but underneath are the “ everlasting arms” of the Almighty God, E l Shaddai, the God who is enough! "The Everlasting Father" HE name, “ The everlasting Father,” foretold the coming of the One who was always one with the Father, even our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. . When He was upon earth, He told men that He did the works o f the Father, - that He was worthy of equal honor with the Father, that He was in the Father and the Father in Him. The fifth chap ter o f John makes these claims very clear and unmistakable. Our Lord came to fulfill the Father’s will, to speak the words of the Father’s love for lost man kind, to “ declare” or “ manifest” the Father. To Philip’s request that He show to the disciples the Father, Christ said, flave I been so long time with you, and yet hast' thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how say- est thou then, Shew us the Father? (John H :9 ). (Continued on Page H )
The Lord will be the righteous Judge, as well as King of kings. He will satisfy the afflicted soul; He will guide His peo ple continually. "The Mighty G od " T HE Lord Jesus Christ was the A l mighty God throughout the p a s t eternity. He was “ God with us” in His incarnation. As the God-Man, He moved among men, performing mighty miracles. Then, in His death, it looked to the world as if His claims to deity had proved false; the world thought He was a fail ure. But His resurrection, foretold in the Old Testament and by the Man of Galilee Himself, proved for all time and for all eternity that Jesus of Nazareth was the Almighty One, the One into whose hands had been committed “ all power in heaven and in earth.” For forty days, He showed Himself alive to those who loved Him; then in His ascen sion He added further proof that all His claims to deity were forever estab lished. Yet it will not be until He takes the reins o f government in His omnip otent hands that the whole wide world will acknowledge Him as “ The mighty God.” But that day will come just as surely as were all His prophecies ful filled in His death and resurrection and ascension into heaven.
By Robert R. Brown, D. D.*
B LORY to God in the highest, and. on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). “ For the Lord him self shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice o f the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first” (1 Thess. 4:16). More than nineteen hundred years ago, lowly Palestinian shepherds received an angelic visitor who greeted them with the thrilling message, “ Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings o f great joy, which shall be to all people.” This joyful message was the announcement that a Saviour had been born. Then an angelic host joined the angel herald in the mighty chorus: “ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” This theme has re-echoed down through the centuries. It has been the inspiration for the most enjoyable season of the year. ?u t there is another equally awe-inspiring event which is yet future. This momentous occurrence will be ushered in with the sound of the trumpet. The cry of all Christian hearts is, “ How long will it be until we shall hear the sound o f the trump of God with its attendant shout and voice of the arch angel?” Its promise and prospect are the hope of' the church and the joy o f every believing heart. Prophecy T HE angels’ chorus was prophecy fulfilled. The ancient prophecy that the Seed of the woman should one day bruise the serpent’s'head; that a virgin should conceive and bring forth a Son; that a Child should be born, upon whose shoulder the government of the world would rest—the promise o f the Deliverer for His people and of the Light to lighten the Gentiles, was now fulfilled. He of whom all the prophets had spoken came at last. The Word had become flesh and dwelt
among men. The Son of God had laid aside His glory that He might make Himself of no reputation and become “ fashioned like as a man.” “ A child is born . . . a son is given” ! The only way by which God’s Son could become a man was by a human birth. What a glorious testimony to the identity of the newly-born Child! He was not a product o f the race; He did not come up out o f the human family, but He came down from God. Wonderful gift o f God’s love! The sound of the trumpet is next in God’s prophetic cal endar. The prophets not only foretold the coming o f a Babe; they spoke of the day of the coming of the King o f kings. The fulfillment o f this great truth is the expectation o f the church, its glorious hope, the only answer to the need o f the world. The sound o f the trumpet will mark the beginning of the fulfillment o f a great line o f prophetic Scriptures. It will be a great hour for the church of God when, in accord ance with First Thessalonians 4:13-18, the saints will be caught up to meet the Bridegroom. The trumpet blast refers to the resurrection o f believers as recorded in First Corinthi ans 15:52: “ The dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” The angels announced to the Jewish nation that the Deliverer whose coming the prophets predicted was here, but the trumpet will proclaim to a prepared bride that her Absent Lover has come to fulfill His promise, “ If I go . . . I will come again, and receive you unto myself.” This will be the answer to the High Priestly prayer o f Jesus: “ Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am” (John 17:24). The sound of the trum pet will bring nearer the day when Israel, a present world problem, will be brought into her own by the coming o f her Messiah. A t that time the Palestinian problem will be settled in short order.
