Alloy making for dummies

Types of crucibles at LCM



Magnesium Oxide


Al 0 crucibles are the go-to crucible with the majority of LCM production using them. 3 2

MGO crucibles are used over Alumina crucibles when a

Graphite is a bespoke crucible material able to resist the harshest melting conditions. It is however messy and the carbon pick up can be high and

The extremely high melting point of Ta allows good resistance to heat and longevity of use. However the production of Ta crucibles is

higher melting temperature is required.

They offer good slag resistance

MGO can reach a higher operational temperature than Alumina but at the expense of operational life expectancy.

with a great operational lifespan.

expensive and more suited to smaller melts / applications.

unsuitable for most melting.

Slag: By-product of smelting.

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