King's Business - 1956-07

leprosy, but not Aaron? Both were equally guilty for both murmured aga i ns t Moses . Why then was Aaron shielded? A. I have often wondered about this myself and I have come to the conclusion that it was because of the office, not because of the man. The nation depended upon him to conduct the services as high priest. However, there is no doubt that God held him accountable for this sin and, in ways not recorded, chas­ tised him. Was Christ Limited? Q. Was Christ superhuman before He rose from the dead? A. I suppose you mean supernat­ ural. Christ was always the eternal Son of God, uncreated from the be­ ginning, not only omniscient but omnipotent — that is, His power knew no limitation. When He be­ came incarnate in human flesh in order that He might be the perfect servant of Jehovah, in His ministry as a servant He made a voluntary surrender of certain prerogatives of His godhead in order that He might walk the path of faith, thus becoming an object lesson to all be­ lievers. While He ever remained the eternal Son of God, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and with the Holy Spirit, yet He chose this limitation bounded by the Fa­ ther’s will. An illustration of this is found in Mark 13:32 where Christ, speaking of His second coming to earth, said this: “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” Some have tried to argue from this that Christ could not have been om­ niscient or all-knowing and, there­ fore, could not have been God. But

that statement just illustrates how Christ took the place of a servant for He stated: “The servant know­ eth not what his lord doeth.” Who is Responsible? Q. Is it possible that someone may be lost through another’s neglect? A. A person who is lost will him­ self be responsible. In this land anyone can learn the way of salva­ tion if he desires, for there are so many sources where the gospel is proclaimed — churches, radio, tele­ vision and Christian literature. A Bible can he secured for a few cents. However, this does not in the least lessen our responsibility as Christians to obey Christ’s com­ mand to witness. It may be through what you or I say that a sinner may be saved. Christ During the Millennium Q. During the millennium will Christ and His resurrected saints be visible to the people then dwelling on the earth? A. We know that Christ will be seen during the millennial reign for He will he here upon the earth oc­ cupying the throne of David and multitudes will go up to Jerusalem at stated times to see the King. The 14th chapter of Zechariah makes that clear for in verse 16 we read: “ And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the na­ tions which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of taber­ nacles.” Whether people living on earth will see the Church I do not know, for nothing is said about it in the Word. It will not matter wheth­ er they see us anyway as long as they see Him.

How Are the Wicked Judged? Q. If the wicked are to be judged according to their works, is their punishment in proportion to the goodness of their works? A. The judgment of the wicked dead is not in proportion to the goodness of their works at all for the very good reason that their works have no goodness. Read Ro­ mans 3:10-18 in this connection. Their judgment will be according to what they have done with Christ and with the light they have had. Should Rings be Worn? Q. In the light of Isaiah 3:18-24, is it wrong to wear engagement or wedding rings? A. The answer is found in the pre­ ceding verses, especially verses 16 and 17, which read as follows: “Moreover the Lord saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet: Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their secret parts.” Israel had de­ parted from God and had followed the heathen in their religious prac­ tices. The tinkling bells on their feet and the wearing of rings were symbolic of the heathen rites they had adopted. Here the Lord refers to the millennial age in which Is­ rael will he right with Him and not walking any more after the nations. This has no connection whatever with engagement or wedding rings which are tokens of allegiance to a loved one. Miriam's Leprosy Q. Why was Miriam stricken with



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