T HE world and organized religion will never be ready to receive the Lord Jesus Christ. The nations of the earth will continue to “ rage, an d .. .imagine a vain thing.” Satan will take advantage o f every opportunity, not only to prepare, but to enthrone, the man whom he will invest with his power and authority. The true church
W HEN the angels made their proclamation, only a very few were expecting it and had ears attuned to the mes sage o f the heavenly host. Among these who waited for “ the consolation o f Israel” were the expectant parents, devout Simeon, the godly prophetess, Anna, and the poor shepherds, watching their flocks by night. Jerusalem, the center of Juda ism, the seat of Jewish life and religion, was not in a state o f expectancy. Later, when the wise men came to Jerusalem, making inquiry about the young child, none were aware of or concerned with this glorious event. It is significant that when the Magi went outside of the city, they again beheld the star. It is lamentable indeed when religion can obscure the things that are most priceless and essential to life. The Roman au thorities, intoxicated with their temporal power, did not dream that the despised Babe in a manger was the King o f kings and Lord of lords. When the sound of the trumpet announces Christ’s return to receive His own, only a small company out o f the mass o f population or even the devotees of religious organizations will be looking for and expecting His coming. The very lan guage of the indifferent has been predicted, “ Where is the promise of his coming?” The materialistic attitude of our gen eration chills the heart to any such prospect and dims the eye of vision to this glorious outlook. When Christ’s coming was announced by the angel, neither the Jews nor the Romans had a place for Him. Judaism was apostate. The traditions of the elders had been substituted for the “ thus saith the Lord.” The ecclesiastical leaders were so meticulous about the externals o f their religion that when the Son o f God appeared first as a Babe in a manger, and then later as a Teacher and Friend o f sinners, they had no place for Him. They cried, “ Away with him!” The Roman govern ment was all-sufficient in itself, secure in the strength o f its own great armies and defenses. They likewise had no room for Jesus’ saving message or His gracious ministry. As we today anticipate the sound o f the trumpet, there is no evidence that the world as a whole will be waiting to re ceive Him with glad acclaim. We read in Hebrews 9:28, “ So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time with out sin unto salvation.” Today the religious world is badly confused. Man’s opinions have been substituted for divine revelation, character for Christ, the natural fo r the super natural. A program of world conquest to Christianize the whole social order is now being planned, but these religious leaders fail to remember that Christianity begins in the hearts of men, not in their environment. We are in the midst of a new conflict, not so much any more between modernism and fundamentalism, but between true Christianity and a religion with an ever-expanding pro gram o f human betterment without the supernatural. One is the program o f men; the other, the prosecution o f the purpose of Christ. Believers in Christ’s return will share in every good work that will contribute to the highest good of men, but they will not be diverted from the essential task of world wide evangelization. The nations are attempting to make a peaceful world by force. Nothing could be more stupid and hopeless than that, but apparently it is the only course that nations know how to follow. We are now in the midst o f a great war between opposing ideologies. Commentators on world events remind us that the “ one world” idea is fast disappearing. “ Two worlds” seem inevitable, one consecrated to free enterprise, and the other to absolute statism, with its dictatorship. In many coun tries, nationalism and patriotism have become a religion. The stage is being set for the rise of the superman who will ex press the lofty ambitions and human ideals o f the world’s leading nations. But the order that he will instigate will be anti-Christian, not anti-religious, a system in which the Son o f God will have no recognition. The challenge' as we listen again to the angels and await - the trumpet blast is for
of Christ should be reminded constant ly o f the need of p r e p a r a tio n for th is g r e a t day of the coming of the Lord. The re sponsibility is a personal one. Shall we not live in the light of this glori ous coming event? Christmas with its glamor, gaiety and giving, may dis tract us from the Person o f Jesus Himself. The cares of this world, the love of pleasure, the pursuit of hap piness, and multi plied Other things may deafen our ears and dull our hearts to the trum pet sound. And as we think of giving, shall we not first give to God our spirit, s o u l a n d body — our past, p r e s e n t and fu ture? Shall we not ask Him to fire our hearts with a new love-flame until we shall be praying fervently, “ Even so, c o m e , L o r d Jesus!”
