
YO U R T H A C O V I D - 1 9 S U P P O R T C R E W

YO U R T H A C O V I D - 1 9 S U P P O R T C R E W

L ike many businesses, the Tasmanian Hospitality Association has had to adjust its operations due to Covid-19. Some of our programs went into hibernation due to the industry shut-down and we’ve introduced and enhanced a number of programs to support the industry during its most challenging period ever. Pivoting has been an overused word during this pandemic, but it does perfectly describe the operational shifts we’ve been making. One area of pivoting we’re most proud of is our Great Customer Experience (GCE) Program. This program was set up a few years ago to assist venues in creating consistently great hospitality experiences for visitors and local alike. The key drivers for the program were: • meeting the needs of an increasingly diverse customer base due to growth in international and interstate visitors • addressing gaps in training focussed on workplace experience and outcomes • overcoming training delivery challenges such as cost, casualisation and regionalisation GCE program outcomes to March 2020: • 1,776 venues included • 1,239 venues commenced • 546 venues qualified for GCE Seal of Approval • 1,832 staff completing skills elements and achieving certificates of participation Support through crisis In March, Covid-19 shutdowns removed our ability to continue our in-person, in-venue GCE program delivery. And far be it for us to push a training program when venues were laying off staff and shutting their doors. What the industry needed during this time was a source of support. Some in the industry needed a go-to for help in navigating new rules and regulations. Some needed an ear to hear their concerns and pleas for targeted assistance.

Some needed a gentle nudge to spur them into applying for the funding measures on offer. Our contracted GCE program delivery team became this support crew, providing THA’s frontline engagement with hospitality businesses in crisis all over the state. Since March, our team has connected with over 2,000 Tasmanian hospitality businesses, both THA members and non-members. We’ve focussed on encouraging businesses to participate in the Government funded free hospitality business advice program delivered by Collins SBA over two rounds. This program has seen 4,274 businesses obtain financial advice and access to support measures available. The Collins SBA initaitive – Venue support to survive and to revive During COVID

Venues Engaged

Number Contacts








Support as you welcome Tasmanians back The earlier-than-expected lifting of staged restrictions for hospitality venues was great news but may have felt like a double-edged sword at times with many businesses scrambling to meet new covid-safe operating requirements while managing customer expectations. Our GCE Covid-19 support crew again stepped up to the challenge providing guidance with the development of Covid-19 safety plans and sharing resources available to assist with implementation. Thankfully, these helpful voices over phone and Zoom are now able to provide in-person, in-venue support once again.

As we look to the future, our support crew is providing a vital link between venues and up-to-date information about ongoing opportunities that will help their survival and revival. They are also enabling venues to access the Typsy resource – an online, video-based learning framework (more information from Typsy on page 56). You don’t need to wait for one of our support crew to contact you. If you need advice, support or have an issue you’d like to share with us, please get in touch on 6220 7300.




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