Alloy making for dummies

it's like baking a cake!

Put your apron on as it may get a little messy and don't forget your oven gloves. 2. Personal protective equipment

1. Ingredients

Weigh the ingredients you need for the recipe, this will determine how tasty your cake is and is key for the cooking process.

3. Mixing and baking Mix the ingredients together thoroughly to ensure it is homogenous and bake it in the oven at the right temperature.

4. Presentation stage Are you baking a victoria sponge cake or a cheesecake? The final design of the cake is extremely important.

5. Analysis

6. Package and delivery Once you are happy with the cake it can be carefully packaged and sent to the customer in a way that prevents it going stale.

How does it look and taste? Is it what the customer asked for? Have the ingredients been mixed properly so that they are blended well throughout the cake evenly?

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