*Dr. R. R. Brown is pastor o f the Omaha Gospel Tabernacle, Omaha, Ne braska. As minister of the first radio congregation in the United States, he has broadcast the Gospel over Omaha’s Radio Station WOW continuously for over twenty-five years.
A P R A Y E R F O R C H R I S T M A S EVE O LORD, there sit apart in lonely places, A t this the gladdest time o f all the year, Some stricken ones with sad and weary faces, To whom the thought of Christmas brings no cheer. For these, 0 Father, our petition hear And send the pitying Christ Child near. A ND there are tempted souls this night, still waging Such desperate warfare with all evil powers; nthems o f peace, while the dread strife is raging, Sound out a mockery through their midnight hours. For these, O Father, our petition hear, And send Thy tempted, sinless Christ Child very near. L ORD, some sit by lonely hearthstones sobbing, Who feel this night all earthly love denied, Who hear but dirges in the loud bell’s throbbing For loved ones lost who blessed last Christmastide. For these, O Father, our petition hear And send the loving Christ Child very near. — Author Unknown.
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A Report on the New Accrediting Association by the Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles
W ITHIN the last year there has taken place in the United States the most significant development in the Bible Institute movement since its inception half a century ago. For the first time in history, representatives of forty of the leading Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges met in conference to discuss and deal with their mutual problems. Early in the year, at Winona Lake, Indiana, January 29-31, the first conference was held, followed by another, October 14- 16, the results o f which were most gratifying. It was an im pressive gathering o f men who throughout the country are not only regarded as great educators, but who are also re spected as outstanding Christian leaders. Purpose These educators stated their motive as follows: “ Our first aim must always be the glory of God, which translated into the language o f education, means the highest academic standards within our power to attain, consistent with the sound development o f Christian character and faithful prepa ration for a Spirit-filled ministry, as we transmit our heri tage in the Word of God to the next generation.” The practi cal purpose o f these conferences was the formation o f the Accrediting Association o f Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges.
their four years o f work, especially in Bible, languages in cluding English, history, philosophy and psychology. In seek ing a change in this situation, the Accrediting Association is not asking for blanket recognition, but only fo r credit on the basis o f equivalency, that is, credit for subjects which overlap the college curricula. It is the hope and expectation o f the Accrediting Association that graduates o f schools which are members o f the Association will be able to have their credits transferred to recognized Christian colleges at full value on a basis o f equivalency. To accomplish this pur pose, Bible school courses must be standardized. Standardization The standards adopted by the Accrediting Association com pare favorably in a general way with those o f liberal arts colleges. There is no desire on the part o f the Association to enforce these standards in an arbitrary fashion. Space will not permit us to go into much detail as to the standards adopted by the Association. The mention o f a few highlights may make clearer the task o f this organization. Naturally, the most important decision has to do with Doctrine Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges holding membership in the accrediting organization must subscribe to the following doctrinal statement: We believe that there is one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word o f God. We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicar ious death and atonement through His blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father and in His personal and visible return in power and glory. We believe that man was created in the image o f God, tempted by Satan and fell, and that because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary for salvation. We believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved unto the resurrection of life and those who are lost unto the resurrection o f damnation. Other Requirements The type of instruction and the amount o f outside study re quired for each school will be considered in giving