GSK Product Pack Jun2023

Sliding door : a�toma�sm


Order board • In standard: opening order with proximity detectors on each side, set on the door frame. • In op�on: push bu�ons, badge scanner, digital lock, mo�on sensors (radars), ...

control by 2 proximity detectors (1 each side)

Safety devices • Safety on leaf edge : electronic torque limiter integrated in the order unit. Max. load on leaf : 15 daN 33.7 lbf (in case of contact with the door, the sta�c force on the person is limited to a value lower than 15 daN 33.7 lbf ) • Horizontal presence safety , double barrage by op�cal cells transmi�ers + receivers (diameter 16 mm 0.63’’ ). • Presence detector (NF EN 16005): 2 presence detector, on both sides of the door passage. These detectors keep the door open when there is a hurdle on an area of 20 cm 7.9’’ on both sides of the passage and this during a minimal �me of 30 seconds. The aim of these detectors is to avoid contact with products or people during the move of the apron.

2 rows of horizontal safety photocells

presence detector


The automa�c slide opera�on meets the regula�ons of:

- European direc�ves « Low Voltage Electric Equipment » (73/23/CEE), - « Electromagne�c compa�bility » (89/336/CEE), - European standard NF EN 16005 about the safety of motorized doors for pedestrians used in normal access, and also for doors used as safety exit and fire resistant doors.


Non contractual document - Dagard reserves the right to modify its �roducts �ithout no�ce.


DAGARD - Route du Stade - 23600 Boussac - FRANCE -


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