cessors for His ancient people—and for all o f those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death. This article will conclude Dr. Talbot’s discussion of the thirty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel; an exposition o f the thirty- eighth chapter will appear in the Janu ary .19US issue. !" YOU CAN HELP: ! By Watching the expiration date j on your magazine. > Making sure your subscription j is paid well in advance so you J will not miss a copy. Writing your name and ad- | dress PLAINLY. Be sure the j [
"H IS N AM E SHALL BE CALLED " (Continued from Page 7) No man hath, seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him [led him forth into full revelation ] (John 1 :18). “ The everlasting Father” is a com forting name! Everything about us is fleeting, changing, temporary. The world is ever seeking, yet never finding that which will abide, apart from the mes sage brought down to earth by the Son of God, whose “ name shall be called The everlasting Father.” It is no wonder that Napoleon, while reviewing his army be fore the pyramids o f Egypt, said, “ There is nothing lacking here” ; then; catching his breath, he added, “ except perma nence.” It is startling to us to see how the things o f earth coitte to naught. Where are the Pharaohs today? Where are the men who built one of the most wonderful kingdoms the world ever saw? They are withered old mummies in a glass case in the British Museum. Where are the Caesars today? They are a hand ful o f dust that help to make up old Rome. Where is Nebuchadnezzar today? The exact site of his palace of splendor can not even' be identified. When, some years ago, I stood in the British Museum and saw helmets of brass, breastplates and swords and all the armour that knights once wore, I wondered whose eyes had flashed through those helmets, whose beating hearts those breastplates had once protected. Today you and I sit in the pews o f our churches; we who are ministers stand behind our pulpits. Tomorrow, if the Lord tarries, we shall be gone. And yet, in the midst of all this change, you and I long for life. We want to live, and rightly so. We bury our loved ones in the graves; and one asks us, I f a man die, shall he live again? (Job l l :H ) . The infidel has no answer o f hope. The worldly-wise says, “ We do not know.” But God’s living Word tells us that He whose name is “ The everlasting Father” reassures us, saying, I a/m the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die” ( John 11 :25, 26). As we rejoice in the name of “ The ever lasting Father,” we sing also in the words of the much-loved hymn: Change and decay in all around I see; Oh, Thou who changest not, abide with me! (Continued on Page 28)
tor distraught and suffering Israel, but for all the bleeding nations of the world as well! Recently the press carried a state ment by a Zionist leader that the Jews o f all the world were more than ever de termined “ to go home” that is, to return to the Holy Land. Surely we who love God shall not for get to pray for His ancient people Israel that many of them will be born again in this day of grace, before the church is translated to be with Him. Thank God! There will be many sons of Abraham in the church, which is the “ bride of Christ,” to rule with Him in glory! Shall we not pray that many more may be added to this number in these trying days, when “ men’s hearts are failing them for fear” ? May the Lord make us missionary inter
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