King's Business - 1945-03


Mardi, 1945

for he is risen, as he said” (vs. 5, 6). He might have added: “You will never, never be sad again if you will just believe this: the Lord Jesus lives: He is near you, and He loves you.” We know the angel said something else, and it was an important part of the happiness secret. He said: “Go quickly, and te a t he, is risen” (v. 7). And ever since that day, everybody who has truly believed that Jesus lives, and has been busy telling others about Him, has been happy! Object Lesson : P eople and P ackages OBJECTS: Six boxes, a small match box colored gray, a small Bible, eyes cut from a magazine, a heart with a door, s£ picture of lips or an open mouth cut from a magazine, and a cardboard covered with gold paper in which a door is cut. (Place one of the articles in each box and wrap as gifts;) LESSON: Do you like to open pack­ ages? ♦ I do, too, and I have brought some with me this morning. We shall open them together. < The Lord Jesus must have liked to open things, for we read about His opening several things after His resur­ rection. We shall open this first box and see what is in it. It has a small gray box, representing the grave. We should b6 gjad for Christ’s resurrection, be­ cause we know now that the grave can be opened for us. The next package has a Bible, in it. In Luke 24:27, we read concerning the Lord Jesus: "And beginning at Psalm 145:10. A ll th y w orks shall praise "thee, O Lord ; and th y saints shall bless thee. 11 Th ey shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and ta lk of th y power; 12 To make known to the sons of men his m ighty acts, and the glorious m ajesty of his kingdom. 13 T h y kingdom Is an everlasting king ­ dom, and th y dominion endureth through­ out all generations. 14 The Lord upholdeth all that fa ll, and raiseth up all those that be bowed down. 15 The eyes of all w ait upon thee; and thou givest them th eir meat In due sea­ son. 16 Thou openest thine hand, and satls- fiest the desire of every living thing. 17 The Lord is righteous In all his w ays, and holy in all his w orks. 18 The Lord Is nigh unto all them that call upon him , to all that call upon him In truth. 19 He w ill fu lfill the desire of them that fear him : he also Will hear th eir cry, and w ill save them. LE S S O N T E X T : Psa. 145:10-19. G O LD EN T E X T : “ T h y kingdom Is an everlasting kingdom, and th y dominion en­ dureth throughout all g e n e rato rs” (P sa. 145:13). D E V O T IO N A L R E A D IN G : Psa. 119:153- 160.

hand in his own, and by the look of kindly interest in his eyes, encouraged him to make a still more intimate re­ quest. This time he asked for the privilege of laying his head upon the master’s breast that he might hear the throb of his heart; for, surely, he thought, an inspiration like this would strengthen and equip him for his life’s ambition. When the young man’s head had been drawn/ down by the mighty genius Upon his bosom arid held there for a momefit with tender sympathetic hands, he stepped proudly back, and standing erect, he. said, “Now I go : back to paint on my canvas .forever ’ proudly, because the breath i of the master has been upon my, head.” . Is it not thus wi£h us, when we come into the presence of the great Author and Finisher of our faith, Jesus Christ? Jesus Lives M atthew 28:1-8 MEMORY VERSE: “He is not here: for he is risen” (Matt.'28:6). AIM: To teach the resurrection truth and the happiness it brings as we, tell it to others. APPROACH: Usually we think of secrets as belonging only to Christ­ sad. Their best Friend, the Lord Jesus, had been nailed to a cross by wicked men, and had died. Jesus’ friends did not understand then that the Son of God had to die in order to forgive the sin that is in the w o r l d ; in their hearts, in your heart, in mine, in everybody’s (cf. Rom. 3:23; I Pet. 2:24). They Just knew that they loved Jesus and were lonely when He was not with them., It was early on a Sunday morning, before daylight, that they heard the secret. (See John 20.) Some of the friends of Jesus had gone to the place where His body had been laid. They did not expect to see Him, for a great stone had been rolled against the opening of the grave. When they got to the place, they were surprised to see that the stc:ie was rolled away and an angel was sitting on it! (Read verse 2.) The angel told the secret. He said to the frightened people, “Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: mas o r birthdays. But .today we have an E a s t e r secret, and it tells us how to be h a p p y al­ ways. LESSON STORY: The first persons to whom t h i s secret was w h i s p e r e d long ago were very

Moses and all the prophets, he ex­ pounded unto them in all- the Scrip­ tures the things concerning himself.” We should be thankful that Jesus opened the Scriptures. You are wondering what we will find in this package. Eyes that are opened! In Luke 24:31, we are told that “their eyes were opened, and they knew him-” The next package has a heart with a door in it. The Lord Jesus knew that the two disciples did not under­ stand as they should; so He opened their understanding that they might understand the’ Scriptures. * An open mouth is in this box. The resurrection of Christ opened the mouths of the disciples in praise and testimony. The last box has a gold card, rep­ resenting heaven, in which there is a door. The Lord Jesus Christ, in His resurrection, opened the door Into heaven for us, for we read, “He was parted from them, and carried up into heaven” (Lk. 24:51). Each time we see a package, every one of us should remember those things which Christ opens for. all who believe in Him. Outline and Exposition I. T he L ord ’ s K ingdom (10-13) T HE PSALM begins with the high of the praise is the majesty of the Lord’s person, which is incomprehen­ sible to any human mind. Referring to believers, the statement is made: “They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power” (vs. 11, 12). The glory of that kingdom is the subject of the pro­ phets who wrote of its character, ex­ tent, and its blessings for all peoples. The glory is always connected with the King, who is our Lord Jesus Christ and who will come again to earth. It is His glory that gives character to the kingdom, as it is His power that

APRIL 8, 1945 THE BOOK OF OUR FAITH P salm 145; P roverbs 2:1-9; 2 C orinthians ' 3:1-8; 2 P eter 1:21

resolve to offer acceptable praise to God, and ends with the reasons for that praise. The subje

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