King's Business - 1947-12

JANUARY 18, 1948 MAN'S NEED OF GOD R om . 8:12-17, 31-39

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to heaven. “ In Christ Jesus” the believer has everything he needs, even joint-heir­ ship with Christ (v. 17). M an N eeds K nowledge of G od ' s J ustification (8 :3 3 ,3 4 ) “ It is God that justifieth.” No charge against God’s elect will be allowed to stand. Even Satan with all o f his ac­ cusations (Rev. 12:10) gets nowhere in his endeavors to bring the children o f God into disrepute in God’s presence. “ There is therefore now no condemna­ tion [judgment] to them which are in Christ Jesus” (8 :1 ). The judgment was all borne by the Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary. God now looks upon the be­ liever through that crimson flood and sees him just as if he had never sinned at all. Justification is more than pardon. The believer ought to rejoice in this fact day and night. M an N eeds the C omforting L ove of G od (8 :35 -39 ) The love of God persists through every circumstance of life, no matter how diffi­ cult ; it is “ the love which will not let me go.” It gives the believer a sense of se­ curity as nothing else will. It is record­ ed that Spurgeon, noting on a weather- vane the words, “ God is love,” remarked to his companion that it was not appro­ priate to write that statement on such a changeable thing. But his friend said that he had misinterpreted t h e t e x t which really meant, “ God is love, which­ ever way the wind blows.” Romans 8 be­ gins with “ no condemnation” and ends with “ no separation.” The God o f this chapter is the God all men need. Do you know Him? Helps for the Children How W e W orship G od (J ohn 4 :5 -1 0 ,2 4 ; R omans 8 :3 8 ,3 9 ) “ God is a Spirit: and they th^t worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). The Jews hated the Samaritans who were half-Jew and half-Gentile. Seldom did a Jew even walk through the land of Samaria; he preferred to go miles out of his way rather than to let his feet even touch the soil of Samaria. The Son of God loved the Samaritans as much as He loved the Jews. One day, He not only chose to walk through Sa­ maria, but He surprised His disciples by talking with a sinful Samaritan woman while He rested beside a well. As Jesus talked to her about God and Himself, she reminded Him about the argument between the Jews and the Samaritans about the place where one should wor- M e m o r y V e r s e :

Pointers on the Lesson A very helpful lesson may be secured by spying attention to the various ways by which MAN’S NEED OF GOD is set forth in the verses chosen fo r our lesson this week. M an N eeds to B e L ed by T he S pirit op G od (R om . 8 :12 -17 ) Unregenerate man needs to be first born again by the Spirit o f God (John 3:5-8). Having been regenerated by the Spirit, he then through all his pilgrim­ age here on earth is to be filled and led o f this same Spirit. This is the only sure antidote against living after the flesh. The flesh and the Spirit are contrary one to the other. When one is filled with the Spirit, the things o f the flesh will not be attractive, and they will also lose their power. Note the therefore or so then in verse 12. It connects what follows with all that has gone before in this marvelous let­ ter. In view o f the fact o f God’s magnifi­ cent provision o f a perfect salvation for sinfnl men, those who have availed them­ selves o f its initial benefits ought to go on in the enjoyment o f all that it offers in the way o f victory and blessing. As yet man’s body has not been redeemed (v. 23). However, he has the sure prom­ ise o f its redemption at the Second Com­ ing o f Christ. In the meantime, the Spir­ it o f God within ’ us is an “ earnest” of the victory our bodies will enjoy in that great day. To live after the flesh is to live as one unredeemed. Those “ led by the Spirit o f God” (v. 14) live as “ sons,” that is “ adult-sons” or sons who have come to maturity. Those so led give evi­ dence that they are truly God’s sons and daughters by regeneration and position. In all o f this consideration, it is neces­ sary to observe that the Holy Spirit is a Person who comes to indwell the life of every believer’ (John 16 :7 f). M an N eeds C onfidence in G od ’ s P rotection (8 :3 1 ) “ Who can be against us?” Since God is on the believers’ side nothing else in the world matters, not even atomic bombs. There never was a day when men had such need o f this assurance. M an N eeds A ssurance op G od ’ s G enerosity (8 :3 2 ) None can compare with God in the matter o f generous giving. Contemplate Calvary and all o f man’s vaunted gen­ erosity pales into insignificance. Then on top o f that, the verse before us tells us that along with Christ He provides everything the believer needs on his way

TITHER, 417-K South Hill St. Los Angeles 13, California

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