Western Baptist Bible College 528 33rd St., Oakland 9, Calif. Presenting three years of Intensive Bible Training on a Christ-Honoring Plane. APPROVED FOR VETERAN'S TRAINING Approved by Calif. Assoc. Regular Baptist Churches. January and September registrations. Requests for Prospectus, etc. cheerfully fulfilled. 73 — Songs in the Desert — 7 3 Fourth ' edition, 73 soul-inspiring, devotional evangelistic, missionary specials— solos, duets, choruses, anthems. Sung by thousands around the world. In artistic leatherette cover. One copy 66c; 2 copies $1.00 C. E. RANCK, PUBLISHER 900 N . Hobart Blvd., Los Angeles 27, Calif. LANTERN SLIDES o i l Glass slides, 2" x 2" and 3 % "x 4 " from your films and snapshots. The exclusive service for mission aries and Christian workers world-wide, from whom many appreciative letters have been re ceived. Colored slides. Either size. Reasonably priced. No lists. Phone CLeveland 66129. C. WHITFIELD SIMS 6176 Myosotis St. Los Angeles 42, Calif. Founded in 1907 Bolivian Indian Mission Pacific Coast Council 230 No. New Hampshire Ave. Los Angeles 4, Calif. Featuring two Bible Institutes in' the Spanish and Quechua languages. E R I C K P E T E R S O N First-Class Shoe Repairing 5062 W. Adams Blvd., Los Angeles 16 (Formerly 730 W. 6th St.) Tel. WEbster 0404 ' We’llHetpYou ' TO RAISE MONEY I f y o u r c h u r c h o r c l u b needs funds for worthwhile pur poses, use our generous coopera tive plan toraise the cash. There’s no easier way of earning money for charitable or similar uses thanby sellingGottschalk’s Metal Sponges. Housewives know about, need, want—will buy from you —these grand little cleaning and scouring helps which lighten their labors. You’ll be amazed at the quick, easy profits. Write to day for full information—Metal Sponge Sales Corporation, 3650 North 10th St., Philadelphia 40. Gottschalk’s METAL SPONGES \_____________________ ) C T O M l U i r n ? So-called "speech con- W 1 I I 111 I I I la n ■ trol" methods do not remove the cause of stuttering. Stop doing the things which interfere with speech end you will talk normally. Write for further information today. C. H. SCHROY PSYCHOLOGICAL cmd SPEECH COURSE Dept. KB, 1816 W. 5th St., Los Angeles S TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I NE S S
Christmas (gifts “ I have received your wonderful food-parcel. The Lord bless you and all the donors, truly, it is , more blessed to give than to receive “ I f the gifts of true Christians had not come, our children would nave had to go to school without shoes.“ “ I have received with many thanks the two dear . Bibles Such are the letters we receive from our Chris tian friends in Europe .W ill their Christmas be a happier one because YOU helped them? Full reports of needs and opportunities are published in THE EUROPEAN HARVEST FIELD, now in its 28th year. Sample copy free on request. American-European Fellowship 16 Philips? Place Yonkers 3» N . Y . YOU CAN WIN SOULS TO CHRIST WITH GOSPEL FILMS Send for free booklet today explaining. It will be a revelation to you. Also free booklet describing the revolu tionary lifetime MIRACLE SOUND PROJECTOR that does not wear out; quiet as a clock; needs ( no oiling; has no belts; needs no servicing; trouble-proof. C. 0. BAPTISTA FILMS Sunnyside Avenue, Wheaton, III.
I heard the hells on Christmas Day Their old familiar carols say, And loud and sweet, the words repeat Of “ peace on earth, good will to men.”
God’s presence to learn God’s will and way so that He may tell the people God’s thoughts and direct them in God’s path. He goes into God’s presence with the needs and desires of the people. He spreads before the Father’s throne the remedies needed fo r the sins that are occurrent. He goes in and out for the glory of God. W e H ave A ccess B ecause W e A ke S ervants L uke 19:13 Every child of God is a servant of God. He may come into the presence of his Master for instruction, guidance, and counsel. He needs to be in the presence of his Lord to learn his Lord’s plans and purposes. He needs to come for equip ment that he may serve his Lord ac ceptably in reverence and godly fear. He needs to come for supplies that he may give the riches o f heaven to the poor of earth. He needs to come to be inspired in God’s presence that he may go out and inspire others. W e H ave A ccess B ecause W e A re S aved J as . 4 :8 The unsaved are strangers to God. They do not know Him; they do not walk with Him; they do not seek to please Him. They live a self-centered life. There is no relationship whatever existing between them and the Lord God o f heaven. The Christian, however, is no longer a child of Satan, and no longer a part o f the program of this world. He is a separated man, walking in the counsel of the Lord, in the fear of God, and seek ing to know the Word of God that he may practice it in his life.
HAND MADE! Beautifully styled In 12 kt. Rolled Gold Plate This attractive lapel pin proclaims the Gospel Message “ Jesus Saves.” Each word is firmly held by a safety clasp and the chain with sus pended cross is securely attached. A truly beautiful pin for your own use and a splendid gift for others. Only $ 1 .0 0 each postpaid Send In your ord er today. AGENTS WANTED: Write for details. 1 Z CHAPEL NOVELTY SALES P. O . Bex 63-B Quincy, Illinois W a r o i M| w/unnm 11mwvwvS I © Page Twenty
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