Alloy making for dummies

The basic process...

2. Personal protective equipment Make sure you have the correct PPE for the task in hand. Safety always comes first.

1. Raw Material

Weigh all of the raw material out that you require for the alloy. It is important to know quantites.

3. Furnace: heating / melting It's time to load up the furnace and get melting. You need to ensure the mixture is homogeneous. The alloys need to thoroughly mix together so any part of the mixture contains an equal distribution of the component parts. 5. Analysis The next stage is to analyse a sample of the alloy in the laboratory to make sure it's what the customer asked for. Analysis varies from thickness measurements to LECO or ICP-OES.

4. Hydride Plant Refine the mixture into the form your customer has asked for. LCM can supply alloys in lump, flake or powder form.

6. Packing Machine

We pack our materials in vacuum- sealed aluminised bags to protect and preserve them. The bags prevent ingress of moisture and reduce exposure to air, ensuring our products remain as good as the day they were cast.

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