accredita tion. All standard educational methods including research work, seminar type of instruction, and other acceptable forms will be considered in giving accreditation. The regular mem bers of the faculty must have at least an M.A. degree or its academic equivalent. As to the library, there must be a minimum o f 5000 well-chosen books, properly catalogued. A minimum of $1.00 per student must be spent annually in the purchase of books, or the equivalent received by donation. Furthermore, the school must have completed at least seven years o f continuous operation as a Day School following the date o f its incorporation as a Bible Institute or Bible College. Evidence must be provided that the school is on a sound financial basis. In addition, there must be adequate and comfortable facilities for efficient training and housing o f students. (Continued on Page 29) THE K I N G ' S B U S I NE S S
Presidents and Deans of leading Bible Institutes and Bible Colleges
Necessity Years ago, a Bible Institute course was all that was thought necessary to fit young men and women for the ministry and other forms of Christian work. But, with increasingly higher educational standards in the world, Bible Institute students are feeling the need for higher education, and are entering colleges and universities. There they have had the ex perience of having their work in Bible schools greatly dis counted. This situation has led to a demand for recognition for the years spent in Bible Institutes, particularly on the part o f Christian colleges. The Christian colleges cannot be blamed in the matter. Those whose standards are high are members of educational associations; if they allow credit too easily, they jeopardize their standing with these associations. In some cases, these Christian colleges have been allowing almost two years’ credit for four years o f Bible Institute training, but this has been done only by validation, or by the students’ taking examinations in the subjects that they had completed during
in the observance of the seventh - day Sabbath . . . The mark o f the beast is the . . . observance of the first day of the week.”6 This is just one of Adventism’s pre sumptuous endeavors to, wrest the proph ecies of inspiration to the faulty conjec tures of men; but it is one which has re sulted in bringing confusion to many sin cere souls. The Bible teaches that, in this dispen sation, children of God are distinguished, not by their observance of “ days,” or by their obedience to the law in any o f its “ thou shalt” and “ thpu shalt not” ex actions, but by their having “ ceased from his [their] own works” (Heb. 4:10) and by having entered into that “ sabbath rest” [repose of the soul] which remain- eth . . . for the people of God” (Heb. 4:9 R. V .). See Galatians 3:10, 11, 19-25; 4:8-11; Colossians 2:13-17; H e b r e w s 4:1-10, R. V. The Bible teaches that the seal of the living God, which, just prior to the out pouring of His wrath upon the earth, is* to be placed for protection upon the fore heads of the 144,000 believers of the chil dren of Israel, is Christ’s name and the name of the Father. See Revelation 7:1-4, R. V .; 14:1, R. V. Compare Zephaniah 1:14-18; 2 : 1 - 3 ; Revelation 12:13-17; Psalm 91. The beast’s mark will have nothing to do with the compulsory ob servance o f a religious day. It will be the number 666, symbol of man, in contra distinction to the seal o f God. (Rev. 13:16-18). This, of course, is the differentiating doctrine most commonly known, namely that whereas well-instructed believers on this side of Calvary observe the Lord’s Day (not because they must, but because they may), the Seventh-Day Adventists observe the seventh-day Sabbath, or at least harp on Sabbath observance. (There is no such institution as “ the Christian Sabbath.” The Lord’s Day should not be so called). To quote Dr. Pettingill again: “ Sev enth-Day Adventism is a subtle delusion, greatly misunderstood by the rank and file o f God’s people, who generally be lieve that the only difference between Seventh-Day Adventists and other sects is that Adventists worship on Saturday while others worship on Sunday. The fact is that this is a slight difference as compared with other differences.” 4 Most evangelical Christians are aston ished when they hear me declare in pul pits over the land, or when they read in my writings,6 the following fa ct: Sev enth-Day Adventists teach that, just like all inherently corrupt mankind, Christ was born with a sinful nature!7 This could only mean that His heart, too, was “ deceitful above all things, and desper ately wicked” (Jer. 17:9). For Bible teaching regarding the sin less Christ, see Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27; Luke 4:34; Hebrews 4:15; II Corin t h i a n s 5:21; I Peter 2:22; Hebrews 1:1-9 Matthew 1:23; I Timothy 3:16; John 10:30; 8:44-46; 14:30. Not only do Adventists teach the blas phemous doctrine that Christ was born with a sinful nature, but they also teach
