GSK Product Pack Jun2023

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The electrical automatism on sliding doors facilitates circulation in premises where the traffic is intense. This automatism is set easily and quickly on manual clean rooms sliding doors without any further modifications.


A micro-controlleur enables to define the following func�ons: �me-out, adjustable opening and closing speed, par�al opening, electromagne�c locking system, interlocking facility. A LCD screen enables to make the se�ngs and to see the possible func�oning defects. • �me-out adjustments, • possible signalling adjustments, • adjustment of opening speed (and closing in compliance with regula�ons),

opening speed : 0,1 m/s 0.�� �/s to 1 m/s �.� �/s (stable load at mid-travel point) closing speed : 0,1 m/s 0.�� �/s to 0,7 m/s 2.� �/s (stable load at mid-travel point) • par�al opening or not. Data output switches (dry switches) for airlock management, e;g.: (door opener and door closer switch, unlock and interlock switch) and fault detec�on display switch. �p�onal: can be connected to a safety ba�ery for door opening or closing in the event of a power cut.

Door transmission and and drive by toothed glass fibre reinforced belt. Belt turnbuckle. Cycles counter.

3 opera�on types : • standard : opening and closing by command order • delay 1 : opening by command order, automa�c closure a�er �mer has lapsed • delay 2 : opening by command order, automa�c closure a�er �mer has lapsed or another command order. Maxi. door weight : 130 kg 287 lb Power supply : 230 VAC single-phase (L+N+T)/50Hz / P = 500W / 2,2 A (supply cable not provided, to bring by electrician), power supply unit with a connec�on by pick-up plug and directly accessible main fuse. Motor protec�on class : IP20 Temperature of use : from +5°C to 50°C 41°F to 122 °F

Non contractual document - Dagard reserves the right to modify its �roducts �ithout no�ce.



DAGARD - Route du Stade - 23600 Boussac - FRANCE -


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