^onberful Martha Snell Nicholson “ His name shall be Wonderful.” This Babe for whom Even in village inn, there was no room? The lowing o f cattle was His lullaby, Though caroling angels were thronging the sky. “ His name shall be Wonderful.” This little Lad, Living so simply, and so plainly clad ? “His name shall be Wonderful.” This Carpenter, Known from His childhood by each villager? “His name shall be Wonderful.” Spat upon, shamed, Tortured and crucified,—how is He named Wonderful, Counsellor, mighty God, He who one dark day Golgotha’s road trod? His name shall be Wonderful—Jesus, God’s Son! God’s Word has promised, and it shall be done! Not meek and lowly, despised among men, This same Lord Jesus is coming again With clouds and great glory, to reign here below, And all men shall praise Him, and each knee shall bow. From ocean to ocean His name shall be heard, Wonderful name o f our wonderful Lord! The Future of The Bible Training Institute (Continued from Page 10) Program of Studies A standard Bible Institute diploma signifies the successful completion of a minimum of 90 semester hours or 1620 class hours. It is understood that class hours are to be at least 50 minutes in length. The semester is normally under stood as 18 weeks; the term as a 12-week quarter. Many schools will wish to con tinue to exceed these minimum require ments. Membership The Association will welcome Bible Institutes which are unable to meet fully the standards for membership for an associate membership to be known as intermediate members whose doctrinal standards and purpose are the same but who in some respects have been unable to qualify for full membership. How ever, no institution is to be a full- fledged member of the Accrediting A sso-' ciation until a thorough examination
has been held by the examining com mittee of the Association. A t present this committee is drawing up sets of questionnaires to be sent to all the schools. Officers The officers which were elected at this last session are: President, Dr. Suther land, Dean o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles; Vice-Presidents, Dr. Osborne, Cleveland Bible College, Cleveland, Ohio, and Dr. Witmer, Fort Wayne Bible In stitute, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Secretary- Treasurer, Dr. Crum, Dean of Provi dence Bible Institute, Providence, Rhode Island.
mother, £ "The shepherds said one to an m j-et us now go even unto Bethlehem, 8 and see this thing which is come to jj? 8 pass which the Lord hath made known 5 8 unto us. .H 9| « 8 8 "And they came with haste and found g 8 Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying 3 5 in a manger. 3 ; S , & S "And when they had seen it, they «8 s made known abroad the saying which 2 S was told them concerning this child." g i Luke 2:15-17 §
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