King's Business - 1956-07

DIVINE HEALERS Countless thousands, throughout the world, are flocking to hear and see "deliverance ministry" healing evangelists — such men as W ILLIAM FREEMAN ORAL ROBERTS O. L. JAGGERS W ILLIAM BRANHAM and numerous others. These men and their work are thoroughly examined in "The Mod­ em Tongues & Healing Movement," a 40,000 word book by Rev. Carroll Stegall, Jr. Some of the headings are: History and Origins; Pentecostal Healing Techniques; Are There Genuine Healings?; "Though I Speak With Tongues . . ." Price $T.OO Order from Box 41-198, Los Angeles 41, Calif. SELL 'JESUS SAVES” PINS Beautiful, 12-karat-Gold pins — Easy to sell — Excellent Profits. WRITE TO: GOSPEL PINS Box 7 , Miami, Oklahoma

By Donald G. Davis, Ph.D. Prof, of Church History, Talbot Theological Seminary

traced through Bible times and Chris­ tian history. The last chapter is on “ Consequences of Tithe Robbery.” This is a monumental piece of work, valuable for research. 670 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rap­ ids, Mich.; $5.60. Calvinism By Ben A. Warburton The editor of The Christian Path­ way, an English student of Calvin­ ism, presents in one readable book the history and basic principles of Calvinism, its fruits and future and its practical application to life. Due notice is taken of the Augustinian background, but one misses mention of the medieval monk Gottschalk and his contribution. Calvin and Arminius and the Synod of Dort are adequate­ ly dealt with, after which individual chapters are devoted to the five points of Calvinism. The work closes with chapters on Calvinism in the inner life and its fruits. 249 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $3.00. Here is a book of reminiscence, essay,' poetry and sage advice by one who has mellowed in the school of Christian grace. Mothers especially will find this a stimulating book to read at odd moments and while seek­ ing relaxation. 225 pages; cloth; Van­ tage Press, New York, N.Y.; $2.95. Maid of Israel By Tolbert I. Ingram Many will profit from this Biblical novel of the days of Naaman, the captain of the Syrian host. It in­ volves the Jewish maid, Miriam, and paints a vivid picture of the days of long ago. 270 pages; cloth; Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn.; $3.00. The Epistles of Paul to the Philippians and to Philemon By J. J. Muller A new volume in The New Inter­ national Commentary on the New Testament is a pleasure to study. The commentary is based on the Greek text but the notes involving that lan­ guage are confined to the footnotes. Pastors and students will find the work most helpful, especially in the important Ch r i s t o l o g i c a l passages. The author is Professor of New Testa- CONTINUED Heaven Happens Here By Grace Mathews Walker

thor’s training as a lawyer stands him in good stead for his grasp of the Word of God and the message of the Bible has enabled him to clearly ex­ plain God’s Word to his audience. 213 pages; cloth; Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.50. Mission on Main Street By Helga Bender Henry The history of Union Rescue Mis­ sion of Los Angeles, Calif., is graphi­ cally retold in this attractive book from its inception in 1891 to the pres­ ent. Angelenos will find a special in­ terest in this work. 200 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Co., Boston, Mass.; $2.75. The Quest for M eekness and Quietness of Spirit By Matthew Henry The subject and matter of this book are quite foreign to the spirit of our times— even among evangeli­ cal Christians. Few modern Chris­ tians find an appeal in God’s scale of values. Henry’s text is “ . . . even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price” (1 Pet. 3:4). This brief work will be prized by those who seek repose in testimony in the midst of a raucous world. 144 pages; cloth; Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.; $2.00. Careers for Christian Young People By Margaret Graham Christian young people will find thought-provoking d is cu s s ion s in these pages of many professions and trades, their possibilities, require­ ments and particular needs in the way of preparation. The author has an interesting way of indicating how each occupation can be used to ad­ vantage for Christian witnessing. 112 pages; cloth; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111.; $1.75. The Sacred Tenth By Henry Lansdell This volume in the Co-operative Reprint Library contains both vol­ umes of the original work published in 1905. Here is a perfect treasure house of information on tithing, al­ though largely from the legalistic point of view. The first section deals with pagan tithing among the Egyp­ tians, Babylonians, Persians and oth­ er ancient peoples. The practice is

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JULY, 1956


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