Branch Committee Guide_Finaldraft

Message from the Community Lead

Dear Branch committee member,

First, I would like to express my thanks to you and all our branch committee members that are volunteering for CIPD to support our vision of championing better work and working lives. I know that you are busy, and I am grateful for the time you have given up and invested in developing the people profession. In return, our commitment to you is that we will support and enable you and make your volunteering experience as enjoyable, easy and impactful as we can. It is therefore so important that we all understand how your role fits into the wider CIPD community and work. We want all our committee members, whether volunteering with us for a while or just new to this, to know what to do and who can help, right from the start. That’s why we’ve put together this pack. It includes everything you need to know about volunteering within the CIPD Branch network and the resources, tools and systems that enable you to do an amazing job as a branch. We hope it acts as a useful guide throughout your time with us. So, thank you for offering your time and commitment to CIPD.

We aim to update this branch resources pack regularly, so please make sure you check within the online branch network to see if a newer version has been launched.

Warm regards

Alexandra Carr Community Lead, Branches


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