Petersen Pet Hospital - February 2024

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Pets First Monthly

February 2024

National Love Your Pet Day on Feb. 20 reminds us to give our pets some extra attention and pampering to celebrate the incredible bond we share with them. National Love Your Pet Day Thinking back, I recall how my grandparents celebrated their cats’ birthdays. These birthday parties — complete with hats and cakes — left a lasting impression about the importance of pets in our lives. My uncle gave my grandparents a gift they never thought they would want — a Beagle named Fred, whom they soon grew to love. This love was returned tenfold one night when Fred saved their lives by alerting them to a dangerous natural gas leak. It illustrates the unspoken bond and the protective nature of pets. My childhood was filled with the pets, too. We always had cats, but when I was 5, my parents brought home a Keeshond, whom we named Pepper. Pepper quickly became a beloved member of our family. Pepper was involved in every aspect of our lives: We dressed him in cute little bows and brought him along on family vacations. He was a companion, a playmate, and a source of unconditional love. Now, I witness the magic of this bond every day with my children and our family pets. My kids read bedtime stories to our pets. We even include them in our family Christmas photos because they are integral to our family. At Petersen Pet Hospital, we are honored that you trust us to care for your pets. We see the depth of the bond between pets and their owners daily; pets are irreplaceable family members. This bond is not just emotional but also has tangible health benefits. Having a beloved pet has been proven to decrease blood pressure, stress levels, and feelings of loneliness. I’ve seen clients who have faced significant life changes, like a child moving off to college, and they find solace and companionship in their pets. These animals help bridge the gap in their lives, providing a sense of purpose and unconditional love. Celebrating the Unbreakable Bond

special homemade treat. Cats love simple delicacies like a small portion of cooked fish or chicken. A dog’s favorite will almost always be a homemade peanut butter cookie. Just be sure it is dog-friendly and doesn’t include xylitol or other harmful ingredients. Taking an extra-long walk or giving a new toy can be a delightful surprise, too. You could pamper your pet with a grooming session to keep them looking and feeling their best. A gentle brush or a relaxing bath can be a soothing experience for your pet — though a cat will definitely prefer brushing over bathing. If you’re feeling adventurous, set up an exercise course in the backyard for your dog or create a new climbing structure for your cat. Either will provide hours of fun and exercise for your pets. National Love Your Pet Day reminds us to appreciate the joy and companionship our pets bring into our lives. They are our companions, our comforters, and sometimes, our heroes. I hope you enjoy spending quality time together and make the day memorable.

–Dr. Emily Saunders

On National Love Your Pet Day, let’s show appreciation for their unwavering loyalty and love. One idea to make your pet feel extra spoiled is to make a


LaLo is a handsome (and mischievous) young pup who came into the clinic with Dr. Green and her team after his family witnessed him gobble up cherry pits at home. Dr. Green began by performing a thorough physical exam of LaLo and, as expected, he was clinically very normal and bouncing around, happy to get some extra attention at his visit. Since LaLo had eaten the cherry pits within an hour of getting to the clinic, the decision was made to induce vomiting to try to get as many of the cherry pits out and hopefully avoid any further issues. LaLo was given an injection of a medication to make him vomit. Within minutes of receiving this medication, LaLo vomited up 18 cherry pits. Then, with one final heave and much to everyone’s surprise, he also vomited up a sock. Thanks to LaLo’s family looking out for him and getting him into the clinic as soon as they were able to, the team was able to help prevent LaLo from developing clinical signs such as vomiting, diarrhea, and potential intestinal obstruction. Although cherry pits themselves in CARROT AND CATNIP CAT TREATS CURIOUS PUPPY THROWS UP THE UNEXPECTED

SUBWAY’S Advice Alley

February is a month close to my heart (and health!) — National Cat Health Month. Did you know that when you bring us felines to the vet just once a year, it’s like humans visiting your doctor every 4-5 years? A lot can happen in that time! As much as we cats love our independence, we rely on you to monitor our health. Cats are experts at masking discomfort and illness, so yearly checkups are needed to catch underlying health issues. At the regular wellness visit, your friends at Petersen Pet Hospital will talk with you about any changes you’ve noticed in our behavior, litter box habits, and more. These conversations provide clues to small changes that may indicate more significant health issues. They’ll also give you pointers on flea and parasite prevention. It’s a common misconception that indoor cats are safe from these critters, but they can find their way to us through various means. Nutrition is another topic you’ll discuss. Our dietary needs change as we age — kitten food won’t cut it for a distinguished adult like me! The veterinarians here guide humans in choosing the best food for their cat’s age and health needs. A properly fed cat is a happy cat! In the physical exam, the doctors here check everything from the tip of our nose to the tip of our tails. They even do a teeth screening. Teeth diseases are among the leading diseases in cats that are entirely preventable. Good oral health adds an average of three years to our lives! Now, let’s address the elephant in the room — or the cat in the vet’s office. We cats hate going to the vet. It’s stressful for us. Thankfully, all the humans here understand that and use fear-free techniques. The veterinary CELEBRATING NATIONAL CAT HEALTH MONTH

team has a variety of strategies to calm our nerves, including medication if needed. Everything goes smoother if we are relaxed and cooperative. The doctors here ensure we’re healthy so we can focus on more important things like napping, bird watching, and cuddling with our humans. If you want to bring your cat in for a wellness check, call Petersen Pet Hospital, and they will ensure your cat lives a long and spoiled life just like me.

