Alloy making for dummies

4. How to control the furnace when alloy making

The correct form When alloy-making you need to use the correct form of materials to build a charge in the crucible. It is important to make sure everything fits in the crucible in the correct order as some metal melts slower than others. For example, Iron has a high melting point so it is important to ensure that it is positioned close to the hottest point in the crucible as it takes longer to melt and you need to be mindful of the time constraints. When baking a cake you may want to prepare certain ingredients in order rather than throwing everything together at once. Sometimes it is best to mix the dry and wet ingredients separately to ensure the end mixture is homogenous. The right crucible Different crucibles are made of different materials and this determines how the mixture is being contained in relation to which metals you are melting.

Think about what baking tin the ingredients are being cooked in. You can either buy a nonstick tin or simply use greaseproof paper to make sure the mixture doesn't stick to the sides.

Which one is going to be the best to use for what you are trying to achieve?

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