King's Business - 1947-12


C hrist S hould B e L ord in O ur F aith J ohn 2 0 :28 It might have been. expected that, when Thomas saw the wounds o f Jesus, he would have said, “ My Saviour and my God,” but he did not. He said, “ M y Lord and my God.” When Saul saw Jesus exalted in glory, he looked up and said, “ Lord . . .” Before that, the law had been his lord, but now this risen, wounded Man was to dominate his life completely. When the jailer cried out for salvation, Paul said, “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ . . .” The jailer became obedient to this risen Christ in whom he found salvation. Let us crown Him Lord o f all. C hrist I s to B e L ord in O ur The Lord never has any use fo r those who deal falsely or who are lazy. We are told to be “ Not slothful in business; fer­ vent in spirit; serving the Lord” (Rom. 12:11). Solomon, the wise man, warned against those who have a false balance and a deceitful weight. God demands an honest heart. One who fears God will give full measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Those who acknowledge the Lordship o f Christ will not engage in anything but an honest and honorable business upon which God can smile and which will have the ap­ proval of His Word and His people. C hrist I s to B e L ord in O ur B ody 1 C or . 6 :13 The body is to be raised in the resur­ rection. The Christian’s body is to be raised first but the body o f the unsaved will not be raised until one thousand years later. The body o f the Christian is to bè raised that it may be rewarded. The body o f the sinner is raised that it may be punished. All deeds in this life are done with the body, whether they are good or evil. It is only right, there­ fore, that the body should receive the re­ ward it earns. When Christ is Lord of the body, then the eyes and the feet, the hands and the lips, carry out His will and p e r f o r m His bidding. Otherwise, Satan is lord and the body is used for wicked purposes. C hrist I s to B e L ord in O ur F amily E ph . 6 :4 There would be no divorces if Christ were Lord in each home. There would be no family quarrels or children drifting from home, or husbands killing their wives, if Christ were Lord in each home. When Christ is Lord, the family is knit together in the’love of God. When Christ is Lord in the home, the parents spend time with their children, teaching them the things of God, instructing them in their play and in their work. When Christ is Lord, the children are reared in the fear o f God. “The conversation in the home will be godly, pure, and clean. The home of the true believer will be a “ Christian front” against the world, the flesh, and the devil. TH E K I N G ’ S B U S I NE S S B usiness C ol . 3 :17

M att . 2 3 :8 ; J ohn 13:13

*"TpHE confession o f Christ as Lord lies 1 at the very basis o f Christian faith. Never once is the sinner asked to con­ fess that Jesus is his Saviour. All con­ fessions in the Scripture are concerning the Lordship of Christ. “ That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (Rom. 10:9).

In marriage, the wife takes the hus­ band’s name, thereby confessing that he is now her lord. In the army, the uni­ form is a confession that the army is the soldier’s master. The bank messenger wears his garb as a confession that he has a boss. So in conversion, the indi­ vidual is no longer ruled by the world and by evil companions, but by Jesus Christ who is now to be his Sovereign.

A Korean men's missionary society, organized to send the gospel to other peoples; now needing reorganization since the war. Insets: An early i Peru convert; smiling Chinese woman evangelist.

i U r e a ö t f i a H a r W J S t ” John 4 : 35.

5 lA T not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest. Behold^ I say. unto you, lift up your eyes and loo\ on the fields.” One look at the lands so recently ravaged by the grim hand of War is sufficient to stir the heart of any true Bible-believing Christian. Every such land needs the witness to Christ. Exhausted Europe calls to us. The true Bible-believing Christian. Every Korea, Manchuria and still struggling China must be reconstituted. And,no Board or Mission which condoned Shinto shrine worship in the Jap­ anese Empire can possibly do that. Yet the appalling fact remains that those forces which have already led so large a portion of the church

at home away into unbelief and apostasy are already present and at work in these critical mission fields. In Korea, the strongest mission­ ary advocate of Shinto Shrine ob­ servance was appointed adviser to the American occupation forces. The Korean church, still debating whether to repent and return to its first love, or to remain as the Japanese forced it to be, is being advised that no word of repentance for i$s idolatry' is necessary. Let it take off from where it is, it is enjoineid, and go on “ to evangelize the entire country!” Truly, the harvest fields are al­ ready white. No time now to lose. “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation!” 2 Cor. 6: 2.

I have left my board, and am one with you in your testimony. Would there be a place for me, an Australian, in your Korean mission ?” writes a splendidly equipped missionary lady. Shall we send her out? For full details, address The Treasurer, Dept. K-127.

f or P R E S B Y T E R I A N F O R E I G N M I S S I O N S Philadelphia 44* Pa., U. S. A.

sge Twenty,two

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