the pages of the Bible. The person out side of Christ, while he sometimes re gards the Scriptures superstitiously, al most never seeks its advice for his life. Within the pages of this incomparable volume, God has placed every necessity for the spiritual life. There are encour agement and guidance; there are food and drink; wisdom is there in abundance, and comfort for the broken-hearted. It is a complete book, lacking nothing. How ever, all of its treasures are useless un less read and believed. Again this year, Christian p e o p l e should take the lead in following the suggestion of the American Bible Society and not only read for themselves, but urge others, friends and neighbors, to set apart some time during the closing month of the year to think on the things of Christ. •£ For Christmas Giving A RECENT survey among American families shows that they are strong readers of periodicals. Every family in the United States last year spent $11 for magazines; an average o f 85 copies, or 7 per month, went into every American home. It is a very fine thing to subscribe for a Christian periodical. Not only is there the initial copy, but there are 11 more coming. Christian magazines have a sanctifying effect upon the home. As they lie upon the table, they preach a silent Gospel message. Visitors to the home are impressed with Christian peri odicals. Who can measure the influence upon the home o f the true-to-the-Bible message? This year again The King’s Business is urging its family to give subscriptions as gifts. We know that they are deeply appreciated, fo r throughout the y e a r many expressions o f gratitude reach our desk. For those who are interested, we invite further inquiry from the Circula tion Department, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13, California. ☆ Making a Christian Will F AR too many Christians die leaving selfish wills. Surely the responsibility that devolves upon the Christian in re gard to his earthly possessions includes the disposition o f wealth left after his death. This should be carefuly disposed of that it might continue to honor the name of the Lord whom the believer served while he was in the flesh. It is a well-known fact that far too many tragedies occur even in Christian fami lies when battles are fought over the property o f the one who has gone to be with the Lord. Every Christian should leave a will, and in every Christian’s will there should be adequate provision for his dollars and cents to go right on doing the will and work of God. The law o f our land provides that a certain percentage of everyone’s estate may be left to charitable or religious enterprises. Many Christian institutions throughout the land are supported ejther wholly or in part by such bequests. THE K I N G ' S B US I NE S S
The message the minister sought te bring was this: Away back in the beau tiful garden o f Eden, God gave man a pair o f ears so that He, as man’s Lord, might communicate and fellowship with His creature. But the man, and the wom an, too, used the ears God had provided to listen to the tempter’s lies. So, being poisoned by untruth, they chose their own way instead of God’s, and sinned against Him. Ever since that day, men’s ears have been “ dull o f hearing,” but the Heavenly Father was full of compassion. One day, He sent a Saviour to open men’s ears so that once more they might enjoy fellow ship with their Maker. This blessed Son o f God lived a most wonderful life; yes, and died a sacrificial death. What, then, is the remedy for ears that are “ dull o f hearing” ? It is the faith that comes by hearing the Word of God. The new and glorious story o f the Gospel will penetrate heavy ears and awaken sleeping hearts. Just as,the ears were the vehicle for the entrance of death and sin, so they become the avenue for newness o f life. If men and women, and boys and girls, will listen to the peerless story of Jesus and His love, they will find themselves changed into new creatures. All this was explained to the little boy with the big ears. He was then asked di- . rectly whether he understood the Gospel. The chubby lad nodded his affirmation. The preacher went on to say that all those who had opened their ears and their hearts to God’s story should re member other darkened hearts in the world, and should act as heralds o f the Gospel, going up and down the land cry ing, “ Jesus Saves!” V One World— One Book A GAIN this year, between Thanksgiv in g and Christmas, the American Bible Society is sponsoring a series of Scripture Lessons from the Bible. The theme of the effort this year is “ One World—One Book,” and a timely theme it is. The American Bible Society should be warmly commended for their efforts in encouraging this splendid spiritual exercise. It is a deplorable fact that God’s chil dren fail woefully in reading the Word of God. To be sure, there are some out standing e x c e p tio n s , but the average Christian spends little or no time within
Time for Another Star ® HEEE is no doubt but that the world has been a vastly different lehem star appeared. It brought hope and promise for the future. To those who have made room in their hearts for God’s Gift, life has become new and abundant. Where the story of Christ has gone, light and civilization and humanitarianism have followed. But there is no doubt that today the world is sorely in need of the appearance o f another star. Men’s hearts are failing them because of fear. Races are not con cealing their hate fo r one another. Na tions are distrustful, greedy, selfish, and fa r too ready to resort to the brutality of arms to settle disputes. Domestic condi tions are growing worse with each suc cessive year. Ecclesiastical groups fu- tilely battle over non-essentials. Yes, it is time for another star! And that is exactly what the Word of God promises! Before the Old Testa ment closed, the writer dipped his in spired pen in the ink o f prophecy and wrote concerning the Sun of Righteous ness who was to arise with healing in His wings. Everyone knows that our sun is a star. It appears to us as a sun with blazing brilliance because it is part of our solar system. So it will be when God’s Son returns. He will come with a blaze of glory, and the brilliance o f His appearing will transcend all things, for He will not come in weakness and humili ty. Rather, He will come as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and all men from the least to the greatest will bow before Him. The darkest hour of the night is just before the dawn. So as we look about us and at the pitiable world conditions, we should lift up our heads and encourage our hearts, and look for the dawn. Very soon another star will appear—the Star of stars, even God’s own well - beloved Son. # ' He That Hath Ears I T was a ch u r ch s e r v ic e and the preacher, after his usual custom, was giving an object lesson to the boys and girls. He asked one little fellow to help him with his story sermon. As the young ster came to the platform, the pastor fastened over his head a huge pair of false ears which stood out like the ears o f an elephant.
place since that morning when the Beth
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