King's Business - 1945-03



As long as there were men of God to follow, the people appeared to be following the Lord, blit they really were following only the human lead­ ers. When the men passed away ,who had been iii-touch with the Lord, the people promptly forgot their God. This has a solemn message for us today. II. T he E vil A ction (11, 12) When Joshtia and his .associates died, it was revealed that the good­ ness which' the people had manifested was merely outward;,their hearts had not been touched with a realization of the authority of God. They “forsook” the Lord God of their fathers” and be­ came idolators following “ the gods of the people . that were round about them.” This condition might not have occurred had Israel obeyed the Lord and exterminated the Idolators from the land. But now the fruits of former disobedience appeared, and the ^people “provoked the Lord to anger” by serv­ ing Baal (speaking of power and vio­ lence), and Ashtaroth (speaking of fruitfulness and corruption). Man must worship, because he has a sense of the existence of a supreme being. This sense may be obliterated, but it takes reasoning to do it. Athe­ ism must be cultivated; it is not nat­ ural to men. And even atheism is a religion because it involves worship— the worship, virtually, of the man him­ self. III. T he G racious C ompassion (18, 19) Because of the evil of the people the Lord permitted enemies to oppress them. When the bondage became un­ bearable they cried to the Lord, and He raised up judges, or deliverers. But the people soon turned again to their idols;'bringing further discipline upon themselves. Again and again this process oc-

curred, and repeatedly God saved Israel. But the solemn, word is that “the Lord was with the judge.” It does not Say He was with the people, though the people were delivered. “It repented the Lord because of their groanings.” There are two words for “repent” in the Old Testament, used twelve times of God and five times of men. One word means “to' be sorry,” “to be grieved,” or “to pity” ; the other word means “to turn about,” or “to plead.” The former word is' the one used in this passage: “the Lord repented” ; or was grieved. The people also “repented,” but in the sense of turning about or away. They turned from God to their idolatry; they turned to God in their distress; but alas, they “repented” and turned from God in their deliverance. IV. T he C all of G ideon (6:11-16) When Israel again cried for deliver- anee, the Lord chose Gideon to be the judge or deliverer of his people. The angel of the Lord appeared to him, saying, “The Lord is with thee.” But Gideon replied in effect, “ ‘If the -Lord be with us,’ why are we in distress? ‘The Lord hath forsaken us’.” The truth was that the people had forsaken Him. When Gideon heard the word, “Go in this thy might,” he answered some­ thing like this: "How shall I, Tam the least . . . my family is poor’.” The “I”—small or great—is the chief hin­ drance to service for the Lord and en­ joyment of Him. It is not who I am that should be thought of when we are before God, but who Thou art. Even a feeble understanding of who it is who 'is the Lord will relieve one 1 of much of the hesitancy and ineffec­ tiveness of service for God. The Lord gave His promise, “I will be with thee, and thou shalt smite the Midianites as one man.” 'Gideon could go in that strength, and in like manner can each believer go into the service of the Lord. , Points and Problems . 1. "Went every man unto his in­ heritance to possess the land" (Judg. 2:6). In order that the entire land might be possessed without confusion, God saw that, through Joshua, the. land was carefully divided. In this" way Israel’s riches could be appreci­ ated, and a varied service would be available to all the tribes. No part of the land would be neglected, and different types of work would be af­ forded due to the different kinds of land. Likewise today God has an or­ dered plan for His children. Not all are called to labor ip the same field nor to do the same kind of work. Varied work is suited to varied capabilities. But He is expecting each of His ser-

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