S E V E N T H -D A Y A D V E N T I S M Its Unscriptural Faith Second in an Exposé of This False Cult by E. B. Jones
I N Second Timothy 2:15, we have God’s own instruction for handling His holy Word: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The Latin Vulgate Version read s, ■“ rightly handling the Word of Truth.” The opposite of dividing or handling the Word aright is, as stated in Second Cor inthians 2:17, to “ corrupt the word of God.” “ Anything wrong with Seventh - Day Adventism?” I answer: Its unscriptural faith. As a system, Seventh-Day Advent ism is as sound as its foundation, and no sounder. Like other professedly Bible- founded, yet false creeds, the Adventist ‘ ‘message” contains a measure o f truth. But the relatively small portion of truth is so mixed with error that biased minds, not being guided by the Spirit o f Truth, and not knowing the Word of Truth, r i g h t l y divided, are poisoned by such Satan-concòcted mixtures. A typical example of such a mixture in Adventism is its interpretation of the doctrine o f justification by faith. The New Testament offers s a l v a t i o n “ by grace . . . through faith,” plus nothing. Mrs. White, on thè contrary, with her “ inspired pen” wrote that it was a “ dan gerous error” for one to believe that “ works have nothing to do with [one’s] redemption” and that “ the doctrine of faith and faith only” is “ ensnaring.” 1 For the Bible teaching regarding grace versus law, and living faith versus dead works, see John 3:36; 10:27-29; Romans 3 :28 ; 4 :5 ; 8:1, 33-39; Ephesians 2:8, 9; Titus 3 :5 ; Colossians 2:14; Galatians 3:13-25; Hebrews 7:1,1-19, 22, 25; Philip- pians 1:6. According to Adventism, not only is the doctrine o f faith and faith only, “ en snaring,” but the testimony of all who say they are saved, is “ misleading” ! I quote from their highest authority, Mrs. White: “ Those who accept Christ, and in their first confidence say, I am saved, are in danger o f trusting to themselves . . . Those who accept the Saviour, how ever sincere their conversion, s h o u l d never be taught to say or feel that they are saved. This is misleading.” 2 The Bible teaches that all who by faith receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, are believers, and that all believers are saved. It also teaches that the true be liever knows, and that he should, and will, testify that he is saved. See John 1:11-13; 10:6-9, 24-27; Luke 7:41-50; II Timothy 1:1-9; I Corinthians 1:18; Titus 3:3-5; I John 5:13; R o m a n s 10:8-11; Psalm 107: 2, 8. Seventh - Day Adventism h a s b e e n called Modern Galatianism. Dr. William L. Pettingill states : “ It was against Sev enth-Day Adventism that the Apostle Paul gave his testimony in the meeting D E C E MB E R . 1 9 4 7
at Jerusalem described in the fifteenth chapter of Acts and the second chapter of Galatians. Indeed, it was against Sev enth-Day Adventism that the Epistle to the Galatians was written.” 3 As in the case of the “ bewitched” Gala tians, who, professing to believe the Gos pel of grace, were still in bondage to law, observing its no-longer - sacred “ days” (Gal. 4:8-11), so Adventists are chiefly . ☆ ☆ ☆ Room for Jesus
O NE night I dreamed I was a guest, That night in Bethlehem town, Where He was born, who gave to it Its famous world renown; And safe I slept within the inn That quiet starlit night, While in the stable near there shone The world’s eternal light. A ND in the morn my host revealed The story of that birth, To us, his guests, who sat and heard, And feasted in our mirth; But one inquired, in thoughtful mood, Why shelter was denied; “ There was no room within the inn,” Our genial host replied. U P spake I then to them, and said, “ If I had only known, They might have had my room last night In little Bethlehem town.” Then I awoke; and now I know The Prince of Peace is come, And needs a place within my heart— Will I now give Him room? —C larence M. S heldon ☆ ☆ ☆ concerned with the keeping (? ) and the preaching of the'Jewish (weekly) Sab bath. They teach that “ God recognizes as His chosen people” today those who observe, as did Israel of old, the seventh day o f the week as the Sabbath.4 They teach that “ the seal of God is revealed
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