Alloy making for dummies

Mass producing alloys for the green energy sector

Greater availability of rare earth elements

Rare earth alloys are used in permanent magnets for applications in the green energy sector. With the demand on the rise as countries try to hit their net-zero targets, it is inevitable that companies like LCM will be mass producing alloys for the green energy sector.

Rare earth elements are not 'rare', there are many reserves all around the world. they are just difficult to separate. In an ideal world, there will be varied sources of REEs. Aside from recycling, an option could be to refine more critical elements in order to reduce the quantity needed. LCM is involved with EU-funded projects to recycle devices (SUSMAGPRO) and manufacture rare earth free permanent magnets (PASSENGER) .

More effcient and environmentally-friendly melting

You've learnt that LCM uses filters to capture emissions, and temperatures are controlled when using the furnace so energy isn't wasted but this is constantly being looked at and developed.

In the future, we could expect to see wind turbines or solar panels driving energy to furnaces.

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