GSK Product Pack Jun2023

Service door : panic bar


Cross bar 89

Wall mounted panic closing. Variant : 1 point, 2 points and 3 points. Round bar. E�terior opera�on and central locking.

2 points

3 points

1 point

Push bar

Panic lock. Variant : 1 point, 2 points and 3 points.

�ul�point variant : top and bo�om latches with automa�c tailplane, keeping the latches retracted when the door is open, protec�ve rod cover. Wall moun�ng rectangular bar.

3 points

2 points

1 point

Non contractual document - Dagard reserves the right to modify its products �ithout no�ce.



DAGARD - Route du Stade - 23600 Boussac - FRANCE -


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