King's Business - 1947-12

dying, spiritual nature . . . nor will he until the resurrection. Then, if righteous, he will be made immortal . . . and here­ in lies a most comforting thought in the Bible doctrine of the sleep o f the dead, | that in death there is no consciousness . . . All sentient life, animation, activity, thought, and consciousness [cease] at death. A ll . . . wait till the resurrection for their future life.” How different the Bible teaching that man is a threefold being—spirit, soul, and body! The Bible teaches that death, by conducting a Christian into the pres­ ence o f Christ, enlarges that Christian’s sphere of opportunity. Paul had “ a de­ sire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is fa r better.” For the Christian, but fo r the Christian only, “ to die is gain.” See Philippians 1:23, 27; I Thes- salonians 5:23; Hebrews 4:12; I Corin­ thians 6:20; Matthew 10:28; I Corin­ thians 2:11; Acts 3:23; John 12:27; II Peter 1:4, 13, 14; Acts 2: 37-41; I Petep 1:18-23; John 1:11-13; 3:3-8; 10-28; II Corinthians 5:6-8. Seventh-Day Adventism teaches that, following the Great White Throne judg­ ment, “ the wicked are to be utterly de­ stroyed — consumed away into smoke, brought to ashes.” 11 Adventism makes the Scriptural term destruction mean an­ nihilation. Their softening o f the Bible teaching regarding hell indicates their slight appreciation of the sinfulness of sin, of the preciousness o f the shed blood of Christ, and of the infinite righteous­ ness of our wise and just sovereign God. The Bible teaches that the unrighteous “ shall go away into everlasting punish­ ment: but the righteous into life eter­ nal.” The Bible teaches that “ the wicked shall be turned into hell,” that “ the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever,” that “ their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.” See Matthew 25:41, 46; Psalm 9:17; Mat­ thew 18:8, 9; Revelation 14:9-11; Mark 9:42-48. I have touched on a few of the many false doctrines of this damnable heresy, Seventh-Day Adventism, in which I was for long years enslaved, but from which I was finally, by the sovereign grace o f God, gloriously delivered. The interested investigator is referred to my booklets on the subject.12 1. Mrs. E . G. White: Steps to Christ,■ ed. of 1908; p. 65. . 2. Mrs. E . G. W hite: ChrisVs Object Lessons; ed. of 1900; p. 155. 8. William L . PettingM, in Foreword of E . B. Jones* Free Indeed. 4. Mrs. E . G. W hite: Testimonies for- the 6. E. B. Jones: Why You Should N ot Be a Seventh-Day Admentist; fifth ed.; pp. 6, 7. 7. Mrs. E . G. W hite: The Desire' of A ges; P, 24. | Also Adventism?s textbook Bible Readings for the Home Circle; trade ed, 1915; p. 115. j 8. Mr 8. E . G. W hite: The Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan; ed. of 1911; pp. ¿19, ¿22, ¿85, ¿86. 9. C. H . Mackintosh: Notes on the Book of Leviticus; pp. 298, 299. 10. Bible Readings for the Home C irde; trade ed. 1915; pp. 881, 887. 11. Bible Readings for the Home C ird e; pp. 892, 891* h 12. E . B. Jones: Why - You Should N ot Be a Seventh-Day Adventist; fifth ed. Free Indeed (the author*s testim ony); sec­ ond ed. Church. Vol. V I; p. 850. 6. Ibid, Vol. V III; P. 117.

atonement of the cross. How many o f the sins of Israel did the scapegoat bear away? ‘AH.’ Not one left behind. Whither did he bear them? ‘Unto a land not in­ habited’—a land where they could never be found because there was no one there to look for them . . . Could we have a more graphic picture of Christ’s accom­ plished sacrifice?” 9 See Leviticus 16:10, 21, 22; Isaiah 53:6, 11, R. V .; Hebrews 13:12, 13; I Peter 2:24. Compare Isaiah 63:3, R. V. and John 1:29. Another repulsive teaching of Advent­ ism is that of soul-sleeping. (Note that it is called “ comforting” in the following quotation!) In Adventism’s textbook, we read: “ Man does not now possess the un-

that" Satan, not Christ, will bear all the sins of “ the truly penitent.” 8 Their “ in­ spired” prophetess interpreted the scape­ goat o f Leviticus 16 to mean the devil! Of this pernicious heresy, one has well said: “ Here we reach the high water mark o f irreverence—Satan as saviour!” The Bible teaches that our sins have been “ put away” by that act of Christ on the cross in which God has been eternally glorified. “ The two goats, on the day of atonement, give the double aspect of the one act. In the one, we see God’s glory maintained; in the other, sins put away . . . Every soul that believes on the Lord Jesus Christ . . . is as perfectly forgiven as God is perfectly glorified, by the

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