UNION LESSON HELPS on the International Uniform Lessons
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Union Lesson Helps stand for and emphasize the foundation truths held in common by all evangelical Christians. Undenominational and uncontroversial, they can be used with safety in any Sunday school. Write for free specimens AMERICAN SUNDAY-SCHOOL UNION 1816 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, Pa.
There is no waste material because tessons are not dated. Use lelt-over books the next year with a new class.
These excellent lessons have now been pre pared in Spanish as a missionary project, with- out profit Available to you . . AT COST. Translation work will continue until the entire unit is ready NOW READY: Year 1. Part 1 lor both Juniors and Primaries. Send lor FREE Spanish Compendium &
ATTRACTIVE BOOKS SOUND TEACHING CORRECT METHODS Henrietta C. Mears. Editor The Gospel light Press 1443-A North Vine St. Hollywood 28, Calif.
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" F O R U N T O U S A C H I L D I S B O R N U N T O U S A S O N I S G I V E N " In remembrance of the Wonderful Child of Bethlehem who fills our hearts with hope and gladness, we plead for the thousands of Hebrew Christian and Jewish children and for their fathers and mothers. They are afflicted with cold and hun ger and a misery beyond experience. Help us to send them food, clothing, and medicine to alleviate their distress; and ministers of God to cheer their hearts. Ten dollars ($10.00) will provide a nourishing food parcel, or material for warm clothing. Thousands are starving. You will honor the Child of Bethlehem by helping them. Let them also know the joy of His coming! Please send your gifts to: The Friends of Israel Missionary and Relief Society, Inc. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. Treasurer for Canada: Rev. P. S. Dobson, M.A., D.D., Principal, Alma College, St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada Our quarterly bulletin, ISRAEL MY GLORY, sent to all contributors and also on request. “ And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me" (Matthew 18:5). _
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Joseph M. Steele, President
Paul L. Berman, V.P. Herbert W. Bleber, D.D. Stanley Kiehl Gambell Joseph T. Britan, D.D., Treas. Edward J. Griffiths, Solicitor
Victor Buksbazen, B.D., Gen. Sec. Walter TV Riemann Theodore Strong Wray Howard J. Miekley, Rec. Sec.
Committee of Reference
C. E. Macartney, D.D. . Walter E. McClure, D.D. John H. McComb, D.D. Robert C. McQuilkin, D.D. T. Roland Philips, D.D. Harry Rimmer, D.D. Wilbur M. Smith, D.D. Andrew Telford, D.D.
G. Allan Fleece, D.D. Richard Orme Flinn, D.D. Graham Gilmer, D.D. Norman B. Harrison, D.D. T. Christie Innes, M.A. Harry A. Ironside, D.D. Albert S. Johnson, D.D. * Nye G. Langmade, D.D.
Archer E. Anderson, Th.D., George W. Arms, D.D. Louis S. Bauman, D.D. Lome H. Beiden •O. B. Bottorff Lewis S. Chafer, D.D. Northcote Deck, M.A. Walter D. Ferguson, Ph.D.
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