King's Business - 1956-07




JUST OU T / WILDER’S Distinctive Ready-To-Use VISUAL AIDS

By Elmer L. Wilder, Th.D.

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

GOSPEL W A LN U T .............$ 1 . 0 0 Indestructible Plastic One-piece Ribbon with Automatic Rewind PREACHING PUTTY Three Lessons in One on Christian Living (Bounces like a ball) THE TATER FAMILY . . . . 2.00 Twelve Practical Lessons PARATROOPER PREACHERS . . . 2.00 Excites Interest Splendid for Special Days EGGS IN H A T .............................2.00 Appear and Disappear BLACK WAND . . . . . . 2.50 Disappears at Cross ROPES FREED FROM "SIN" . . 2.00 COMPLETE SET (listed above) . . 1 1 . 0 0 Instruction leaflets included . . . . 1.00 EYES SHOULD BE EXAMINED YEARLY Dr. W. LaVem Salter, O.D. Dr. John Wm. Salter, B.S., O.D. Room 226, 610 So. Broadway, L.A. 14 TUCKER 4855 Serving Students & members since 1926 EUROPEAN EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE, INC. Member Mission, l.F.M.A. Pray for our missionaries reaching the peoples of Germany, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Holland, Austria, Lapland, Greece with the Gospel; also for our Scripture distribution and relief ministries. Director for North America: Rev. Douglas G. Stewart, F.R.G.S., 811 Westview Street, Dept. K, Philadelphia 19, Pennsylvania. Soliciting Christian People SOUTHLAND HOTEL Comfortable — Clean One block west of Bible Institute Inexpensive 605 S. Flower Sf. Los Angeles 17, Calif. Subscriptions to The King’s Business make excellent gifts. TIMELY TRACTS The Question Series for Both Unsaved and Believers Special Assortments Sample Packet twenty-five cents GALILEE TRACT SOCIETY — DEPT. KB 2958 N. Damen Ave., Chicago 18, III. Order from WILDER'S VISUAL AID SUPPLY 3357 E. Burnside Street PORTLAND 15, OREGON Elmer L. Wilder Manufacturer—Distributor

banana. There is just one left for me. You may eat the pieces I gave you. Now you boys may each come and cut off a small piece of mine and eat it. There is practically none left for me. This is how people often treat God with regard to the days of the week. He gave them six days in which to work and play, but when Sunday comes, they want the day for themselves. God is pleased when His children rest, worship and serve Him on Sunday, the day of the week which reminds us of Christ’s resurrection. July 8, 1956 G iving G ladly OBJECTS: Two large rubber bands. (Put one in a slow oven until the elasticity is killed.) LESSON: These two rubber bands look very much alike but they are very different. A rubber band, to be useful, has willing to give. One of these bands does give but the other doesn’t. We often find Christians who are just like these bands. Some remember the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 9 : 7 : “ . . . God loveth a cheerful giver” and they give freely. Others are selfish and refuse to give. This first band gives willingly. When I try to stretch the other one, it breaks in pieces. I am reminded of the children of Israel in the wilder­ ness who gave willingly and cheer­ fully that the tabernacle might, be built. They gave so freely that the time came when it was no longer necessary to give for that purpose (Ex. 36:6, 7). Wouldn’t it be wonderful if God’s people gave this way today? They should be willing to give even more than the children of Israel gave for

July 1, 1956 A S unday B anana

OBJECTS: A banana and a knife. (Pre­ pare the b a n a n a by inserting a threaded needle under the skin at one of the ridges and passing it between the skin and the core, bringing the

needle out at the next ridge. Use a thread long enough so that the knot­ ted end will be left projecting two or three inches from the first hole. In­ sert the needle in the opening made in coming out, and continue to the next ridge and around the banana in the same manner until the circle is completed and the starting place is reached. Then pull both ends of the thread out the same hole, and the core of the banana will be cut. Make this circle six times at regular inter­ vals, cutting the banana into seven pieces without removing the skin.) LESSON: I have never seen the inside of this banana, but I am sure that it is different from any you have ever seen. When God created the world, He divided each week into seven pieces. (Place the knife near the banana in six places as if you intend­ ed to cut it but do not let it touch the banana.) We shall peel the banana to see how it is different. Look! It falls into seven pieces! Remember that when God created the world, He gave man six days in which to work and He reserved the seventh for rest and wor­ ship. The sabbath day was set apart from the rest of the week. At the time of creation, God rested on the seventh day. Over and over, even before the law was given, God’s people were told to rest on this day (Ex. 16:23). I am going to give each of you six boys in the front row a piece of this



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