If you want to be your cat’s absolute favorite human, bake these catnip treats they won’t be able to resist! Inspired by


Contact us! 319-743-0554

Unlock History’s Strangest Secrets ANCIENT BREWS TO GHOSTLY WINNERS! History is more than just a chronicle of battles and treaties; it’s a rich tapestry woven with odd and almost unbelievable events that can mystify us now. A dive into the quirky corners of the past can reveal historical anomalies, including ancient beverages and victories from beyond the grave. Besides entertaining us, our history shows our ancestors as multifaceted, creative, and peculiar as we are today.

The First Beer In ancient Sumeria, people were not just trailblazers in writing and architecture but also avid brewers. Archaeologists unearthed a 5,000-year-old Sumerian tablet depicting

small amounts are not necessarily toxic to dogs, there are multiple foods that are toxic, and pets should be seen by a veterinarian immediately if ingested: chocolate, grapes/raisins, artificial sweeteners, onions, and garlic, to name a few. LaLo’s experience is a good reminder to all pet parents to keep potentially harmful foods and other items away from pets, and if pet parents even suspect their pet has eaten something they’re not supposed to, it’s always best to get them to the veterinarian as soon as they’re able to.

individuals consuming a beer-like substance

through reed straws from a shared bowl. This ancient concoction, possibly the earliest known beer recipe, underscores the longstanding human passion for alcohol and communal gatherings.

INGREDIENTS • 2 tbsp coconut oil •

3/4 cup finely shredded carrot 1 large egg, lightly beaten Cold water as needed

Racing to the Grave One of the most astonishing stories in sports history involves jockey Frank Hayes. In a 1923 horse race at Belmont Park, New York, Hayes achieved victory from beyond the grave. Suffering a fatal heart attack mid-race, he miraculously remained in the saddle, and his horse, Sweet Kiss, crossed the finish line in first place. This extraordinary event remains the sole known instance in sports where a participant posthumously claimed the gold medal. A Smoking Monkey Looking to the East, North Korea’s Pyongyang Zoo featured another oddity in 2016: Azalea, a smoking chimpanzee. Trained to ignite and puff on cigarettes, this chimpanzee was a peculiar draw for visitors. In sparking controversy over animal rights, Azalea illustrates the bizarre and often questionable ways humans have historically interacted with animals. These stories demonstrate that the annals of history are not just repositories of conventional wisdom and significant events but also a collection of the bizarre, the unusual, and the extraordinary. These peculiar tales help us gain a more nuanced and colorful understanding of our collective past, shedding light on the complexity and eccentricity of our history.

1 cup oat flour, plus more as needed

1 tbsp dried catnip

DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Then, line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In a bowl, mix coconut oil and flour until the mixture looks sandy, then stir in catnip and carrots and mix in egg. Add water if the mixture isn’t holding together or add extra flour if the mixture looks too sticky. 3. Sprinkle a flat surface with additional flour and roll out dough to 1/4-inch thickness. 4. Using a fork, prick the dough all over. Then cut into 1/2‑inch squares. 5. Arrange squares on the prepared baking sheet and bake for around 12 minutes or until they begin to brown. Cool completely before serving!



1031 Kacena Road Hiawatha, IA 52233 319-743-0554

Inside This Issue

Mon–Fri: 8 a.m.–6 p.m. (Closed Fridays from 12:30–2:10 p.m. for team meetings) Sat: 8 a.m.–12 p.m. | Sun: Closed


The Unconditional Love of Our Pets


BLACK 50% BLACK A Purr-fect Reminder for Feline Wellness Carrot and Catnip Cat Treats



Avoiding Problems Is Sometimes the Best Treatment Ancient Brews, Smoking Chimps, and Ghostly Wins!



PMS292 Meet Tank, a Canine Companion and Protector PMS5635 PMS1215



A Heroic Hound’s Story In a remarkable display of courage and instinct, a German shepherd named Tank recently became an overnight sensation. His heroic act, captured


families seeking a dependable guardian. Like many German shepherds, Tank possesses a unique blend of courage, intelligence, and loyalty. These dogs are not just pets; they are devoted protectors and family members willing to put themselves in harm’s way for their loved ones. Tank’s story is more than a viral sensation; it’s a testament to the deep bond between dogs and humans. His actions remind us of dogs’ invaluable role in our lives, offering unconditional love and unwavering protection when needed.

in a TikTok video with over 45 million views, showcased the extraordinary bravery of our canine companions. Tank’s story begins on an ordinary day that quickly turned extraordinary when he saved his owner’s 6-year-old son from a dog attack in November 2022. As the young boy played in the front yard of his South Florida home, a neighboring dog, unrestrained and aggressive, charged toward him. In an instant, Tank lept into action. The dog pushed the boy to the ground and then placed himself between the boy and the oncoming threat, averting a possible

The boy’s mom wrote on social media that Tank is their “highly skilled professional home security officer.”

tragedy. Tank’s quick thinking and fearless stance saved him and demonstrated the innate protective nature of German shepherds.

“This is Tank & no, he is not professionally trained. He’s just a man with killer instincts, who loves a good chew toy,” she wrote after posting a video of Tank playing with his favorite toy. In today’s world, Tank stands out as a true hero. As we watch Tank’s story, we are reminded of the extraordinary capabilities of our four-legged friends and their profound impact on our lives. It’s a reminder that sometimes, heroes don’t wear capes; they have four paws and a tail.

German shepherds are a breed recognized by the American Kennel Club for their loyalty and protectiveness, making them the first choice for

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