Alloy making for dummies

6. Predictions on the future of alloy making

Recycling alloys from urban waste

Rapidly quenched alloys

It is a real possibility that the supply of rare earth elements will eventually run out. Recycling metals and alloys is required to meet the demand of wind turbines and electric vehicles. This will be taken into consideration when building devices, and the design will be altered in order to be recycled. At present, it is difficult to recycle alloys because electronic devices haven't been designed to be dismantled and reused.

Alloys usually take a long time to cool after production, to quicken the process, the operator can rapidly quench the alloy. For example, at LCM, strip cast flake is produced by pouring molten alloy onto a rotating water-cooled copper drum to produce a rapidly cooled product with a specific microstructure.

Different elements for diverse applications

LCM participates in a diverse range of European and UK funded projects focussed on product and process development.

These projects allow LCM to look forward to future technologies and ensure that we continue to participate actively in the European academic, research and development communities.

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