Kirby outlines priorities if elected warden GREGGCHAMBERLAIN
tinuing the economic development work begun by the late-warden Jean-Paul St. Pierre. “And continuing to put pressure on the Highway 174 (issue),” said Kirby. “That means seeing that the process moves along as fast as possible.” Kirby noted that the counties have be- come the lead for all of the municipalities that are a"ected by the tra$c %ow situation with the County Road 17/Highway 174 con- nector between the Town of Rockland and the City of Ottawa. Residents in both the City of Clarence-Rockland and Alfred-Plan- tagenet Township commute on a regular
basis to Ottawa and its Orléans suburb for either work or shopping. The idea of ex- panding the present two-lane link between Rockland and Orléans to a four-lane high- way has been an ongoing issue for two or more decades. Kirby also said that one other issue that the counties council needs to look into next year is lobbying for expansion of natural gas service to all of the rural areas of Pres- cott-Russell. Right now heating options for rural landowners are hydro, oil, and tank propane. Kirby said having natural gas as another heating option would help provide more of an economic edge to the local agri- culture sector. St-Amour and Barton The two other returning mayors, François St-Amour and Barton have their own ideas about the immediate priorities for the next counties council in 2015. “Starting with the budget,” said St-Amour. For the past few years the counties coun- cil has managed early approval of its annual budgets, getting them signed o" before the end of December when the current budget was due to expire. This allowed counties sta" to get an early start on any public ten- dering processes for capital works projects and reap the reward of getting contracts at lower costs given that all contractors are anxious at the start of the new year to get
their construction schedules #lled fast be- fore the spring thaw. This way, they know their companies have projects to work on. The 2014 fall municipal election has de- layed the counties budget approval pro- cess because of uncertainty how many, if any, of the mayors sitting on counties council would retain their positions after the October polls closed. In the end, just the three mayors are left of the past term’s eight-member counties council. Both St-Amour and Barton listed police service costs for Prescott-Russell as another issue that next year’s counties council may need to review. The current counties council had looked into whether or not a regional police contract with the OPP might be feas- ible but decided in the end it was not be- cause of the individual di"erences between policing costs for member municipalities. Now, St-Amour noted, the provincial gov- ernment has proposed an equalized rate for municipalities for policing contracts, al- lowing for a “once-size-#ts-all” rate to apply. “Once every municipality is equalized,” he said, “maybe it would be time then to re- open the discussion.” Barton noted that the counties coun- cil needs to lobby the province on infra- structure support funding. “No one has enough (money) to do all the projects that need to be done now,” he said. “That is a main priority.”
L’ORIGNAL | While he does not know if he will be nominated or not and declined to speculate on the possibility he will be the next warden of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell, East Hawkesbury mayor Robert Kirby was willing to com- ment on what he sees as some of the im- mediate issues for the next warden. He thinks a #rst priority would be con-
communautaire Le lien community link The
Embrun Les Chevaliers de Colomb organisent un souper fèves au lard et macaroni le vendredi 12 décembre, à 17h. Enfant de moins de 10 ans accompagné d’un adulte : gratuit. Le club Joie de Vivre d’Embrun vous invite à son souper de Noël qui aura lieu le 19 décembre, à la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb. Vous pouvez vous procurer des billets auprès d’Annette (443-2175) ou de Ginette (443-2677). Nous aurons des boîtes pour re- cueillir vos dons de denrées non périssables qui seront remises à la banque alimentaire. Nos billets pour le souper-spectacle de janvier sont aussi disponibles. Ce souper aura lieu le samedi 24 janvier 2015 à la salle communautaire d’Embrun. Nous aurons un artiste invité: Daniel Fontaine qui a été très apprécié lors de notre 40e. L’invitation est lancée à tous pour cette soirée qui est organisée dans le cadre du carnaval. Marionville Le Club du Bel Âge de Marionville vous invite à son souper de Noël, le samedi 13 décembre, à 18h, à la salle Centre Communautaire de Marionville. Souper canadien et danse avec la musique de Gisèle Adam. Pour information, appeler Noëlla Drouin au 613- 445-5730 ou auprès des membres du comité. Russell The Russell and District Horticultural Society invites everyone to the annual Living Lo- cally Fair on January 17, 2015 at St.Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School. No entrance fee but a food donation at the door is appreciated. For More information, call Lindley at 613 445-0754. St. Mary’s Free Christmas Dinner for the Community – Saturday, December 20th 4:30pm to 6:30pm, 139 Castor St, Russell. Open to all. Eat-in, Take-out or Delivered. For delivery call Janice 613-370-0555. If you are alone, lonely, ill, a senior, a family, single, or grieving, please join us. St-Albert Le Club de Danse de Casselman vous invite a son souper-danse a l’occasion de Noël, le vendredi 12 décembre, au Centre Communautaire de St-Albert, au 201 rue Principale. Souper servi à 18h. Réservation avant le 10 décembre auprès de Gisèle 764-5559 ou Guylaine 764-5218. St-Isidore Make your own handmade Christmas gifts this year on a tight budget. Dec 13 any time drop in to learn how to make mason jar treats, Cards, Ornaments, buttoned tea towels, stu"ed toys and rainbow loom projects. The only cost is what supplies cost. This is a non-pro#t event intended for those on a tight budget or would just like to make their own gifts this year. Please contact Amy 613-524-3206 or or facebook event at La Région Russell united church will be hosting a Choir cantata on December 7th at the Metcalfe United church at 2pm and on December 13th at the Russell United church at 7pm. For more information 613-445-3111. “Mystery of Christmas” Sunday, December 14th, 2:00 p.m. Trinity Bible Church, 4101 Stagecoach Road, near Osgoode. Special guests Mary Muckle and the Ottawa Youth Harp Ensemble. Info: Mickie Moir - 613-826-2893 or, www.
613.632.1131 1.800.267.4101 SERVICES POUR FEMMES VICTIMES DE VIOLENCE/SERVICES FOR ABUSED WOMEN • Hébergement/Shelter • Counselling • Programme enfants-ados/Child and youth program • Accompagnement : cour criminelle et familiale/Accompaniment: criminal & family court • Aide pour trouver un logement, budget/Help with housing, budget • Groupe « Briser le cycle…»/ Pattern Changing group SERVICES GRATUITS ET CONFIDENTIELS/CONFIDENTIAL AND FREE SERVICES
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