King's Business - 1945-03


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Ruth began in the right way by thinking first of the heavenly Father, and loving Him. Then she did some­ thing else. She looked around for work to do that w o u l d help her mother. “I can go to the fields,” she said, “and work with the ..reapers, gathering up the grain.” In those days farm workers had no machinery such as they have today. (Show pictures.) R u t h went to a field owned by a man named Boaz. The Lord whispered to the man’s heart and told him that he should be spe­ cially kind to Ruth, and he was (2: 8-17). Ruth did not receive any money as pay, but she did receive a nice basket­ ful of grain. She took it right home to Mother Naomi, and they shared it with each other. Their little home was full of joy, for they knew the Lord had been good to them. Ruth was more glad than ever that she had decided to trust Him. Every daughter—and every son— who loves and trusts the Lord Jesus will be glad.

■ ^ I I È A T Û î î Ç Q î i Ç ï l

S u m m et C ^ s e s TrainformaximumserviceNOW and after the war.With accelerated courses you can earn degree in 3 calendar years. Complete college program. Ideal location, ample rec­ reation, stimulating Christian fellowship:

Inter-Sessionwith Chris­ tian Workers Institute June 12-22. Two 4-week Summer Terms start June 23 and July 21.

Object Lesson l A T alking T elescope

Writ« forhullotin—addrost DIRECTOR OP THE SUMMER SCHOOL Box KS-35 Wheaton HI.

OBJECT: A paper telescope. (Use a piece of adding machine paper 2% inches wide by 7 feet long. Roll tight­ ly until the diameter is approximately 1% inches. Paste the end of the paper on the outside, to keep it from un: rolling. Print the word “ISRAEL” on the roll. Place your fjnger inside the roll and pull down until the telescope is approximately 24 inches long. Print down from the word “ISRAEL” the word “JOSHUA” ; push the telescope back together, and pull it out again in the opposite direction, with the small end up. Beginning near the top, print down toward the word “ISRAEL” the word “JUDGES.” ) LESSON: We shall again let the telescope talk to us this morning. You can see some things with the aid of a telescope which you could not see otherwise. The roll of paper from Which the telescope will come has the word “ISRAEL" printed on it. As we open the telescope, you will notice the. word “ISRAEL” goes up, and the word “JOSHUA” appears. Joshua was a great leader, for we read, “And the people ‘served the Lord all the days of Joshua, and all the days of the elders that outlived Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord, that he did for Israel” (Judg. 2:7). Israel went up in the days of Joshua. (Push the telescope back together.] I am sorry to tell you that all the days of Israel were not days during which the nation went up, for we read, “And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim: And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt,. and followed other gods” (Judg. 2:11,12). Watch what happened in the days of the Judges. (Pull the'inside of the telescope up, a l l o w i n g the word “ISRAEL” to lower. “ISRAEL” is-going- down, and the word "JUDGES” shows on the telescope. The days of the Judges were days of danger for Israel, because they turned from serving the Lord their God. The days in which, we live are.dan­ gerous days also. Men of God are needed to call men and nations back to God. Young people and children too fiave their place to fill in God’s pur­ pose.

CHOIR GOWNS PULPIT ROBES Vestments * Hangings * Stoles embroideries. Etc. NSW CATALOG on Request or

Dr. Frank H. Guernsey OPTOMETRIST . 711 Park Central Bids. 412 West Sixth Street, Near Hill


YAndike 1928

Los Angeles, 14


3 0 M I L L I ON B I BLE S w ill be needed to supply Russians within the U.S.S.R. after the war ends. The R.M.S. printed the largest edition ever issued (81,000) in Russian which is exhausted. NOW WE NEED tens of thousands of Russian New Testa­ ments and Psalms for prisoners in Internment camps to read and take back to.Russia after the armistice. The work is productive and profitable. In World War I—646 Russian soldiers were converted in one camp alone; thousands all told. Our missionary in Paris writes üs: “I have sent out 500 Russian Bibles to camps in Germany and France.” Further informa­ tion in the “Friend of Russians,” sample free on request. How many Russians will you send back to Russia as Christians? Send your gifts for this great work to the RUSSIAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY, Inc. 1844 W. Monroe St.f Room 2, Chicago I2f III— Rev. F. J. Miles, International Secretary In Canada: 106 Winnett AYe., Toronto 10, Ont.

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