“J 4 is flam e sut & (Sin.., n Houtô %. Œalbot, j®. B . For unto us a child is bom, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace (Isa. 9 :6 ). "Wonderful" O UR Lord Jesus has always been “ Wonderful.” Before the heavens and the earth were created, He was wonderful in His Being—in His glory and beauty. In Old Testament times, He was wonderful in His presence and love with His sin ning creatures. How faithfully He led them and taught them and chastened them throughout all the centuries! He was wonderful in His birth; for He was born as no other human being was ever born. God was His Father; He was “ con ceived by the Holy Ghost.” He was the “ only begotten Son of God.” A beautiful star led wise men to His crib; angels filled the sky on the night when He was born. Humble shepherds and learned scholars worshipped Him in His lowly manger. He was wonderful in His birth! Our Lord Jesus Christ was wonderful in His Life. He lived a holy, sinless life on earth. His Heavenly Father spoke more than once from heaven, saying,. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased (Matt. 3 :17; 17:5). Jesus Himself could say, I do always those things that please him (John 8:29). And His apostles ever spoke with authority in such terms as this: He was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin [i.e., He was not tempted to sin ] (See Heb. 4:15, R.V .). Who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens (Heb. 7:26). Our Lord Jesus Christ was wonderful in His life! He was wonderful in His work. Only because He was God, could He perform His mighty deeds. Moreover, because He always was, is now, and ever, shall be the God o f love, He had compassion on the multitudes. He healed the sick, opened the eyes o f the blind, raised the dead, cast out demons, comforted the broken hearted, forgave sins. Only God can do those things! As the Creator, He manifested His power over nature, turning the water into wine, stilling the tempest, walking upon the sea, multiplying the loaves and fishes. Thus He showed His power over nature, sickness, demons, death, and sin. He Was wonderful in His works in order to prove that He had every right and all power to be come our Sin-Bearer and Lord and King. Christ Jesus was wonderful in His words. Even the oificers who were sent by the Pharisees to take Him prisoner could only reply, Never man spake like this man (John 7:46). He always spoke the truth—the truth about the Triune God and His plan of salvation; the truth about things to come; the truth about man’s moral and ethical obligation to God and to his fellow-man. The Lord Jesus was wonderful in His death. No
one else ever died as He did—a propitia tory sacrifice for sin. He died that we might live. He died willingly, gladly, for lost, never-dying souls! Our Lord was wonderful in His resur rection. In His glorified yet very real body, Christ bore the keys o f hades and the grave (Rev. 1 :8 ). He broke the bands o f death, robbing Satan o f his mightiest weapon. Because He lives, we too shall live! He was wonderful in His ascension THE K I N G ' S B U S I NE S S
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