King's Business - 1945-03



all the religions of centuries have not been able to give the answer. Christ it, the only door of escape from this fearful darkness. Let us choose this day the path of faith that leads to eternal life! II. DEFEAT OR LIFE VICTORIOUS. 1. For those who choose Christ, life is never static (Phil. 3:13-15). Paul was not looking back, but rather pres­ sing on toward the goal. In Christ we have before us the wonderful possi­ bility of a life yielded to Him, but again we must make up our own minds. We must choose to let either sin or Christ reign over us. God does not compel: His Holy Spirit leads. To press on with Him involves the sur­ render of our will, but this does not crush the will out of existence. Our bodies have not been redeemed yet from the possibility of sin. There are many things that of themselves are not evil, but when natural desires are yielded to in s e 1f-w i l l or self-in­ dulgence, sin uses_ the desires of the body to assert its power and establish its reign as king in our lives.1 2. Paul reveals to us God’s plan for a victorious life (Rom. 6:4-13). We are identified with Christ not only in His death unto sin, but also in His resurrection life. Christ died not only for sins; but also He died unto sin! Therefore we are saved from both the penalty of sin and the power of sin. We must accept by faith the fact that our old relationship to sin was com­ pletely done away when we were identified with Christ in His death unto sin. God declares us f r e e from sin itself. Therefore, there should be no more self-condemnation or dejection when we see our old selves, for God Himself tells us that the old relation­ ship has been broken, and that we now stand in a new relationship to Christ in the power of His resurrection life. Were the hub of a wheel to be taken away, no power could be trans­ mitted. Christ is the hub of our wheel, and all our efforts must center' in Him. A Christ-centered life can go forward to accomplish great things for Him. This life must be accomplished through the Spirit, for in Him only lies the power. "The spiritual l i f e , ” says Lewis Sperry Chafer, "is nothing but a life adjusted to the Holy Spirit within us.” But the Holy Spirit cannot apply the power of Christ to our daily life until we definitely choose to yield our wills to Him in complete obedience to His leading. As we realize that sin has no more dominion over us, and press for­ ward, yielding to the Holy Spirit, our lifq will be one that will exalt Christ before our fellow men.

my Spirit” (Zech. 4:6), Therefore, un­ less we, as His children, are manifest­ ing the fruit of the Spirit, how will the work of the kingdom be accomp­ lished and the lost come, to know Him? Since we are the sole agents for the propagation of this glorious gospel, we have, great and serious respon­ sibilities. We are responsible to Him, “who hath called [us] out of dark­ ness into his marvelous light.” Likewise we are responsible to the lost as ambassadors of Christ. In view of all this, do you not think we ought to live and walk on earth just as we would were we r walking the streets of heaven? God expects this of His redeemed ones. Let us harness our emotions, allowing Him to work in us "that which is well-pleasing in his Sight.” Israel, chosen of God as a special people, yet trodden down by slavery in Egypt, has left behind her this land of bondage, her years of re­ bellion and wandering in the wilder­ ness, and under the able leadership of Joshua has entered into full posses­ sion of the land of promise. Joshua, the instrument of God to lead His children, has performed his task well, and now, about to depart and be with the Lord, he gives unto the children of Israel his last charge (Josh. 24:14, 15. We find revealed in the Word two paths available to all mankind (Rom. 6:16). Even as to the children of Israel, the. question comes to us: “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” For Those Who Have Topics I. DEATH OR LIFE ETERNAL. 1. The Word tells us that we are all sinners without exception (Rom. 3:23; Jer. 17:9), and if we sin we are the bondservants of sin (John 5:24). Sin results in death, for sih is a terrible paymaster (Ront. 6:23). 2. God not only has revealed the fact of sin, but also the fact of salva­ tion from that sin. He has shown us the signposts (Prov. 14:12; John 14:6) along the way, one pointing to death, the other to eternal life, but it is up to us to choose the way we will go (Matt. 7:13, 14). For centuries the world has been seeking for the way of victpry over death, evil spirits, the things that tor­ ment and fill men’s hearts with fear. All the philosophies qf the world and • APRIL 22, 1945 MAKING UP MY OWN MIND J oshua 24:14, 15; P hilippians 3:13-15 By Muriel Paulson Taggart

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