Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | February 2019

This is the first Strategic Enrollment Plan undertaken by CWU. It is a living document that changes as internal and external conditions change, new data and analyses become available, and university and academic plans are completed. The SE Plan’s value is in identifying several quantifiable goals – in this case, three – and strategies which will accomplish those goals. This is the first time the University has articulated numerical goals for student enrollment and persistence in a single document, and it is a product of an inclusive faculty, staff and administrator effort. Theme: Growth isn't a strategy - finding pockets of underserved demand and developing offerings that these students/stakeholders value, and then providing them is the basis of a strategic plan. . . .We really need either a specific plan of action over the well defined challenge. This document is a good start on defining the challenge, but doesn't hit the rest. . . .

Some questions need answering or clarification: What are the Challenges? What are our advantages? What are our Strategic Options?

What is our current policy constellation about this situation? What policies do we need? What is an overarching policy that we can adopt to proceed? From here we would develop the actual strategic plan in the form of a set of coherent actions. Agreed – the SE Plan is just a start, a way to focus attention on a destination for student enrollment. How we get there – what specific actions we undertake, given challenges, advantages, options, policy, and other factors while improving the student experience - is the purview of university and academic strategic planning.

Theme: Like I said earlier - I know this is a lot of work and I'm weighing in on the tail of it. You have my respects for taking it on and moving it forward no matter whether you can incorporate these ideas or not.

Thank you for recognizing the efforts of many people that went into creating this document. Please continue to engage in future strategic planning.

FINAL DRAFT 2/11/2019 Page 36

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