King's Business - 1947-12

Send for your free copy o f this remarkable testi­ mony o f hatred turned to love. A JEW AN D THE NAME of JESUS m r r T t r e r y w nn« mrr Hear, O Israel; Jehovah Our Cod, Jehovah is One!

THE CHRISTIAN S D.D.T.*WEAPON ‘(DispensingDailyTenderness) This attractive calendar has daily scripture readings—a memory verse for every day—a Christian experience and a poetic gem—yes, 365 of them for 1948. Once you have a “ Choice Glean­ ings" Calendar you would never be without one. Send only $1. It provides a daily mailing piece 1 to your less fortunate friends. Order now,________ MAIL TH IS T O A . — FR IEND EV ER Y DAY (CALENDAR «OCOMESo GOSPEL FOLIO PRESS 817 North Ave N.E.Crand Ra oids, Mich. Get the habit of mailing comforting scripture texts, plus a Christian experience and poem to one whom it can comfort most. A new one for every day. HH


THE BEST IN V IS U A L A ID S N O W IN Beautiful Rich Colors at Reduced Prices

You will want this new movable, realistic picture method o f telling Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline problems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be surprised at results. Children want to learn and they clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attend­ ance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method o f teaching, to—


Dept. K. P. O., Box. 145, Pasadena, Calif.

Daniel Rose, Director Trustee, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Elder, Church of the Open Door

AN A s s u r e d a n d R e g u l a r INCOME is SUCH A BLESSING

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles maintains a Jewish Department ^whose ministry deals with the preaching of the Gospel to God’s ancient people. Israel. From this office go out thou­ sands of pieces of literature especially prepared to interest the Jews. Also many of the students are engaged in visitation work, calling upon the Jew­ ish people and inviting them to the meetings. Teams of students hold regu­ lar street meetings in places where an audience can be secured. Various prayer meetings are held and every Sunday at 4 p.m. in the lower auditorium of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles a mass meeting is held with fine speakers. You are invited to pray for the work of the Jewish Department, and to support this ministry by your prayers and gifts.

Thousands of persons are receiving their checks regularly at stated intervals because they are holders of Annuity Agreements of the American Bible Society. This REGULAR INCOME brings comfort and freedom from, worry about the future. The Annuity Agreement plan is simple and has a two-fold advantage. First:—It provides a steady income for protection in old age. For over 100 years, Annuity Agreement checks have never failed in spite of uncertain and disturbing world conditions. Second:—You enjoy the permanent satisfaction of knowing that you are helping in the ever more significant work of making the Bible available throughout the world. Mail This Coupon Today Without Fail

■Send for the interesting . booklet, “ A Gift That Lives,” which tells how you can both give and receive generously at the same time, and earn certain tax exemptions.

American Bible Society, 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. □ Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-87 *‘A Gift That Lives.” □ I enclose $......................... for the world-wide distribution of the Scriptures.

Address all communications to DANIEL ROSE , Director Jewish Department Bible Institute o f Los Angeles 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13

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