King's Business - 1945-03

March, 1945


For Men in and Others too! SERVICE* Five NEW TRACTS . . . Appealing messages of amazing power. Beautifully printed ln^* national colors. True soul-winners. Popular in - Camps and Overseas. Samples FREE. . Order NOW—have on hand when needed. Only 8c a doz.; 50c.a 100. Write today. Dépt. Faith, Prayer & Tract League KB2, Muskegon Heights, Mich culties that others bring us. But let us look upon these as instructors, as opportunities of proving * how Jesus is all to us, and our own pleasure or honor is nothing. Thus humiliations are what He allows to bring us low, that we may decrease. When we are nothing, the power and presence of Christ become our portion, and this is the secret of real inward happiness. 2. Christ humbled Himself; therefore God exalted Him. Over and over God commands: “Humble yourself.” That is our job; His is the “exaltation.” You see, we work by self and its strength under the name of faith. We rejoice in self, its accomplishments, its holiness, or goodness. Humility is to count self nothing. What depth of pride, what unwillingness to count oneself -nothing, we realize! Remember the law of nature? Acts persistently repeated produce habits, and habits beget dispositions. These strengthen or form the will (rightly formed will is character). Humble yourself, and He who works both to will and to do, comes-in to the humble heart with “more grace,” and power for the One who is willing to stoop for Him—how He stooped for us on Calvary! The exaltation? The highest glory of the creature is to receive, enjoy, and show forth the glory of the Creator. Water always first fills the lower place; the emptier the vessel the fuller the inflow. The exaltation is not an external thing apart from Himself. The greatest reward He can give is more of Himself. APRIL 15, 1945 HARNESSING MY EMOTIONS What do we usually think of when we think of harnesses? Horses, and .harnesses go together, do they not?- One isn’t of much value without the other, and neither is able to produce anything without someone to take the reins and direct the energy into a productive channel. This is true of Christians, too. We have within our beings storehouses of emotions; energies which may be manifested in one of two ways: either as the "works of the flesh” or as the "fruit of the Spirit,” "The Spirit... G alatians 5 : 19-24; C olossians 3:8-15 By Nettie N. Campbell

quickeneth; the flesh profiteth noth­ ing” (John 6:63). Which shall it be? Today we shall consider a few ques­ tions which concern this important matter of harnessing our emotions. For Those Who Have Topics I. HOW? We cannot begin to harness the old nature until we are possessors of the new. There would be nothing from which to make a harness; no one to hold the reins. The Christian’s harness is the everlasting, infallible, and com­ plete Word of the living God. Some people are fooling themselves into be­ lieving they can take a piece of God’s Word here and there, piece it together, and make a sort of make-shift “moral” harness with which to glorify the flesh. But flesh is flesh, and it never can be anything else. “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the king­ dom of God” (John 3:3). We need to be masters in handling God’s Word; know it, teach it, live it. Get the har­ ness on right (2 Tim. 2:15). Yield the reins moment by moment to the con­ trolling influence of the Holy Spirit; we cannot trust the flesh for any­ thing, at any time. God has promised to guide us with His eye. Growth in grace and knowledge of our Lord is not accomplished over night. The study of God’s Word is a lifetime pro­ position. The more we give ourselves to it, the more its value will be seen. The slogan of the dietician is: “We are what we eat.” This is true of the spiritual as well ds the physical body. What are you eating? What did you eat- today? “By their fruits ye shall know'them” (Matt. 7:20). We can not eat sawdust and live; neither can we feed on worldly husks and expect to manifest the fruit of the Spirit. II. WHY? God says His work is accomplished, “Not by might, nor by power, but by

FLANOBLOT FIGURES Adhere to /’ycfiir Flannel Board without flannel backing. New . . . unique. Beautifully, printed in full colors .to stress Gospel Message •of Uniform Lessons, Two scenes for each les'sop - .■ . . nearly 300 cut-outs: scenes, groups and figures. Send for free circular today, .Or . returnable sample set, 13 lessons, 26 scenes, only- $2. GOSPEL FOLIO PRESS Dept. K , Grand Rapids 3, Mich. R E A L E S T A T E Property Management - Insurance See with confidence- J. G. VOGET Notary Public - Licensed. Broker 4501 W. Pico Blvd. Phones: RO: 4781 Los Angeles 16, Calif. WA. 4347 TENNESSEE MOUNTAIN MISSION (Undenom inational Faith Mission) Thousands of poor mountain boys and girls are destitute of the Word of Life. In one County alone 198 were won to Christ through Bible Memory Program in schools and homes. Awards offered; final award. week at' camp. Pray *for this needy field. . . , _ , .-/• ;• - ' Write ** R E V . A . J . LE V EN G O O D Box 45 Dayton. Tennessee NEW SONGS!

64 pages, 50c, 10 for $3.50. NEW Hymns & Solos, 25 yrs. in writing. 58 songs, 36 chor­ uses, 6 Spirit­ uals, by Evan­ gelist Joseph T. Larson, Author, 2410 Pleasanton Ave., B o i s e , Idaho. List of 6 other books offered on re­ quest. C o in - m e n d e d by Haldor Lillenas and Dr. Arthur W. McKee.

Please Pray for the Ministry of The King's Business. Commemorate Easter by Distributing this Soul-Winning Booklet R e a s o n W h y By R. A. Laidlaw of Auckland, N. Z.

Read th is reasonable, straightforw ard message of a successful busi­ ness man who accepts C h rist and KN OW S w h y. D istribute it as thousands have . . . w idely and enthusiastically . . . to the blessing of many and the enriching of their own sours. Now in its TENTH MILLION- Printed in 30 Languages G reatly used of God among our armed services in all parts of the world. Chaplains te stify to its eager reception and th eir nedd of more copies. M issionaries, Colporteurs and soul-winner-s acclaim Its popularity and power to reach and convict all classes of people.

R . A . Laidlaw

From under the Southern Cross in fa r aw ay New Zealand has come this outstanding Gospel message of our day to stir hearts and w in souls. O riginally w ritten by the head of a business for his own organization, it has gone into all the world spreading the knowledge of salvation.

F R E E Big c a t a l o g of B E S T in Christian lite ratu re ; also in ­ formation on this 30-yr. faith work.

Do not m iss its close reasoning and sound Bible truth . . . w ill make you a stronger C h ristia n *. . . more able to help others. E N G L IS H E D IT IO N 64 pages, strong blue paper, covers, pocket size. Our .price only 3c each, 30c a Doz., $2.50 a 100. Order T O D A Y From WESTERN BOOK AND TRACT CO., INC. Dept. K L , 1719 Fran klin Street Dr. H . A . Ironside, Pres.

Oakland 12, California;

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